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Polish saying about spider webs?

12 Jan 2012 /  #1
my mother used to have a saying, upon seeing a spider web, that God blesses your house if a spider makes a web in it? thats a loose translation. does anyone know the real saying?
Artur  - | 13  
27 Mar 2012 /  #2
This is one of the real saying ;) Other people often say that spider in house means happiness in house. Instead of happiness (or in addition to it) you can hear the other words like well-being, welfare, safety.
cinek  2 | 347  
28 Mar 2012 /  #3
that God blesses your house if a spider makes a web in it

Błogosławiony dom w którym pająki są.

whatever that means.... ;-)

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
28 Mar 2012 /  #4
Just so long as the spider is not black widow or brown recluse.
polishmama  3 | 279  
28 Mar 2012 /  #5
I think it goes back to pagan times, spiders by some cultures were seen as blessings from God. You can see why, if you have no glass windows, spiders eat mosquitos and flies, the two bugs that spread the most diseases.
28 Mar 2012 /  #6
probably just about on topic, i hope! as far as i am concerned, the only good spider is a dead one. they terrify me. my ex -neighbours lived close to the ukranian border, and if i understood them correctly, every autumn(usually october i think) spiders would spin a single line from trees, plants etc to their web. what i think they were trying to say, is that with the weather getting colder and wetter, raindrops collected on the lines, and the lines looked pretty. anyone else heard of this? probably havent explained this too well.
pawian  224 | 27236  
28 Mar 2012 /  #7
my mother used to have a saying, upon seeing a spider web, that God blesses your house if a spider makes a web in it? thats a loose translation. does anyone know the real saying?

I don`t know the Polish saying/proverb but we have always treated home spiders with reverence. I forbid to kill them and when my wife runs into one in the kitchen or bathtub, I scoop it delicately into a glass and release in my room (if it`s small or medium sized) or onto a balcony (if it is really big). Spiders are good. For a few moths we fed a toilet pet spider with moths and flies.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Mar 2012 /  #8
that's so nice Pawian, we do the same. there was a spider above my bed for a few weeks, I got quite fond of him/her and was very sad when it moved on.

Then yesterday I saw one running into the house through the front door ahead of me and it seemed a good sign after a very bad winter. They eat flies!! What's not to like?

So good to hear that there are really good luck sayings about these delightful animals.
I simply cannot understand those women who start screaming and spraying them with hairspray etc., they have the cutest faces...the spiders that is...
I might feel differently if I lived in Australia I suppose......
29 Mar 2012 /  #9
What's not to like?

8 legs to start with....plus they just appear out of nowhere and move far too quickly! havent actuallly killed one yet, as am so afraid of them. i usually knock on neighbours doors to get them to remove them. i cant actually go near them.i start to sweat and shake. i have a phobia with spiders..big style!
pawian  224 | 27236  
29 Mar 2012 /  #10
So the girl I photographed at Insect Fair in Krakow a few years ago definitely isn`t you!
29 Mar 2012 /  #11
thank you pawian. my heart started thumping as i scrolled down and saw it.:(:(:(
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
29 Mar 2012 /  #12
lolzzz. poor Pam...maybe a big fat one ran across your face when you were a baby.....(sorry...)
rybnik  18 | 1444  
29 Mar 2012 /  #13
we have always treated home spiders with reverence

We too - spiders and crickets!
polishmama  3 | 279  
29 Mar 2012 /  #14
I don`t know the Polish saying/proverb but we have always treated home spiders with reverence. I forbid to kill them and when my wife runs into one in the kitchen or bathtub, I scoop it delicately into a glass and release in my room (if it`s small or medium sized) or onto a balcony (if it is really big). Spiders are good. For a few moths we fed a toilet pet spider with moths and flies.

Same here, in my house. I remember a saying "Kill a spider in the morning, death at your door. Kill a spider in the afternoon, bad luck at your door." I don't remember where I heard that from. But we never killed spiders, as long as I remember. In the spring, we usually go around finding any spiders and let them outside (once it's warm enough for them to live out there) around our windows, doors and balcony. But never kill them.
escar  - | 7  
29 Mar 2012 /  #15
My gran just used to say that if you kill a spider then it will rain heavily all day long, basically killing a spider = bad weather. :P
31 Mar 2012 /  #16
and if i understood them correctly, every autumn(usually october i think) spiders would spin a single line from trees, plants etc to their web. what i think they were trying to say, is that with the weather getting colder and wetter, raindrops collected on the lines, and the lines looked pretty. anyone else heard of this? probably havent explained this too well.

just been on phone to dominika who originally told me about this. she said the name was babie lato. really dont understand . something to do with a late summer?do spiders spin lines everywhere in late summer?
polishmama  3 | 279  
31 Mar 2012 /  #17
babie lato.

Babie Lato-painting

There's a painting about it. ;)

Babie Lato means Indian Summer. The baby spiders flying on their threads is a phenomenon that occurs during that time. It's one of those sort of natural phenomenons that helps farmers get an idea from their environment when to harvest, etc. This happens in other areas of the world as well. I've seen it on the East Coast, for example. Each culture has their language for it. :) I haven't thought about that or seen that for a long time, thanks for recalling for me a particular childhood memory.
31 Mar 2012 /  #18
I haven't thought about that or seen that for a long time, thanks for recalling for me a particular childhood memory.
thanks for the explanation!!at least now i understand!!!

31 Mar 2012 /  #19
i cant actually go near them.i start to sweat and shake. i have a phobia with spiders..big style!

Just think that most home spiders are not real spiders but harvestmens. They don't bite and are usefull. It's better to have them in home than other small creatures ;)

Of course no one likes them around bed but why to kill them, just throw them outside the window. They afraid of you more than you of them. If you blow air on them they will curl.

In Poland we have also spiders called Crusaders (in English you call them "barn spider"). They bite and leave a bump so I definitely don't tolerate them in the sleeping room.

My gran just used to say that if you kill a spider then it will rain heavily all day long,

Mine too.
1 Apr 2012 /  #20
just throw them outside the window

i cant actually get near enough to one to do this. fortunately i have very understanding neighbours!!
gumishu  15 | 6227  
2 Apr 2012 /  #21
In Poland we have also spiders called Crusaders (in English you call them "barn spider").

these don't typically establish themselves in homes - at least not where I live - there is one typically household spider in Poland - and it's daddy long lengs (nasosznik: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcus_phalangioides) which only appears large because of its extensive legs - the abdomen is actually very small - and it is completely harmless

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