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How to say this in Polish, any help greatly appreciated!

JakeP  1 | 6  
21 Jul 2017 /  #1
Hi everyone, I am trying to translate this into Polish, I know many of the words but I am aware that meaning is lost when not translated entirely correctly. Any help is so appreciated.

"Goodnight gorgeous girl, rest peacefully knowing that your uniqueness makes everyone else look merely ordinary, and that your beautiful face will be in my dreams, sleep well, and don't get lost"

Thank you all!
@ JakeP
gumishu  15 | 6227  
21 Jul 2017 /  #2
Goodnight gorgeous girl,

dobranoc śliczna dziewczyno, odpoczywaj spokojnie wiedząc, że Twoj wyjątkowość sprawia, że wszyscy inni wyglądają li tylko przeciętnie, i że Twoja piękna twarz będzie w moich snach. śpij spokojnie i ... (I don't know what you mean by don't get lost and the translation would depend on what you mean)
OP JakeP  1 | 6  
21 Jul 2017 /  #3
Hi! Thank you so much for this.
She gets lost a lot (not while dreaming), just a small joke to make her smile, suggesting that she might get lost in her dream.

Thanks again.
gumishu  15 | 6227  
21 Jul 2017 /  #4
She gets lost a lot (not while dreaming),

then maybe it should be - śpij spokojnie i nie zgub się chociaż we śnie ;) - the wink would be necessary to convey the joking nature of this remark
OP JakeP  1 | 6  
21 Jul 2017 /  #5
Thank you! Imagine me giving you are big high five please.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / How to say this in Polish, any help greatly appreciated!Archived