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ów its meaning

chaza  50 | 253  
10 Jan 2010 /  #1
i have come across this word' ów ' how does it relate to its other words of the same meaning.

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
10 Jan 2010 /  #2
It is an emphatic demonstrative pronoun meaning that. However it is on the lofty side, perhaps a bit archaic and rarely encountered in colloquial specch.

Eg: Pamiętam ów dzień, kiedy...( I rememebr that day, when...)
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
10 Jan 2010 /  #3
i have come across this word' ów ' how does it relate to its other words of the same meaning.

ów, owa, owo
ten, ta, to

owi, owe
ci, te
gumishu  15 | 6227  
10 Jan 2010 /  #4
rarely encountered in colloquial specch.

only in phrases like - to i owo, tego i owego (this and that), tu i ówdzie - (here and there)
OP chaza  50 | 253  
10 Jan 2010 /  #5
so ill ignore it then as it doesnt really matter.

Lenka  5 | 3531  
10 Jan 2010 /  #6
It's usually used in orthography tests as they are only few words beginning whit "ó" :D
There is also the word "ówczesny" :D
OP chaza  50 | 253  
21 Nov 2010 /  #7
Merged thread:
confusion with the use of ow

what is the correct usage for the word ów, i understand it means 'that' but then so does źe.
guidance please.

Lenka  5 | 3531  
21 Nov 2010 /  #8
I misunderstood you so I have to edit my post.
The word "ów" is old-fashioned and reraly used in the present. You can use "ów" when you don't want to repeat yourself ans say all the time ...ze...ze...ze and when you want to sound more eloquent.
cinek  2 | 347  
26 Nov 2010 /  #9
No! 'Ów' can be used in meaning 'that one', and it doesn't mean 'że'!!!

That man was looking at me:
Tamten człowiek patrzył na mnie.
Ów człowiek patrzył na mnie (that man (the one I was mentioning earlier) was looking at me)


He said that he comes tomorrow.
Powiedział, że przyjdzie jutro.
BUT NEVER: !!!!!! Powiedział, ów przyjdzie jutro. !!!!!!! IT'S WRONG!!!!!!

Lenka  5 | 3531  
26 Nov 2010 /  #10
BUT NEVER: !!!!!! Powiedział, ów przyjdzie jutro. !!!!!!! IT'S WRONG!!!!!!

Yes,I don't know why I did this mistake.Maybe I was tired?Anyway-great catch Cinek :D

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / ów its meaningArchived