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Posts by Vincent  

Joined: 9 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Sep 2024
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 793 / In This Archive: 384
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: uczę się

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5 Aug 2017
News / Is pro-opposition Open Dialogue Foundation a cover for Russian interests [99]

Oh look, yet more off-topic ad hom trolling of precisely the type that Vicent claims gets people banned.

I warned you before, don't bring my name up on threads in the public forums. These threads are about Poland and not about me! There are official in threads Feedback for slating moderators so don't use the public forums which are meant to be Poland related. This happened last week in on of your post on the main forums too which I overlooked. Take this as a final warning and don't rule out that I might give you a month out to refresh your memory sometime later today.
23 Jul 2017
UK, Ireland / Mobile phone - where to buy it in the UK? [5]

Not sure how we got from mobile phones to plumbing? Most big home stores like Homebase, B&Q and Wickes etc. will all have parts for showers and taps/ faucets. For a specialist check out if you have a local branch of the "Plumb center" near you.
16 Apr 2017
Feedback / Threads about Muslims to be automatically in Off-Topic? [20]

Any thread about Muslims should be placed in the off-topic forum only.

Admin has already created a thread in the off topic for this very subject

Posters should keep their comments to this thread unless it is related to Poland directly . Personally I belive the forums would be much better if you and your two mates would stop baiting other members and call a truce. The random chat thread has been a disgrace lately with comments about sexual orientation and child abuse,really low life stuff. The worst part is this had happened since you have been allowed back, much the same as the last time you were supended.

Admin will read your proposal when he finds time.
24 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

No, as I understand it the TWO years is the maximum time that it should take

According to the BBC "The process to take the UK out of the European Union starts with invoking Article 50 and will take at least two years from that point" Leave campaigners have said there is no need to trigger Article 50 immediately, and the trigger point could be long after David Cameron steps down in October. Truth is no one is sure how long it will take, but it is not going to happen anytime soon.
23 Apr 2016
Language / English-Polish tests [23]

line 11 : when you read the English 'to live in the town', you may automatically try to put 'żyć' rather than 'mieszkać'

But in this case it's just a quiz, and you can only use the answers already set out at the top of the page. Mieszkać the verb (to live) is the perfect fit. It is much harder translating English into Polish and sometimes it doesn't appear to be exact. Could be the same for Polish people translating into English. I had a look at test e-85, and from the index changed the language to Polish into English, and it only took me a couple of minutes to complete the test. Although the answers were grammatically correct, I felt there could have been a better/different choice, which would make the answers seem more natural.
19 Apr 2016
Feedback / Sad news today of the passing of a member of our site (Avalon) [16]

Very sad news indeed. He was a top bloke and would give help to anyone if he could. I remember he sent me many photos of a project he had done in Poland (from start to finish) when I asked a question in a thread, about buildings in Poland, many years ago.

It also transpired that he use to live only 3 miles away from me when he had his business in the UK, but unfortunately our paths never crossed. This also comes as a big shock as he was posting on PF just a couple of months ago. My condolences to family and friends.

RIP Avalon
4 Mar 2016
Feedback / Warning for posters who have been changing the names of famous Polish politicians, celebrities, etc. [90]

No, if I wanted to belittle another member, I'd do it using wording that doesn't draw a ban

Too bad you didn't exercise this last time when posting personal information abut him.

would wording such as the below be acceptable?

this is an opinion, and speculation, with no personal information posted. Some might say it's accurate, but I for one would dismiss it as fictional, as no character in real life could be this vile, could they?.
4 Mar 2016
Feedback / Warning for posters who have been changing the names of famous Polish politicians, celebrities, etc. [90]

Is that the new rule?

The first post in a new thread is very important to enable the discussion to follow on. If you use made up names then you are confusing the readers and not setting a good tone. In future you you will need to use the correct names when creating a new thread or it will get binned.

On a different note, could you explain what you meant by this?Well that and bitterness about all those letters begging for a job. I hope you were not trying to belittle another member, after getting a weeks suspension for similar words
24 Feb 2016
Life / Polish culture versus rotten West [279]

Probably because most of your threads/posts try to incite hatred and racism, are off topic or in the wrong forum. I would suggest you stick to the topic of this thread as it might well get closed down if you don't.
24 Feb 2016
Life / Polish culture versus rotten West [279]

I don't understand why Mods put up with all Atch's off topic messages....

A quick search through your posts revels you mentioned 'France' 156 times, and 'French' 174 times. Atch has mentioned 'Ireland' 118 times and 'Irish' 110 times. It seems to me that both of you could be working for the French and Irish tourist boards and are getting free advertising on here.
15 Feb 2016
Language / Instrumental and byc - Polish grammar issue [46]

Do you teach (or have you taught) people Polish by chance?

No I don't teach, heaven forbid. I've been learning for about 9 years now, more as a hobby.
15 Feb 2016
Language / Instrumental and byc - Polish grammar issue [46]

For instance, why is: "Leonid to mój wujek" nominative, yet: "Asia jest moją żoną" is instrumental?

When you use the word 'to' you use the nominative case, but if you omit the word 'to' you must use the instrumental case.
21 Jan 2016
Life / Why is Orange Poland such a crappy / expensive network? [53]

The upfront fee for a top line phone is about a grand but you can always sell the old model for about that money if you keep it in good nick.

Most of the top end phones have non removal batteries, so won't hold a charge for too long after 2 years. Would you really want to pay top dollar for a second hand iphone that you'll have to charge 3 or 4 times a day?
17 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Meaning, it wasn't baiting - it's called barbed humour.

call it what you want, I'd call it trolling with intentions to bait another member. ?action=search&where=0&posterName=Harry&phrase=attack+dogs
28 Nov 2015
Feedback / Should PF have a 18+ disclaimer when entering the site [17]

LOL ... that was fast, Vincent. Are you the effective filter you were talking about? :)

No I'm not, but it is less paper work to fill in than giving you a suspension ;)

There's no chance whatsoever to avoid derogatory language - neither on PF nor in real life

True, it's all around in real life, but if a person has to stoop so low as to put it in print, then his or her post are not worth taking notice off. Many posters get their point across without it.
28 Nov 2015
Feedback / Should PF have a 18+ disclaimer when entering the site [17]

There's a disclaimer that persons should be 14 years or over to partake in the discussions, we don't get many this age and most members and guests seem to be 18 and over. You would be forgiven, if after reading the random chat thread, you have made the mistake thinking most of the posters are teenage school children, when in fact they are full grown men. I can't believe it myself sometimes.

As for bad language, we have a filter in place, and this stops nearly all of it. We have one arrogant poster who loves to beat the system, but if he carries on like today, his life on PF will be cut short.


Don't start bad mouthing other members, and watch your own back. None of the threads here are about other members, so keep them out of discussions. New members can form their own opinion about posters, without you chipping in with your 2 cents. I wouldn't say you would be the best role model for PF either.

Things like the c-word have absolutely no place on here.

I agree with you here, but you could count the number of times you've seen it on here, on one hand, which is not bad for 10 years of existence.
16 Nov 2015
Law / UK National Insurance and Polish ZUS and tax issues [11]

Hmmm not what I have been reading here

Have you seen the question in the FAQs on that page?

Can I apply from anywhere in the world?

No. You must be in the UK when you apply for an NI Number. However, a service can make sure everything required is set to go for your arrival.
21 Oct 2015
News / Kaczyński slams "political correctness" plague in Poland [85]

Is it permitted to use Dear Leader Kaczyński?

Is this how he's addressed on his mail or credit card? If not why bother? I thought you welcomed the rule in an ex-mods thread, "as it lowers the tone of the discussion".
18 Oct 2015
News / Kaczyński slams "political correctness" plague in Poland [85]

This forum becomes more sanitised by the day in some ways, and more extreme in others.

It's a political thread. What is your problem with using correct names, so that members outside of Poland can follow the thread too?
18 Oct 2015
Real Estate / Why are toilets and sinks in Poland always separated by a door? [33]

Yes, absolutely true. Vincent on here (one of the mods) will be able to explain exactly why, but it's my understanding that it's not actually legal there to put electrical outlets in the bathroom unless it's a significant distance from a water source.

We have very strict electricity laws in the UK, which states, there should be NO electrical (rocker) switches or outlet sockets in the bathroom. Lights, fans or electric showers are controlled by corded pull switches, and these must be out of reach from small children. A shaving outlet is permitted but this is different from the usual three prong inlet, having only two prongs and a low voltage. It's just not a good idea to touch anything electric with wet hands.

Bathrooms tend to be small in the majority of houses in the UK, so there won't be room for a washing machine in most. I have never seen one in any large bathrooms either. Kitchens are usually larger, and they are designed with a place for the so called "white goods" fridge, cooker and washing machine.

As for two taps, most new builds now have the mono bloc taps in the kitchens and bathrooms. The reason for the two taps was contamination. In older houses the water supply always went directly to the kitchen tap (to supply) fresh drinking water) then it was piped to the "cold" bathroom taps, and finally to a storage tank in the roof space, to feed the hot water system. With this system it it would have been possible for contamination to take place if the the hot water and cold water came in contact with each other in the same pipe. Now a days it is not so much a problem with the introduction of anti syphon valves and direct feeds to the boiler.
27 Sep 2015
Life / Supermoon time and location in Poland [14]

Haven't heard of any volcanic eruptions in Europe today or large fires, but most of the media have forecast a blood red moon in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
21 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

All Polish citizens are required to identify themselves to Polish authorities always and only with Polish documentations

In the OP's case, how could he prove he was a Polish citizen if he had no papers to prove this at the time? A bit of a catch22 , don't you think?