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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - S
Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 1063 / In This Archive: 737

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16 Feb 2016
Life / If UK votes to leave the EU - what repercussions for British people living in Poland? [32]

The figure that I gave includes the so called "Rotterdam effect" because noone
believes in that and Economists don't even know to what full extent it has on EU trade.

Trade surplus with non EU countries has never been anywhere close to 251Billion GBP a year.
The surplus for last year, with non EU countries, was close to 50Billion GBP.

251 Billion GBP is 5 year figure. As you agree, 50 Billion GBP per year.

Yearly trade with Germany. Germany exports 84 Billion Euros to the UK against 42 Billion Euros From the UK to Germany. Why would they want a trade war?
15 Feb 2016
Life / If UK votes to leave the EU - what repercussions for British people living in Poland? [32]

As I said above, I can see a similar deal to Switzerland where they can put a stop to EU-13 citizens while leaving the original EU-15 citizens alone, but nothing else.

That may have been acceptable a couple of years ago but the British public now realise where Mutti will offload her surplus of doctors, scientists, dentists etc, that are illiterate and unemployable. A nice new German passport and a train ticket West to take up the benefits of free movement.
15 Feb 2016
Life / If UK votes to leave the EU - what repercussions for British people living in Poland? [32]

If the EU is so wonderful and beneficial, why do you need to lie?

The EU, destination for 51% of British exports, remains the biggest trading partner of the UK and has been for the last 20 years or so.

Trade with the EU countries has been falling year on year. The exports you talk about, include the "Rotterdam effect" which means that those exports which pass through the port are included in the EU's figures, even if they are not offloaded and carry on to Singapore. The UK has a current trading deficit with the EU of 89 Billion a year while it has a surplus of 251 Billion with the rest of the world.

"If I am not mistaken the French and Germans have been very vocal about
any privileges should the UK decide to exit."

If you were going to have to pay out billions of Euros every year because you allowed unlimited immigration into your country and the third biggest contributor to your little club decided they did not want to play anymore, you would get quite vocal as well. Germany has 1 in 6 employed in the car industry, perhaps they will stop selling the Mercs, BMW's and Audi's to the UK. The French farmers will allow their government to ban the sale of fruit and veg to the UK, lets see how long before they riot.

The scare stories are hilarious. No more cheap air travel, safety and security will be compromised (as if letting 1.1 million unchecked migrants have free travel throughout Europe was a good idea). The sky will fall down.

My God, how did we ever manage before we joined the EU. Nobody travelled, nobody worked in other countries, there was no co-operation between law enforcement agencies(except for Interpol which still exists and which still has the power to extradite criminals from non-EU countries).

You are either clueless or you have an ulterior motive for spreading these lies.
14 Dec 2015
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

And in France they have these weird results in the first round and common sense prevail in the second.

And what is sensible about nothing changing? Was it Einstein who said something like, " the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing, over and over and expecting a different result". Where is democracy when the two main political parties are fixing the results between themselves. Would you play cards against two people who are fixing the game so you can never win?
1 Dec 2015
Life / Polish culture versus rotten West [279]

Is it me or did the world seem better when I was younger ? :(

Yes, it was a better place. The children could play outside. It did not take you two hours to get through airport security. Your neighbours spoke the same language. You could celebrate Christmas and Easter without offending anyone. Smoking a cigarette was not a capitol offence. Free speech was not punished. Politicians were fairly honest and cared about the voters. People believed in each other and had respect for the law.

We have regressed, become fearful, accept cheating and lies as a way of life. I pray that it is not too late to change this so, called, progress. I lived through a good time, but, now we are entering a period of which I want no part. If mankind is so determined to destroy itself, then I fear for the children. Not just mine, all children. For this is the future we have left them. And I cry.
19 Nov 2015
News / Letter from the UN to Poland to Promote Abortions and End Traditional Family [37]

The UN has just sent an interesting letter to the Polish Government. It contains a few controversial suggestions and I would be interested to know what the members of the forum think:-

Poland should give children wider access to abortions, fight against "gender stereotypes" and imprison homophobes, a United Nations (UN) document has demanded. The document, which was produced by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, has provoked anger in Poland.

25 Oct 2015
News / Poland directly threatened by ISIS. Do Islamists planning terrorist attacks in Poland? [390]

1- you pay "al jzya" which is the special tax for christians because they don't have to fight in the muslim army and muslims are "protecting them" 2-you convert into islam 3-you should get out or you would be killed .

mmmmmmmmmmm....difficult choice. I think I will choose the "come and meet my 12 bore."

This discussion went off-topic
11 Oct 2015
News / Polish people's criticism of European Union [104]

You know a little German? There are a million sources out there.

And some things the German press seem reluctant to report. I wonder how Polish doctors would react?

I was surprised when I read the comments section.

2 Oct 2015
Real Estate / How to buy an apartment in Poland - can I pay in full cash? [20]

No. There's a pre-contract agreement, which essentially means that the seller is obliged to sell the property at that price. They can't back out once this is signed.

They can, but, they have to pay "double" the amount of the deposit. I actually had this happen to me when I first came to Poland. I was given 15,000 dollars compensation from the seller on top of the 15,000 deposit he had to return.
9 Sep 2015
Real Estate / Who pays for the real estate agency's cost in Poland? [26]

Welcome to Poland. This is how it works here. The agents are taking a commission from the buyer and the seller. Who are they acting for, fcuk nose!!!!, This is the way it works in Poland. In civilised countries, it would not be allowed as there is a conflict of interest. Not in Poland, its a case of FU, you should know the local laws. And, if you get ripped off, you have to learn from your mistakes. Exaggerating?

No, if anyone tells you different, they are lying.
22 Aug 2015
Real Estate / Pitfalls of buying a Polish Flat built in 1950's [20]

These older properties have been discussed before in a number of older threads.


I personally, would not touch a flat of that age. Just because it has been tarted up, tells you nothing about any underlying, structural, problems. If you still want to go ahead, make sure that you get a good, surveyor. Not, a building inspector who will say anything to please you. You are spending a large amount of money, invest a small amount in a good, reputable, surveyor. Should anything go wrong after the purchase, the surveyor should have indemnity insurance and you can sue him.
13 Aug 2015
Law / Tunisian man got married with a Polish girl. How to get a temporary residence in Poland? [29]

Why do you expect to us, besides crying with you and telling you that the "Brits" are not nice ... Do see a lawyer!

Trying to get my head around your comment? She is Polish, her husband is Moroccan, yet, the Brits are not nice for not allowing them to live in the UK? Surely they can join the other 5,000 in Calais and hop on a lorry or maybe the Brits think the country is full up.
12 Aug 2015
Life / Fitting balanced flue Gas Central heating boiler in Poland [32]

That's why in Poland the bathroom doors have vents - because generally the gas boiler is in the bathroom. As the original poster does not have gas

With the balanced flue going through the outside wall, you would not need vents in the door.

"You may also need to have air vents in your windows."

You do not vent through double glazed units, thats why I said trickle vents in the frame.
12 Aug 2015
Life / Fitting balanced flue Gas Central heating boiler in Poland [32]

You may also need to have air vents in your windows.

When you order purpose made windows, they will not allow for "trickle vents" in the frames unless, specifically, asked for. It is not a requirement/regulation in Poland.
12 Aug 2015
Life / Fitting balanced flue Gas Central heating boiler in Poland [32]

I have fitted fire and Co2 Detectors in each room, Every Winter i read about people dying or ending up in hospital with Co2 poisoning caused by faulty gas installations.

Balanced flue boilers have a non-return valve on the exhaust which switches off the boiler in the event of a blow-back, thus, no fumes enter the room in which the boiler is situated. These boilers are the ones that are normally fitted in the UK and have reduced the number of deaths by carbon monoxide, immensely. Most deaths in the UK are caused by unscrupulous, landlords who fit gas fires in rooms which have had the chimneys capped off. Usually foreign landlords that have no idea of the regulations and are not used to gas heating appliances.

As for the men employed to check the vents in Poland, I still expect to see a cart being pulled through the village and hear the cry of "Bring out your dead".
12 Aug 2015
Life / Fitting balanced flue Gas Central heating boiler in Poland [32]

it cost me 400,000 PLN added to the project. Still I can sleep well knowing that these vent checkers will get to climb up on the roof once a year and get a nice view of the lakes. Meanwhile, a few people die every year in Poland from carbon monoxide poisoning because these boilers are not used. As an aside to this story, I had to send the roofing contractors back 3 times for remedial works as the chimneys were leaking around the flashings. I am still puzzled as to why they put a CE certification mark on materials that you are not allowed to use in a European country, perhaps Poland never really joined the EU.
12 Aug 2015
Life / Fitting balanced flue Gas Central heating boiler in Poland [32]

Hi Does anyone know if it is possible to fit a balanced flue gas boiler in Poland?

I went through all this 8 years ago when I built a block of apartments. I did not want chimneys as they create a weakness in the roof. Checked that balanced flue boilers were available, checked for the CE mark to make sure that they were EU approved and ask allowed to use the boilers we wanted the plumbing contractor to fit them in each of the 13 apartments. He informed me that it would not be approved by the gas company and I would be asked to take them out and install, vertical flues. Went to the gas office who informed me of the same.

From what I was able to figure out, two men who go around and check the airflow, once every year for blockages, birds nests, etc, would be put out of work if we were allowed to fit boilers with a balanced flue. I had to build the chimneys, vents and a metal, walkway, access ladder, across the roof for them to spend their 20 min visit and earn their 50 PLN, meanwhile, it
29 Jul 2015
News / If Poland were in the Eurozone... [39]

I was travelling between Spain and Germany during the changeover, both countries were complaining of the price increases when adopting the Euro, some 15% increases which were never mentioned in the MSM.
17 Jul 2015
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]


What is the difference between a moderate Muslim and a radical Muslim?

The moderate Muslim wants the radical Muslim to kill you.

Discussion went off-topic; closed.
8 Jul 2015
Love / Acceptable age difference for a couple in Poland. [13]

"With this in mind I think the age difference is the acceptable maximum"

I can relate to your situation. Met my partner here in 2005. I was 53 and she was 32 (she already had a 5 year old daughter) and I had never had or wanted any children of my own. Nature played her usual tricks and we have our own daughter now as well.

No regrets, love them to bits and we are a close family. See how it goes.
5 Jul 2015
Life / Apartment Painting in Poland [4]

Architects that I used to do work for, nearly always specified Dulux for the excellent coverage that it gives. What you should be looking for is the "BS" (British Standards) number. This is different for every colour and shade ie: BS 16471 etc. Look up the Dulux site online and give your decorator the number of the paint you want. (as well as whether you want matt, vinyl, vinyl silk, eggshell etc)