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Posts by Ranj  

Joined: 29 Sep 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 3 Mar 2008
Threads: Total: 21 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 947 / In This Archive: 98
From: USA
Interests: Travel, sports, reading, music

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30 Jan 2010
News / Polish Priest checks fingerprints for mass attendance [26]

Too bad they didn't have that back when I was confirmed (of course, I would have probably shown up for mass, then ditched as soon as I got there...I may have been raised Catholic, but I never said I was a good Catholic...lol). The only reason children are fingerprinted here is in the case of a child going missing....sad, but true.
25 Jan 2010
Genealogy / I'm trying to find my old friends who used @poczta.onet.pl email [22]

Yahoo mail accounts are obviously considered a source of spam by poczta.onet.pl and are therefore blocked

Sounds like their original acct was considered spam and the yahoo acct is working. BTW, what do you consider a "real" email address?
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

Dam....looks like i missed the boat again...

Nah....just means you have a better ship approaching beyond the horizon;)

i have a stable.....come to think of it...we could have a stable relationship in there......

10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

In defence of men...Pehaps most men would cheat if they could get away with it , but not all i can assure you......it may be normal for guys to play around , but its not right , and should not be accepted by any girl....

Well said, Wildrover.....if I weren't already spoken for I'd move to Poland just to meet you;)
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

well maybe I am stupid, especially for posting on here. To be honest I dont even really care about the money, I just want everything to be alright between us again.

You are not stupid, zabko! I think you regret posting here because people are telling you things you know to be the truth and you are not ready to accept that now, which is fine. As for the money, it's true, there are more important things in life.....as for everything being alright between you 2 again, I truly hope that happens, but I would be lying if I said I think it will. Good luck and I am truly sorry you are hurting....nobody deserves to go through what you have.
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I certainly know that all his Polish male friends in the UK are cheating on their wives and girlfriends back home

That doesn't make it right.....I guess if you truly are willing to be with a person like that, then more power to you......

He says that all men are the same and although I really dont want to think like that, past experience and speaking to male friends says different

Of course "HE" says that (is he trying to convince you it's ok), and I'll admit, that there are plenty of self-absorbed lil boys all over the place, but I know just as many men with honesty and integrity that don't cheat as I know men that do.
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

Hehe, I knew one of those. Got rid of him like a hot potato. Never looked back.

LOL....you're so bad, Krysia;)

i promise to pay you back. honest

ROFLMAO.....and you are downright rotten, BW;)
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I hope you stick to that.....unfortunately, I have a friend who's dating a Polish guy who is completely psychotic. He's cheated on her, taken money from her and done some other things which are much worse, which I won't go into, yet she seems to always take him back because she "loves" him and believes that he loves her....he's a smooth talker, and their sex life is great, according to her, but there's more to a relationship than just good sex.

Good luck, I truly hope it works out in your favor.
10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

I hope all works out for you, zabko, but it's been my experience, once a cheater, always a cheater.

Lets hope he is not seeing it as a green light to continue taking the p!ss

10 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]

This girl has been with her guy for 3 years, you would expect a certain degree of respect and trust in that time

Yes, one would expect there to be respect and trust after that period of time, but based on what she has written, sounds like he's been using her all along.
9 Jul 2008
Love / My boyfriend is on a Polish dating site [158]


You and Fireif seem to have a lot in common.....both of you are with people who cause you to totally lose all sense of reality.....move on with your life.....without the cheater!
30 Jun 2008
Love / Not used to dating a Polish man [28]

in America you dont treat your girlfriend like a dog.

I actually treat my Dogs better than most humans:)

good for you and good luck with the next one.

Hey PLK, you are Polish....perhaps you can be her next one;)
11 Jun 2008
Life / Is the word "Polack"rascist? [185]

I was told by my neighbor that Polack was a term used for Polish Jews. My neighbor is Jewish, so I guess he know's what he's talking about.
3 Apr 2008
Love / What's the way to seduce a Polish girl ? [64]

My request has been misunderstood i think...

No worries, Julien.....it just came across that you just wanted to get laid (have sex) with a Polish girl....if you are sincere about this girl, then good luck:)
3 Apr 2008
Love / What's the way to seduce a Polish girl ? [64]

I wish.. possibly a 2009,, that weekend is actually my youngest daughters
birthday weekend. I cant cut out on her

There's always that time in May.....kids are always welcome.....they're usually funner than their parents;)
2 Apr 2008
Love / What's the way to seduce a Polish girl ? [64]

what about the gals? all angels i presume

I didn't say that....

How do you know, PLK? Have you ever been with a "good" girl....lol :D:D:D

of course. :D :D

What would your Mother say:D....lol

Good point ranj.. so while their parents were yelling respect they had
their hands over their ears saying " IM not listening blah blah blah..


lol.....you better be at the Taste of Polonia, btw!
2 Apr 2008
Love / What's the way to seduce a Polish girl ? [64]

all they want is a piece of action and
its clear that they werent brought up properly

Have to disagree with you there, P.....I know plenty of guys who've been brought up properly.....they just don't follow the rules they have learned.

some 'good' girls have a raunchy side to them. ;) :D :D :D

How do you know, PLK? Have you ever been with a "good" girl....lol :D:D:D
2 Apr 2008
Love / What's the way to seduce a Polish girl ? [64]

Come on ladies...

...tell us...

So are you just wanting to get into her pants? You seduce a Polish woman the way you would seduce any other woman.....either you'll get lucky, or she'll see right through your player ways:)
12 Mar 2008
Love / The age of consent in Poland is only 15 [147]

heavy education should be applied to learn that mistakes can cause
major devastation to the girl he is dating, and or how is he going to take on his
responsibility when he isnt even old enough to drive..

When I was a young girl, my mother told me that if a boy started to get fresh with me and wanted to have sex, that I should say, "let me see your BlueCross/BlueShield Insurance Card"! LOL

I don't get why it's 18 in one state and 16 in the other.

There are other countries besides US that have varying ages of consent. Here's another chart breakdown.....what cracks me up, is that in some countries, homosexuality is illegal, whereas lesbianism is legal.....it's such a man's world:(

28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I guess EU should also introduce such stringent measures on US.... You know we just all want to be safe....

That may very well happen, and I would not be against it.....what's good for the goose is good for the gander, imho.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Again you say its not about terrorists. Then why as long as czechs increase their security such as biometric passports they will be accepted...

read post 107, even ranj admits security is number one reason..

Again though, that security applies to everyone......there are former VWP countries that have been taken off the list because they wouldn't comply with stipulations.....it even says in the article that you supplied the countries within the UK may counter it because it requires tighter security on their part.

It's not just one thing that qualifies a country for the waiver.....there are several stipulations that have to be met and CR will meet those requirements, whilst Poland will not at this time.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

that the czech rate has to be under 10% not 3%, so you can concede

Looks to me they raised the rate to 10% which still places Poland 20% above the acceptable rate.

As I stated before, I have no doubt that Poland will become a member of VWP in the near future.....they just have to implement all the stipulations (ie: Electronic Travel Authorization and lower their refusal rate).

Blanket policy
At this point, lhe single most important factor required by U.S. legislation for entry into the Visa Waiver Program is the establishment of the ETA. It is an online tool through which candidates apply for permissionto enter the United States, and it is only available to travelers with a biometric passport.

The system, which has been used for years in Australia and which the U.S. government would like to improve, should be up and running by August or September. After a period of testing it will be made available to the general public.

According to Barth, the establishment of the ETA is a step toward uniting U.S. policy with that of all EU countries, as it would go into effect for both existing and new members of the Visa Waiver Program. The ETA should allow more countries that meet criteria such as low visa refusal rates to join the Visa Waiver Program more quickly, while providing better security for the United States. Greece and Estonia should also be able to join the Visa Waver Program this year (their refusal rates are low enough), provided they also implement the ETA.

"All countries will have to fulfill the same criteria,"

I think too many people are making this a personal thing against Poland and it isn't......they are not being singled out to not receive it.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I believe that the number is currently at 30%, and it has to be lower then 3% for a country to qualify for a Visa Waiver Program

Actually, the number that overstay is at about 10 %. The 30% is the percentage of visas that were denied or withdrawn by the person. Every year, around 100,000 poles apply for visas and only 70,000 are approved. (Big difference between 7,000 as opposed to 3 who overstay, Matthias)

if the US did not just recently approve the Czech Republic for the visa free waiver even though they don't fall below that 3% rate....

Actually, they do fall below the 3%......when they come over, they actually go back to CR when their visas expire, thus the reason they have a low refusal rate.
28 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

I am prevented from publishing my full speech on this issue but people who isist on pasting corny pictures under their comments.

???? Did you forget to complete your thought?