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I'm gonna learn Polish in a month!

HAL9009  2 | 323  
10 Jul 2008 /  #31
...hmm, wish I could lean Polish in a month...!

Good Luck and May the Force be with you.
10 Jul 2008 /  #32
May the Force be with you

i feel the force is strong in this one young obi hal9009 yes yes strong

PF train them well
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Jul 2008 /  #33
ya,just watch out when he starts singing Daisy Daisy....
Irlandzka  - | 2  
18 Jul 2008 /  #34
Sausage: lepiej = duże piwo :-)
ndrew  - | 12  
18 Jul 2008 /  #35
you must be a genius then to learn in a month but gl ... :)
rozzi england  - | 2  
19 Jul 2008 /  #36
i have been trying to learn polish for the past year and i still dont know half of it, i have done everything to try and learn it, i had a teacher who was polish, she were teaching me for a few months then i went to poland for a week, and i have had a polish girlfriend about a month ago, and i am still no where near to being fluent.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
19 Jul 2008 /  #37
20 days left :):)
lowfunk99  10 | 397  
19 Jul 2008 /  #38
This one is strong in the force.
19 Jul 2008 /  #39
hush, he is studying hard now:)
19 Jul 2008 /  #40
It can be done!


Plus I feel like a bastard coming here and expecting to get by with english

Nie ma sprawy, ale jeden język nigdy nie wystarcza!
OP masks98  27 | 289  
19 Jul 2008 /  #41
HUSH muthaf*ck@s i'm studyin!!

or, for the toned-down polish version ( since the equivalent for muthaf*cka@s is apparently very insulting in polish, )

ej cicho! kurde uczę się!

LondonChick  31 | 1133  
19 Jul 2008 /  #42
Good luck, Mask!!

Sorry to crash your thread, but I am seriously thinking of taking up Polish in Autumn. I'm being realistic, and just want to make a bit of an effort for my Polish friends and business contacts.

This is going to seem like a daft question, but how do you actually "learn" a language. By the time I was 20, I was fluent in a couple of languages, but don't really recall actively learning them - does that make sense? I just feel like I've always been able to speak French for instance (even though I didn't start learning until I was 11).

Now that I'm a bit older (I'll be 33 next week... woooo hoooo!!), it's going to be tougher.

Anyone got any tips and techniques for learning Polish?

I did dip my toe in Russian when I was 18, but gave up as I found it too complicated. But then again, I don't know if I really took it seriously and put the effort in at 18.
19 Jul 2008 /  #43
ej cicho! kurde uczę się!

he is learning, he is learning. LOL

ucz się ucz, bo nauka to potęgi klucz;)
OP masks98  27 | 289  
19 Jul 2008 /  #44

Good luck to you as well, as for trying to learn Polish, I wrote out a silly short story in plain english and had it translated (on this forum) then learned that, and now I spend time re-writing it in the first person, second, person, etc, past tense, present tense, future tense, etc.

Polish actually isn't that difficult since there are apparently just three tenses, and apparently, there is some regularity to the way verbs are conjugated - who would have thought?!

Well, I'm falling behind a bit on my studies actually, so time to get back on track -
Irlandzka  - | 2  
19 Jul 2008 /  #45
lubię odliczanie Grzegorza :-D
Piorun  - | 655  
19 Jul 2008 /  #46
Well, I'm falling behind a bit on my studies actually, so time to get back on track -

Ucz się ucz bo nauka to ptęgi klucz im więcej kluczy tym bliżej ci do woźnego!
Ucz się ucz bo nauka to ptęgi klucz nie zginie ten w tłumie kto najwjęcej umie.
Miranda might have a point there. Time to hit the books masks98.
plk123  8 | 4120  
20 Jul 2008 /  #47
Polish actually isn't that difficult since there are apparently just three tenses, and apparently, there is some regularity to the way verbs are conjugated - who would have thought?!

don't forget genders, etc.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
20 Jul 2008 /  #48
lubię odliczanie Grzegorza :-D

Thanks :)
sledz  23 | 2247  
20 Jul 2008 /  #49
Polish within a month

well you have 2 1/2 weeks left

co slyuchac u ciebie?
20 Jul 2008 /  #50
I'm gonna learn Polish in a month!

it's like breaking a record...
krysia  23 | 3058  
20 Jul 2008 /  #51
Yeah no kidding. Who would have thought that learning the word "Polish" would take that long...
LAGirl  9 | 496  
21 Jul 2008 /  #52
I wish you the best of luck I am trying to learn it its hard but I think its the most beautiful language.
Spade  1 | 81  
21 Jul 2008 /  #53
Good luck mate.

I gave up learning polish after trying for full 3 years :( Now I use only body language to communicate with polish people :D
OP masks98  27 | 289  
21 Jul 2008 /  #54
Three years?! Well If I succeed I'll give you some polish lessons!
Spade  1 | 81  
21 Jul 2008 /  #55
That would be great :D

I even took 5 months polish lessons, but it turned out a big time failure since we all bl00dy foreigners in that group started improving our spoken english rather than trying to speak polish :D
byronic  3 | 30  
28 Jul 2008 /  #56
so masks, you're about halfway to your goal now, are you on target? i ask, as i am just starting to learn, but im not putting a time limit on myself.
glamrockxx  - | 36  
28 Jul 2008 /  #57
I'd really like to know how you are progressing masks. I'm learning Polish as well, but I don't have a time limit either. You can be my inspiration. =p
Piorun  - | 655  
5 Aug 2008 /  #58
Just a reminder, time is short now 3 days and counting then we will quiz you.
Tik tak tik tak .............
natala  - | 1  
11 Aug 2008 /  #59
well I've learnt polish for 21 years and I still have problems with it, good luck
sausage  19 | 775  
12 Aug 2008 /  #60
Hey Masks, your month is up! Impress us with your fluency.

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