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Joined: 21 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 19 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 775 / In This Archive: 159
From: UK, S Coast
Speaks Polish?: trochę
Interests: Acoustic guitar, art, gigs. Gold-digging contortionists

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29 Dec 2010
Language / Polish keyboard 214 is best [34]

I usually use "Polish Programmers" instead of 214
Alt Gr e for ę
Alt Gr c for ć
Make sure you have PL showing in the language bar
22 Oct 2010
Life / Poland's Next Top Model (TV show) [73]

are you sure? I was shocked to see how she look on the tv show.

she's pretty good looking for a women of her age. I wouldn't kick her out of bed
22 Oct 2010
Life / Poland's Next Top Model (TV show) [73]

Joanna Krupa is not beautiful at all...

More attractive than the contestants from what I've seen (which isn't a lot)
22 Oct 2010
Life / Poland's Next Top Model (TV show) [73]

My interest in Polish TV has been revived a bit. Or is it all like all the other "top model" programs, full of annoying, not-very-attractive women?

tvn.pl/program/2384/view Top Model TVN Page
12 Oct 2010
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

I only ever see small groups of mostly middle-aged people by pub doors.

with leathery skin?
there should be gambling allowed in pubs too, then the government could get revenue from 3 sources all at once
12 Oct 2010
News / Smoking ban in Polish bars and restaurants (AT LAST!) [400]

with bars closing down at a shocking rate.

probably the big breweries screwing the leaseholders is as much to blame

A downside of the ban is that in the UK

other downsides include cigarette butts littering the streets and an increase of drunken noisy people outside the pubs instead of inside where they belong
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Why Manchester rules over Warsaw :) [65]

A short walk around a small part of "grey and depressing" Manchester city centre:

As you can tell I only have a limited experience of Manchester!
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Why Manchester rules over Warsaw :) [65]

£ódź is just the "Polish Manchester" because of the former textile industry, nothing else!

nothing to do with them being grey and depressing then ;)
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Why Manchester rules over Warsaw :) [65]

I've heard it said that Lodz is the Manchester of Poland... shouldn't we be comparing those two and comparing Poland's capital with London
7 Oct 2010
Language / Undertsanding case structure (or 'you can't translate English directly into Polish') [10]

Zabrali mi telewizor. They took away my television set. why say away when there is no word for away?

you don't really need "away" in English, except to clarify (maybe the translation isn't a good one??)
"they took my television" (implies maybe thieves took it)
"they took my television away" (maybe the repair men or bailiffs took it)
29 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Common pitfalls for Poles learning English [187]

the one I see most commonly is "advices" instead of advice

actually, probably the most common is knowing when to use a/an/the

'Make a test' instead of 'do a test'

similarly with mistakes
26 Sep 2010
Language / Are the context of these Polish sentences correct? [101]

dzienkuje ludzie

Nie ma za co

jestem czytałem 'cases

You might want to work on your (verb) tenses too. Check a book called "301 Polish Verbs" it's very cheap and will probably prove useful.
26 Sep 2010
Language / Are the context of these Polish sentences correct? [101]

i know its probably wrong but it my best rigfht now

I (as someone with a basic knowledge of Polish) understand what you're trying to say, but yes it can be seen that you have translated word by word and sometimes using the words in the wrong context. Keep practising! It'll come.

I presume you're voice chatting with your Polish contact? You should also try typed chats with them occasionally and get them to correct your errors. I've learnt a great deal this way (and by studying grammar!).