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Variations of the verb Chodzić

ranrod  6 | 35  
3 Apr 2014 /  #1
What I have thus far:

chodzić = walk
wychodzić = to leave
wchodzić = to climb (ladder)
obchodzić = to walk around something / circumvent, celebrate (nie obchodzę walentynek), care about (co to mnie obchodzi?)
odchodzić = to deviate from, depart from
przychodzić = to come
przechodzić = to walk through
podchodzić = to climb up (mountain, stairs) (podchodzę pod górę)
schodzić = to climb down (mountain, stairs)
zachodzić = take place, arise, set(sun) (zachodzi słoneczko), ile razy zachodzi potrzeba = as often as need arises (is needed)
pochodzić = derive from, descend from, come from
nachodzić = intrude on, haunt

Because 'pod' can mean 'under', podchodzę pod górę is horribly counter-intuitive. I under walk under the mountain = I climb up the mountain??? I've also heard another one of the chodzić forms for "climbing up the mountain" but can't remember which one(s). Can wchodzić be used?

Is wchodzić used for anything other than climbing a ladder/stairs?
Not sure when someone would use pochodzić. For walking down stairs/mountain I'd use schodzić or pochodzić? Examples appreciated :)
I haven't seen obchodzić used for the "walk around/circumvent" meaning. Do people use it?
For "he has arrived" would I say "on już przychodził" Can I say, "On przybył"

Wlodzimierz  4 | 539  
3 Apr 2014 /  #2
Obchodzić święto = to celebrate a holday/festival (among those definitions)

"przybyć" means "to arrive"/"come", inspecific, but probably on foot in formal Polish. Otherwise "przyjść" (perfective)/"przychodzić" (imperfective). Polish is pretty specific in this way (like Russian) compared with English:

"I CAME by air." "I CAME by car." etc... In Polish "przylecieć" (perfective - dokonany)/przylatać (imperfective - niedokonany) = to arrive by flight, "przyjechać" (perfective)/przyjeżdzić (imperfective) = to arrive by car, train etc..
OP ranrod  6 | 35  
3 Apr 2014 /  #3
doesn't on przyszedł mean 'he arrived' by foot, as opposed to car, air, boat, etc?
Since przybyć is more neutral, would I sound weird if I use it for all cases?

What are the transport verb groups in polish:
chodzić/iść/pojść = by foot?
llatać/lecieć/polecieć = by air
pływać/płynąć/popłynąć = by water
jeżdzić/jechać/pojechać = by land vehicle
Can't remember others, but I think 'to slither like a snake' is one of them.
Astoria  - | 153  
3 Apr 2014 /  #4
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539  
3 Apr 2014 /  #5
"chodzić" is always "iterative", "iść" indeterminate and "pójść" determinate in Polish!

Chodzę do szkoły. (codziennie = every day), Idę do szkoły. (teraz = now) and Pójdę do szkoły. (jutro, później, w przyszłości = tomorrow, later [on], in future)
3 Apr 2014 /  #6
podchodzę pod górę is horribly counter-intuitive. I under walk under the mountain = I climb up the mountain??

I think this means that you're underneath the mountain so to speak, and about to start climbing it. I'm not Polish though and am learning myself, so if anyone Polish is reading this, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I've also heard another one of the chodzić forms for "climbing up the mountain" but can't remember which one(s). Can wchodzić be used?

Wchodzę na górę - I climb up the mountain, or for example to a top floor flat in a tower block.
If I was just going upstairs i would be inclined to say idę do góry.

Not sure when someone would use pochodzić.

Pochodzę po sklepach - I walk around the shops. This is more of a general term, I'm not walking around looking for a specific shop.

It can also be used when someone asks where you are from:
Pochodzę z Gdańska - I come from Gdańsk.

For walking down stairs/mountain I'd use schodzić or pochodzić? Examples appreciated :)

Schodzić for climbing down e.g Schodzę z góry/drabiny - I climb down the mountain/ladder
Or just idę na dół - I go down

Can't help with the rest I'm afraid. Hopefully I haven't made any glaring mistakes, but this is good practice for me as well :)
OP ranrod  6 | 35  
3 Apr 2014 /  #7
Thanks for all the replies. Here's an updated list in case anyone is interested:

chodzić, iść = walk

wychodzić, wyjść = to leave

wchodzić, wejść = to climb. wchodzę na górę = I walk up the mountain.

obchodzić, obejść = to walk around, circumvent. celebrate. care about. obchodzę park = I walked around the park. Obchodzę urodziny (I celebrate my birthday)

odchodzić, odejść = to deviate from, depart from. to die: Dziadek odszedł (umarł) = (Our) grandfather has left us (died). Mój mąż odszedł = my husband left me.

przychodzić, przyjść = to come. Przyidziesz do mnie na moment? = Can you come to me for a moment?

przechodzić, przejść = to walk through

podchodzić, podejść = to climb up (mountain, stairs). to come closer: podchodzę blisko sceny = walked up to the stage. podchodzę pod górę = walked up the mountain.

schodzić, zejść = to climb down (mountain, stairs). schodzę na dół = I'm walking down. Schodzę z góry/drabiny - I climb down the mountain/ladder

zachodzić, zajść = to arise, set(sun) (zachodzi słoneczko). To visit (traditional meaning). zachodzę w ciążę = I got pregnant. kiedy zachodzi potrzeba = when the need arises.

pochodzić, N/A = derive from, descend from, come from. to walk a little. pochodzę z Polski = my roots are in Poland (come from). wczoraj pochodziłem trochę po parku = Yesterday I walked a little bit in the park. Pochodzę po sklepach = I walk around the shops (not to a specific one)

nachodzić, najść = to intrude on. nachodzić kogoś = to intrude on someone. nachodzić na siebie = to overlap. Policjant nachodzi mnie = police burst in on me.

nadchodzić, nadejść = to approach. Be on one's way. Nadchodzi burza = storm is on it's way (here). Nadchodzi wiosna = spring is coming.

dochodzić, dojść = to get as far as, to reach, accomplish, really close but not there. Also, the moment right before the orgasm (sorry for the crassness)

rozchodzić, rozejść = disperse, diverge. Ludzie rozchodzi się = the people dispersed. Proszę się rozejść = please disperse. A potem rezeszliśmy się do domów = and then we all split up to our homes.

uchodzić, ujść = walk a bit, walk off, withdraw, avoid, escape. uchodźca z Somali = escaped from Somalia = Somalian refugee. To escape (from represion, physical agression). ujść z życiem = escaped with with my life = I barely made it out alive.

wschodzić, wzejść = arise (sun, moon), sprout (grain). wschodząca gwiazda muzyki pop = a rising pop music star.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
3 Apr 2014 /  #8
Is wchodzić used for anything other than climbing a ladder/stairs?

wchodzić/wejść means also to enter (walk into = w + chodzić) also in figurative meanings (Wchodzę w ten biznes)
Wlodzimierz  4 | 539  
17 Apr 2014 /  #9
Think in terms of e.g. "zachod" (the Occident = the West, land(s) of the setting sun) vs. "wschod" (the Orient = the East, the land(s) of the rising sun).

In Czech incidentally "zachód" means an outhouseLOL What a hoot!!!
cinek  2 | 347  
18 Apr 2014 /  #10
chodzić, iść = walk

- to go (regularly, e.g. to school) - chodzę do szkoły - I go to school
- to work (about a mechanical device) - e.g. ten zegarek nie chodzi - this watch is not working

wychodzić, wyjść = to leave

- to do something well - e.g. ten rysunek mi wyszedł (also udał się) = the picture I made is good
- in fixerd phrase "wychodzić za mąż" = to marry (about a woman only, for man you'll say 'ożenić się')

wchodzić, wejść = to climb. wchodzę na górę = I walk up the mountain.

- to enter, also in some fixed phrases like; wchodzić w biznes, wchodzić w konszachty, wchodzić w towarzystwo, wchodzić w relacje, wchodzić w układy, wchodzić w skład etc..

przechodzić, przejść = to walk through

- to cease/stop/end - kaszel mi przeszedł = I have no cough any more
- to go past something - przeszedłem obok sklepu - I walked past a shop

podchodzić, podejść = to climb up (mountain, stairs). to come closer: podchodzę blisko sceny = walked up to the stage. podchodzę pod górę = walked up the mountain.

- to be accepted/liked by someone (about a thing, food etc.) - ta zupa mi nie podchodzi = I don't like this soup

schodzić, zejść = to climb down (mountain, stairs). schodzę na dół = I'm walking down. Schodzę z góry/drabiny - I climb down the mountain/ladder

- to disappear, to come out of sth. - gdy wyprałem sweter to wszystkie plamy zeszły = when I washed the sweeter all stains came out of it.

- to die - where is Zeb? Zeb's dead = gdzie jest Zeb? Zeb zszedł..

RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
18 Apr 2014 /  #11
there is also "chadzać" (like: chadzam do sklepu)- which means to go sporadically, not often, irregularly.

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