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Polish learning material, is Colloquial Polish better than Michael Thomas?

29 Sep 2014 /  #1
Does anyone know which is better, Colloquial Polish or Michael Thomas? I am going to get one but don't know which would be best.
Vincent  8 | 801  
29 Sep 2014 /  #2
Depends if you want to speak, read and write Polish, or just listen and speak. Colloquial polish has a companion cd with the dialogs etc, but I think it is sold separate from the book. Michael Thomas is more of a listen and learn approach, although I think you can download some of the text from the dialog, via their website. Colloquial Polish give you the chance to see the text, and write the text, as well as hearing it, if you have the cd. There are also exercises to test what you have learned through out the book.
OP learningpolish  
29 Sep 2014 /  #3
Cool, thank you!

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