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Interslavic artificial language

NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Nov 2019 /  #1

How much of it did you understand?
Lenka  5 | 3542  
26 Nov 2019 /  #2
I understand almost all of it but I speak both Polish and Russian plus some contact with Czech. It seems very unnatural though.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
26 Nov 2019 /  #3
Sort of like a Slavic Esperanto, you mean?
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
26 Nov 2019 /  #5
...don't remind us, jon.

It's become run-away and out of control across the entire continent...and the rest of the planet.
jon357  72 | 23528  
26 Nov 2019 /  #6
run-away and out of control

Nobody can control a language (though the Academie Francaise have certainly tried hard enough over the years, hence in part the failure of Esperanto, Volapuk and this Interslavic language. There needs to be a tangible benefit in communicating in any given language rather than an ideal.

Interesting that the YouTube (WaszaRura?) video is introduced in English...
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Nov 2019 /  #7

For YouTube to mean "WaszaRura" in Polish it'd have to be "YouRTube" mr. Pole LOL
jon357  72 | 23528  
26 Nov 2019 /  #8
That had occurred to me already. Long before you tried to find fault.

YouTube in English however is as ungrammatical a neologism as WasRura would be in Polish.
OP NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
26 Nov 2019 /  #9


WYRura... so many years in Poland and still crap in Polish... and if i remember correctly You claim you're as Polish as i am coz "You feel Polish"... hahaha

What a joke :)
jon357  72 | 23528  
26 Nov 2019 /  #10
Exactly; glad you got the point. As ungrammatical as YouTube.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
26 Nov 2019 /  #11
I haven't watched it till the end but I was able to understand most of what I saw. A nice idea.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124  
26 Nov 2019 /  #12
How much of it did you understand?

An interesting experiment.
I have seen similar videos before.
I think most of us will have a similar experience.
Sometimes you understand most of what is being said, sometimes just enough to understand the gist of what is being said and sometimes nothing!
Slav languages are similar but have moved so far apart over the years to make them pretty incomprehensible to each other.
My son and I have often watched football matches on Russian streams and understood most of the commentary, but that is simple language.
Still, the video was fun and interesting.
mafketis  38 | 11178  
27 Nov 2019 /  #13
As ungrammatical as YouTube.

A brilliant name, actually since "tube" is an old informal American way of referring to TV, vaguely similar to telly in the UK.

There's also "the boob tube"* (where boob means 'fool, idiot')

So, the initial American audience would make the connection youtube = TV where you (the viewer) make the content. I don't know how other English speaking countries understood it and most other languages just took it over as a mono-morphemic loan.

*There's aslo "idiot box" and I have the idea 'boob tube' was a rhyming version of that, the idiots in both cases referred to the mass audience, the type of people who can't distinguish tv from reality.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
27 Nov 2019 /  #14
Just a thought after visiting another thread. I wonder how easier it was to understand the video above because of the subtitles.
Here's a video in Serbian (which is not the Interslavic language of course ) and even though I understand a lot it's not that easy really.

27 Nov 2019 /  #15
I wonder how easier it was to understand the video above because of the subtitles.

I've just watched the first 10 minutes of the video. I understood most of it, and I don't speak Bulgarian or Croatian, but I think you've hit the nail on the head with the subtitles. I don't think I would have understood quite as much without them.
Lenka  5 | 3542  
27 Nov 2019 /  #16
I watched it without the subtitles as I was doing something at the same time. But I guess they help generally. If you didn't watch it all you can aleays try to watch the rest without looking at the screen
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
27 Nov 2019 /  #17
More like slavic interlingua
while the IALA's Interlingua does make (or made) sense, that creature doesn't
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
27 Nov 2019 /  #18
@jon, Esperanto and the rest did indeed fail to be sure. French however is strong as ever, aided in part by the strength of her Acadamie


Don't ever sell language proscription short. It maintains standards and proves that one can have discipline of expression, structure of meaning
and nonetheless, complete creativity, not the imagined control of some nameless "fascism" which these empty-headed ultra-libs imagine in
their idiotic, nightmare scenarios! English and other languages might do well to draw a lesson here.

jon357  72 | 23528  
27 Nov 2019 /  #19
French however is strong as ever, aided in part by the strength of her Acadamie

They certainly spaff enough dosh on this, with very limited success despite using legislation in France as well as bribery and coercion in former French colonies (several of which have officially dropped French as a second language while others are in the process of so doing). It's nigh on impossible to control a language. They are living things and nobody 'owns' them.
cms neuf  2 | 1880  
27 Nov 2019 /  #20
Maf - I spent some of my teens in the UK and some in the US - boob tube was one source of confusion- in the UK it means a t shirt with no shoulders, worn with or without a strapless bra and popular in school discos of that era !
Lenka  5 | 3542  
27 Nov 2019 /  #21
I have to agree Jon. As much as I understand Lyzko's love for nice, correct language we all have to accept that languages play subservient role and as such will change the way people want to use it.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
27 Nov 2019 /  #22

Although none of us has been alive for the past hundred years or so, I'd bet euros to zloty that the massive changes in terms of how "casual" usage has overtaken the aesthetics of a more "classic" or "classically" accepted usage have scarcely been as radical, jarring or dramatic as they have been since the onslaught of rampant digitalization within my lifetime!

Some forty years ago as an adolescent, of course our elders complained openly about the use of "hanging out", "doing stuff", "pretty much" along with a host of other slangy expressions and turns of phrase. Probably every generation has fought with the same obstacles.

Today however, the tone of daily interactions, certainly verbal altercations, has coarsened, sharpened, to a degreeof nasty raw-edged ferocity, I can often no longer recognize as my own language, much less others which I know. As a teen-ager, I knew both the "higher" level of how my parents and their parents spoke/wrote as well as the sloppy communication with which I interacted with my peers. If I was required to code switch, I'd do it in a flash, without a moment's hesitation.

English until round about the late '80's and the advent of digital technology had depth, wit, texture, qualilties all but absent from today's contemporary speakers, save for some ancient academic types in their nineties or beyond, hardly those in the swim of things right now.

Certain "hippies" (as opposed to today's "hipsters") of old, Abbie Hoffman for instance, wanton public vulgarities aside, were able to string together some spiffy sentences when push came to shove, sounding almost literate at times.

Nowadays, anything deemed over a decade is considered fossilized and we have lost all necessary distance (the source of true humor) from the tool of language which we are using.

What I've charitably described is not simply "my problem", it's everybody's problem!
Lenka  5 | 3542  
27 Nov 2019 /  #23
the massive changes in terms of how "casual" usage has overtaken (...) have scarcely been as radical as they have been since the digitalization

That still doesn't change the fact that the language changes in the way people want it to as it's a tool in the hands of society .

Btw- sorry for chopping your quote so much- wouldn't go through otherwise.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
27 Nov 2019 /  #24
Yet not all change is necessarily for the better, even for the common good. After all, there must be a general standard to moderate, deem as fit,

what is written. This isn't dictatorship, this is self-preservation!
Lenka  5 | 3542  
27 Nov 2019 /  #25
It it won't work it will be changed.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
27 Nov 2019 /  #26
Aha, that's the big question then, isn't it.
I guess the best analogy here would be to compare you with a sheltered city girl who's only known four walls and never experienced mountains, trees or rivers and is confined to, trapped inside, a big house, only able to look out of the window at nature, never knowing it up close:-)

For those who've only grown up hearing/learning "I gonna" vs. I'm going to", the f**-curse as opposed to the myriad rich choices of invective etc.. are growing up in an impoverished world, I don't care how many millions they may enjoy. The body is sated, but the spirit is lacking.

Lenka, if you've only grown up with fast food and have never tasted filet mignon, scalloped potatoes etc., you'll never appreciate what you've missed.

Some day though.....you will.
Lenka  5 | 3542  
27 Nov 2019 /  #27
Please stop being so patronising. You have no idea what I'm used to.
The truth is the language is a tool to comunicate and express one's feelings/personality. You may of course dislike it but how the language will look like will depend on the new generations and what works for them
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Nov 2019 /  #28
Here's a video in Serbian (which is not the Interslavic language of course )

A lot depends on the specific accent. I notice for instance that Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian as spoken in Bosnia is much clearer than in Croatia or Serbia. I can speak some Croatian, but I'm not so able to understand outside of Dalmatia (where I learnt it) and Bosnia as a whole. Bosnian can be tricky with the Turkish/Arabic loanwords though.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
27 Nov 2019 /  #29
Well there you are, Lenka! In fact, I wasn't being patronizing at all, merely expressing my personal viewpoint, one incidentally, shared by more people than you might imagine. Many these days, younger or under 50, resent being enlightenened by others, particularly strangers, because we've lost all sense of perspective, of collective solidarity, preferring instead unbridled individualism, the feeling that what ever they feel is somehow perfect and cannot be altered by a different point of view.

Once someone sees the Light, so to speak, only the very few would prefer to continue living in darkness.

If you mistook my remarks as condescending in any way, I apologize!
2 Dec 2019 /  #30
Tova e nevazmojno. For one thing, some say Da for Yeas, Poles say Tak, and yet others like Czechs and Slobaks go Ano. Otherwise it's surprising that the Bulgarian vsichko is closer to Polish wszystko than the Slovak vsetko.

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