Hi I am a taxi licensing officer in the UK. Can anyone tell me whether the polish licence has a paper part, like the UK one. Also, is there a 'points' system for speeding etc that is recorded on a paper part? If not, how do you check if someone has points, or motoring convictions?
Have you tried asking your local constabulary? As a Taxi licensing officer you might suggest to your boss that all applicants are required to hold an UK driving license, this isn’t much messing around for an EU citizen.
Anyway as far as I know, based on my girlfriends licence and explanation, there’s not paper counterpart for the Polish driving licence, I presume that driving convictions must be stored on a government database that Polish police can access to ensure the driver is legal?
Any driver can check his/her record at your local police station with some prove of identity. I'm not sure you can check someone else record.
There is a point system and the ultimate maximum is 24 points (20pts for younger drivers). For having no seatbelts on there is just 3 points penalty that goes onto your record. Police cars have access to database as well, if not they do make a call to check you out.
Thank you both for your help. Holders of EEC area drivers licences have the same right to apply for a taxi licence in the UK as the holder of any UK licence, so we can't require them to hold a UK licence. Something to do with the free movement of labour in the EU apparently :).
If there is no paper part, how do you find out what the list headings mean? 1. is obviously surname, 2. is first names, 3. is I think date of birth. 4a.? Is this date of first grant, date of renewal or date of expiry? I have no idea what 4b. , 4c., 4d., 5., 8., or 9. mean (7. is driver signature). How do you tell whether a licence is full or provisional, and how do you tell what class of vehicles they are entitled to drive?
Thanks again for your help, and for your tolerance at me posting in the wrong sub-forum
1. Nazwisko 2. Imię/imiona 3. data i miejsce urodzenia 4a data wydania prawa jazdy - date of issue 4b. ważność prawa jazdy - validity date 4c. organ wydający prawo jazdy - who issued DL 5. numer prawa jazdy - DL number 7. podpis właściciela 9. kategoria/kategorie prawa jazdy tył - back side 9. kategorie 10. data wydania kategorii 11. data ważności kategorii 12. zastrzeżenia (numer) 13. ograniczenia
Hi - I'm half polish, half english and want to sit my test in warsaw. I was told that to take the test, I need the PESEL from my polsih passport and Dowod osobisty - i speak polish and have lived in warsaw for many years but am not 'za meldowana' anywhere and my passport expired. help!?
In order to renew your passport just simply go to a polish embassy/consulate with your expired passport and any and all ID you have. Now to get a dowod osobisty you need to get yourself "za meldowana" somewhere in poland. Maybe you still have some family in poland where you can za meldowac sie.