how do you pronounce Lukeazar trembekie
"Łukasz Trembecki" - how to pronounce and spell my birth dads name
Lukeazar trembekie
£ukasz Trembecki?
LOO-kahsh (hard 'l') or WOO-kahsh trem-BET-ski
4 Dec 2010 / #4
LOO-kahsh (hard 'l')
hard what?!
Wookash (like Wookie from Star Wars)
The hard 'l' up till WW2 was de riguerur for the gentry, actors, news readers, statesmen, academics, lawyers, professionals and self-respecting politicians. After WW2 the peasantry, proletarians and other assorted riffraff were installed in power (with Soviet bayonets) and imposed the 'w' sound on the letter £. Now the hard 'l' is encountered only along the eastern flank of today's small, truncated Poland.
skysoulmate 13 | 1250
5 Dec 2010 / #6
jbcb2009: Lukeazar trembekie
£ukasz Trembecki?
£ukasz Trembecki?
That's the most probable spelling and if so the pronunciation would be something like
Wookash Trembetzkee
(remember there are rolling r's in Polish, similar to the Spanish language)
Now the hard 'l' is encountered only along the eastern flank of today's small, truncated Poland.
That's what I've heard before. Too bad, I definitely prefer the "old" ł pronunciation.
3 Apr 2011 / #7
I want to find my grandfather
In england we pronounce his name Mario Zimerski (zim-ear-skee) but Im not sure if this is the correct spelling.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
In england we pronounce his name Mario Zimerski (zim-ear-skee) but Im not sure if this is the correct spelling.
Any help would be greatly appreciated