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Do you think a smoking ban would be a good thing in Polish restaurants and Bars?

bravo 4 | 63  
20 Jan 2010 /  #1
I am a smoker and I think it would be a disaster...
McCoy 27 | 1268  
20 Jan 2010 /  #2
Do you think a smoking ban would be a good thing in Polish restaurants and Bars?

was it a good thing in ireland?
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
20 Jan 2010 /  #3
I think it is mollycoddling to force people not to smoke in pubs and restaurants.
So what if we live longer? Quality of life is more important and if someone wants to smoke, let'em, just ventilate the place.
I gave up smoking about a year and a half ago.
And to all the non-smokers who are going to moan about their rights, kiss my arse.
OP bravo 4 | 63  
20 Jan 2010 /  #4
I think its ruined the pub culture in Ireland. Took all the craic out of it and sterilized it. I read yestaerday that up to 600 pubs have closed in Rural Ireland because of it.
Marek11111 9 | 808  
20 Jan 2010 /  #5
it will be excellent for everyone, the business will make more money as it did in other countries after the ban.
OP bravo 4 | 63  
20 Jan 2010 /  #6
Not in Ireland. My family or are in the pub business. I wont even hear that argument
jonni 16 | 2475  
20 Jan 2010 /  #7
the business will make more money as it did in other countries

That's the opposite of what happened - in UK it has been disastrous to pub culture.
Kapusta 2 | 66  
20 Jan 2010 /  #8
It's better that people don't smoke in restaurants much like I don't want someone to smoke at my dinner table. In the UK the smoking ban affected a lot of places for sure. Who wants to stand in the snow and smoke when they can get a few friends and beers and be at home with TV, computer and own music.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
20 Jan 2010 /  #9
the business will make more money as it did in other countries after the ban.

I never heard that before, any links to back that up?

I heard that pubs had to refurbish the whole place because the smell of smoke used to cover the smell of the toilets, farts, and all the other unpleasantness, seriously costing businesses.
wildrover 98 | 4431  
20 Jan 2010 /  #10
It might be a good idea to ban smoking , though i doubt it will do the businesses any good....I am a smoker , but i don,t mind not being able to smoke in a resteraunt , bars are a different matter....Its never going to work in Poland anyways , the Poles just won,t stand for it...
OP bravo 4 | 63  
20 Jan 2010 /  #11
thats what they said about the the irish and the french and the english and as far as I know its being adhered to...
f stop 24 | 2493  
20 Jan 2010 /  #12
Restaurants - yes.
Bars - no.
Arien 2 | 710  
20 Jan 2010 /  #13
it will be excellent for everyone, the business will make more money as it did in other countries after the ban.

Oh really? Are you sure your name isn't Pinnochio? They've actually revoked the whole smoking ban for all the smaller pubs in Holland. (Yay!) So why do you think they've done that? Do you honestly think they've done that because all the pubs were doing so great when the smoking ban was still in effect?

Why can't we have a few non-smoking pubs and clubs, and have a few pubs and clubs were you're allowed to smoke? That way people can choose for themselves where they would like to hang out on a Friday night.

wildrover 98 | 4431  
20 Jan 2010 /  #14
Having lived in Poland for five years , i have begun to understand the Polish mentality , and i am pretty certain that telling Poles they can,t have a ciggie with their beer is just not going to work...

Do you know what two unbroken white lines down the center of the roads means...? In the UK it means no overtaking...In Poland it means....absolutly nothing to most drivers...!
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Jan 2010 /  #15
I am a smoker and I think it would be a disaster...

Smoking sections in bars and non smoking restaurants.

Atleast till they finally figure out what does and doesnt cause cancer.
bullfrog 6 | 602  
20 Jan 2010 /  #16
Not in Ireland. My family or are in the pub business. I wont even hear that argument

And what about the staff who are forced to work in a stinking and dangerous atmosphere?
jwojcie 2 | 762  
20 Jan 2010 /  #17
Personally I support it, maybe because I don't smoke :-) I don't care about smokers lungs, it is their choice. But I really get mad every time my clothing stinks after I'm back from some club... Beside smoke and alcohol means headache for me, without smoke I'm just fine. This smoke is just getting in my personal living space, if smokers can find a way to hold this smoke in their breathing area then I'm ok with that. But obviously they can't.

Anyway, this ban is to rigid. There should be clubs/restaurants for smokers but it should be clearly signed on front doors, just to let me know that I should avoid it, exactly like in some trains. Simple.
Ajb 6 | 232  
20 Jan 2010 /  #18
the business will make more money

Being a ex bar/restaurant manager from the UK, i can say for a fact the increases were:
-Higher cleaning costs
-Many fines from the council for littering, due to cigarette butts on the floor outside

We did how ever see a massive increase in bar food, which was great

Then all of a sudden our sales trends changed, suddenly we lost out fri/sat 5pm-8pm trade, people started come out later and trade picked up 9-10pm, as they can stay at home, drink and smoke without having to sit outside in the freezing cold!

The smoking ban made a mess of the pub/bar culture!

Being a non-smoker i like drinking when there is no smoking, but it dosent stop me from going to the pub for to drink!

I think for the industry, its a bad idea

what about the staff who are forced to work in a stinking and dangerous atmosphere?

They make the choice to work in that environment, it isn't forced upon them!
wildrover 98 | 4431  
20 Jan 2010 /  #19
As a smoker i will fight for the right to have a ciggie if i want to , but i also believe that those who don,t smoke have a right to breath clean air...

Its a difficult situation for a business owner , i think the only answer is to have bars that are non smoking , and others where you can smoke...This way , people can decide where they want to drink..or work..
OP bravo 4 | 63  
20 Jan 2010 /  #20
what about the staff who are forced to work in a stinking and dangerous atmosphere?

Better than having no job
20 Jan 2010 /  #21
All of the evidence shows that the main effect of a smoking ban would be that hundreds of bars will go out of business and the majority of those that survive will suffer lower income. People will simply stay at home and drink there, which will mean that they drink more (as it is much cheaper) and have more problems with their neighbours.

The smoking ban has destroyed the Great British pub and the French cafe. And all because some non-smokers think that they have the right to force their views onto everybody, just as the Nazis did.
time means 5 | 1309  
20 Jan 2010 /  #22
Yep ban it. It's way better now in pubs in the UK no more stinking of second hand smoke :-)

in UK it has been disastrous to pub culture.

I would not agree with this. What is killing the pub over here is the cost of a pint in most pubs (Weatherspoons are doing well) A while back in a bar i paid £13 for a round of four bottles of Becks, had i gone to the supermarket i could have bought 24 bottles for £12.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
20 Jan 2010 /  #23
i think the only answer is to have bars that are non smoking , and others where you can smoke...This way , people can decide where they want to drink..or work..

Do that and you will see the non-smoking bars are empty.
They did try this in Ireland before the ban came in, it was a flop, smokers are addicted, they will win the "where will we go for a pint?" question.

second hand smoke

Second hand smokers are cheap skates!

A while back in a bar i paid £13 for a round of four bottles of Becks, had i gone to the supermarket i could have bought 24 bottles for £12.

Did the bars not raise the prices because of the lack of business? I really don't know, I am just asking.

non-smokers think that they have the right to force their views onto everybody, just as the Nazis did.

I am unaware of the Nazi's no smoking policy, was it in the gas chambers?
time means 5 | 1309  
20 Jan 2010 /  #24
Did the bars not raise the prices because of the lack of business

It was a brand new bar maybe they were trying to re-coup some of their costs back and my bad luck as it was my round.

Almost all pubs have smoking shelters now for the people who want a quick fag and clean air for all is way better in my book, but then again i don't smoke.

Their are 3 Weatherspoons in my local town (2 good and 1 quite ropey) and they are always very busy. You can always get a pint of hand pull ale for 99p.
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
20 Jan 2010 /  #25
I used to like the lamb shank and they have Polish beer but no music...
But cheap as chips, for sure.

I also thought that the Celtic Tiger also contributed to the diminishing Irish pub culture.
Due to people being more money orientated and worrying about mortgage payments rather than having nothing in the first place to worry about losing.
time means 5 | 1309  
20 Jan 2010 /  #26
and they have Polish beer but no music...
But cheap as chips, for sure.

They have a very good selection of beer.

thought that Ireland's Celtic tiger also destroyed the Irish pub culture, die to people being more money orientated and worrying about mortgage payments.

That's a very good point Sean. A saturday night out now is an expense and people seem to be drinking at home more now due to cheap beer deals, which are always on.
kondzior 11 | 1037  
20 Jan 2010 /  #27
I gave up smoking almost 10 years ago, after 17 years of smoking, and the only times I'm tempted to start smoking again is when I hear about some new ban on smokig. Just to show government a finger. I mean HOW DARE THEM! Who they think they are? ;-)
OP bravo 4 | 63  
20 Jan 2010 /  #28
also. you can now buy cans of beer for 90 cent in liddle and drink them at home with a fag (cigarette) It makes no sense to go to the pub...the irony being that many non smokers spend their saturday nights in cramped living rooms with smokers
SeanBM 34 | 5786  
20 Jan 2010 /  #29
:) That'll learn'em :)
20 Jan 2010 /  #30
I am unaware of the Nazi's no smoking policy, was it in the gas chambers?

The highlights:

Bans And Restrictions in Nazi Germany

* The Luftwaffe banned smoking in 1938.
* The German Post office's own ban
* Smoking was barred in many workplaces, government offices, hospitals,and rest homes.
* The NSDAP (National sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) announced a ban on smoking in its offices in 1939
* SS chief Heinrich Himmler announced a smoking ban for all uniformed police and SS officers while on duty in 1939
* Hermann Goering's bans soldiers from smoking on the streets, on marches, and while taking rest periods.
* Sixty of Germany's largest cities banned smoking on street cars in 1941.

"I am convinced that if I had been a smoker, I never would have been able to bear the cares and anxieties which have been a burden to me for so long. Perhaps the German people owe its salvation to that fact."

Adolf Hitler 1942

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