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Posts by Dice  

Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 452 / In This Archive: 81
From: USA the land of free, or at least cheap.
Speaks Polish?: DAH-DAH-DAH
Interests: home improvement, culinary arts, brewing beer

Displayed posts: 83 / page 1 of 3
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12 Nov 2009
Travel / What should I wear in winter in Poland? [29]

Seriously, where do you think poland is? At one of the polar ice caps?

I just checked online, Poland has high day-time temp 45'F. That's freaking cold!
11 Nov 2009
Life / How Polish are you? [74]

Dammit! Only 6%? That's BS man. I feel like I just flunked a test or something LOL!
28 Oct 2009
Life / Is Poland a safe country for people of color? [241]

Is Poland a safe country for people of color?

In a real life we are all "People Of Color", I am a "White" Polish-American, You are a "Black" African-American. In fact I am pink and you are brown. We all are of some kind of color.

In a perfect world it would make no difference, but in the real word you will get a lot of stares in Poland, but I think you will be safe. There will be a lot of staring, but much of it will be admiration and not disapproval. You are a pretty girl, so I'm sure you are used to that. Other then that, you will be fine.
16 Oct 2009
USA, Canada / What do the Poles hate and love about the U.S.? [170]

I hate: the Jesus Freaks, a.k.a. Born Again Christians, a.k.a. Evangelists, a.k.a. the Christian Taliban. They are backwards, close minded, hatefull people, fearfull little cowards clinging to God and guns. They demand the right to shove their "Jesus" into your face, regardless if you are religious or not, but at the same time they hate all the other religions including Catholics (in their mind the Pope is "The Son Of Satan"). They actually believe the Earth is 6 thousand years old, they believe people waked the Earth together with dinosaurs. They actually WANT and pray for the final war between East and West so their "Jesus" can take over the World again. And the worst part is: they are taking over the US Government.

I love: everything else about this Beautiful Country. Everything else other then Jesus Freaks, that is. I love the honest, good, fun-loving, open-minded and helpful people. The weather - your choice of Arizona Desert, Alaskan Arctic or everything in between. I love the vast, huge, unimaginably big open spaces. I love the melting pot of cultures. I love the great food, wine, beer, art, cars, planes, highways, beaches, mountains, desserts, forests, oceans and lakes.

Oh yeah, and I love my truck too :)
9 Oct 2009
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

It's not difficult to make a woman happy.
A man only needs to be:

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate

45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls

51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes

54. Never to forget:
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------


1. Show up naked
2. Bring food
7 Oct 2009
Life / If I say POLAND, you say...? [100]

For example, I would response to this with:

POLANDDDDDDDDDDDD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ FLOWY BEASTTTTTTTTTTTT <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

What? "Poland Beast"?
16 Aug 2009
Life / Prices of cars in Poland? [88]

that's why you drive on the LEFT-HAND side of the street.
Read here:
16 Aug 2009
Life / Prices of cars in Poland? [88]

Firstly, Mainland Europe drive left hand drive and in the UK it's right hand drive.

I think you got it backwards Nuisance. :)
16 Aug 2009
Life / Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? [168]

Why are Poles in other countries called "Plastic Poles"? Is it because we use too many credit cards? Resemble plexi glass? Get too much plastic surgery? Use plastic bowls instead of glass? Own stock in Dupont?

Never heard of it. Sure you haven't just made it up? You know, being a troll and all?
17 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

Can you imagine how many Polish Citizens would want to come to the US looking for illegal jobs? Probably millions. You can't really blame them for that.

Most of them wouldn't speak any English. Some of them wouldn't have any money for the return ticket. They would have to compete for the illegal jobs with Mexicans, and that wouldn't be so easy.

IMO it's better for us and the Poles to let Europe absorb the Polish workers for now, and open up the Borders in a couple years.
8 Aug 2008

It's sort of like comparing apples and oranges.
IMHO there is a huge difference between Polish Porter and British Stout. First of all, Polish Porter (as opposed to British Porter) is a lager (yeast-wise) and British Stout is an ale so therefore it is an entirely different category of beer. Second of all, Porter gets it's darkness from using darker malts, and Stout uses roasted malts .

Third of all, if you are tasting beers such as Stouts and Porters, that means you have an above average sense of taste, so keep on tasting, keep on experimenting, keep on rocking my friend. Good luck to you.
24 Jul 2008
Life / I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK! [240]


It's a new thing then, isn't?

I think that it isn't any kind of discrimination. Polish people deal with all this problems all the time.

Something is changing but bureacracy and strange rules are still here.

I like his way of thinking; basically, what he is saying is: "They're not just being ******** to you, they're being ******** to everybody! They are equal opportunity ********."

Yeah, that makes sense.
12 Jul 2008
Food / Cooking Polish kiszka [99]

I just bought some kiszka yesterday in a local Poltown, it looked like a big bratwurst to me. So I bring it home, throw it on the grill with some onions and guess what... the damn thing fell apart on me! Good thing i was grilling it on tinfoil, so none of the kiszka fell through the grates. I already had some onion choped up with it, so it worked out well. My wife loved it. Are you supposed to cook it loose? If so, why do they sell it in casing?

BTW, I think I remember eating something like this when I was a kid, but I thought that loose stuff like this was called "kaszanka". Or is it all the same?
16 May 2008
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

1500zl, huh? If the $ is about 2.5 zl (thank YOU, Mr. Bush!) then that's $600. Is it a week or a month? If it's $600 a month, that's about $133/week = $3.33/hour.
10 Apr 2008
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Do employees in Poland get payed their salary on weekly, bi-weekly or monthly bases?

What is the current average annual household (or individual) income?

What is an average price for a house in Poland and what are your average mortgage payments?
6 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]


Well, I am proud of them too. But the fact is that it would be much better for EVERYBODY (Poles and Britts) if the UK Government allowed only Poles with needed skilled jobs, education, and most of all English language skills. Much better for both Britts and Poles IMO.
6 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

I'll happily PM a copy of the letter to anyone who is interested in its content.

You should post it here, Mr. H.!
IMO it would be much better for everybody if the UK would've allowed the work permit to SOME Poles only. Only the ones with needed skills, language, clean record etc. This way the Britts wouldn't feel threatened by the Poles and the Poles living in the UK wouldn't have to put up with the prejudice from the Britts.
15 Mar 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

I feel like some Polish living in the UK are taking Winston’s words a bit too personally, although I understand where they’re coming from too.

Maybe what Winston really means is that an overwhelming number of Polish migrant workers in the UK is not the fault of the Poles themselves, but rather the Polish and most of all the British Governments? They have failed in protecting the British Average Joe from losing his job to a migrant worker and are exposing the Polish Average Stas to the ethnic abuse and below average working conditions in a foreign country.

Just a thought.

I found this on YouTube:
The Polish Onslaught - UK
10 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

"Polonophobia" is not even a word. It's just a product of imagination of some Poles with a chip on their shoulder frequenting these Forums. Try to find “Polonophobia” in eny English dictionary, I dare you.
9 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Aren't they leaving because of the vicious Polonophobia that is rampant in the US, including Canada?

No it's because they were here illegally, or have never learned English, or have never got a college degree.
And most of all, the majority Poles I know that had to leave the US to start all over somewhere else had to do that because of a drinking problem; but that's another story.

USA is exceptionally open and tolerant to other cultures. If you feel "oppressed" here you should had never left your home village.

in the US, including Canada

Hey, don't you know that Canada is not a part of the US? Jeez, these people don't even know basic geography! LOL

Besides, scores of people throughout the world seem to feel that the days of US power are numbered and something terrible - some horrific catastrophy - is going to happen soon in that part of the world.

That is a wishful thinking on your part, especially disturbing because of that smiling face at the end of this quite. You are truly a sick man, Puzzler.