Add to the list "Buna ziua!", "Buna soara!"
I need to correct you a little: "Bună seara" , italian: Bona sera, french (bleahh) : Bon soir.
Soare = Sun in romanian. Do you know we have the persoanal name :Sorin very similar with scaninavian Soren?
It it considered to be a derivate from Soare (Sun in romanian).Eg.: Un soare (singular: one sun), Doi sori (two suns).Sori+n= Sorin.
Also you know romanians are the genuine descendents from thracians/dacian (traci/daci in romanian) and i found on internet that swedish people also consider themselves descends of thracians.
Unfortunatelly i am sad that until now , no one has found (or maybe it is hided from politically reasons) inscriptions in dacian/thracian language.
Romanians were a big people came from thracins but unfortunatelly we are majority only in Romania (Dacia) and Basarabia (Republica Moldova) also a part of Dacia.
South Europe became slavian and greek, and only a few islands (insule, ostroave) of romanians remained, but over 1 million isolated romanians which dont have any cultural and linguistic rights.
I personally consider that thracian language is the descendat of first (indo)european language :hittite, and was similar partial with latin,slavian, greek, and germanic languages, thats why romanian language has all those simultan origins: latin, slavian, few germanic and greek.
For example slavian word "liubliu" =liebe (in german), iubire (in romanian), love (in english) is an indoeuropean common word in many languages.
Also > Trei (in romanian, also popular speach: tri) ,three (in english), tri (in slavian languages), drei (in german),etc.
Tata/patir (proto-celtic)= Tata (in romanian), pater (latin), father (english)--->Romanian preserved cletic origianl form (maybe dacians were related with celts)
Proto-celtic :Busu =Buza (in romanian) , Buze (albanian), means lips in english.
I am disturbed by hungarians extremists and their fake history invented against our history. They say we are not dacians, but romans and slavs. So a new-come people in Europe "teach" us that we are not whom we believe and know we are, for a nationalistic extremist ego, and political interest of Hungary.
To be continued.....
Proto-celtic: luta= lut (romanian)
laxto =lapte (romanian) ,lacte (latina)= milk(english)
mlig-e/= lapte (romanian), mleka (slavian). So proto-celtic has 2 or 3 words for the same meaning.(e.g.: laxto=mleg, tata=patir) page 78.
dant = dinte (romanian), dente (latin), tooth (english) or we have "dantura" (all teeth)= dentition (in english) .
Nok, noxto = noapte (romanian) , Nocte (latin), Noc (slavian), nacht (german), night (english).
Romanian language replaced "c" with "p" :NoCtem--->NoaPte
PeCtum--->PiePt (Chest), FaCtum--->FaPt, Octo=Opt,etc.
d--->z e.g. latin: "Decem"--->"Zece" Română (romanian) (old romanian: dece, middle:"dzece" similar with polish, new romanian :zece)
"Dia"----> Ziua(old romanian "diua", middle time "dziua", new romanian: ziua)