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Joined: 9 Feb 2019 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 27 Mar 2020
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 357 / In This Archive: 52
From: Weimar
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: sports, tech

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3 Jul 2019
History / Why is Poland such an American boot licker? [60]


Wrong, my state has no american base. In 2014 americans wanted open a military hospital in thüringen to treat wounded american soldiers. Our prime minister blocked this and said she would rather open a pig farm there.

Thats how its done. Treat them like the **** they are.
3 Jul 2019
History / Why is Poland such an American boot licker? [60]


Trump has an issue with an independent Germany. He want slaves and vasalls. He also has issues with evry other independend nation. France or UK as well.

But i explain quite well. In Germany we have the concept of holding together against an outside enemy. In this case Trump is an enemy. I would NEVR side with an foreigner.

This is not an issue regarding our government. Its Because Trump hates Germany, he hates our sucess and he hates our economic power.

Seeing Poland sucking american dick...feels kind weird. I mean normally nations have self respect.
3 Jul 2019
History / Why is Poland such an American boot licker? [60]

From the german point of view its kinda disgusting to watch. The way the polses slime towards Trump, kiss ass and crawl on the floor without ay self respeect.

Where does this extreme submissive behavior come from? And do Poles realize that th rest of Europe turns away in disgust?
1 May 2019
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

Polish is a exotic language for Germans, infact i know nobody who speaks polish and im from Thüringen, which is not that far from Poland. I think its for historical reasons. Germans never had to learn polish for economic reasons ect.

Im sure if i go poland, i could not speak german there as well. Its not meant in a bad way.
20 Mar 2019
News / Polish Airline LOT has the biggest fleet of 737-8MAX in continental Europe..grounded [18]


LOT got cheated twice.

The 787 they got from Boeing dont fly and have massive engine problems. LOT currently has to lease Airbus aircrafts to have operational long distance aircrafts in its fleet.

The problem in the 737 MAX8 is even more severe. The aircraft is flawed. Its engines are engiens designed for the A320. They are too big for the 737. This cant be fixed by a software update. The aircraft is structural compromised.

Over 300 people died because of that.

Boeing is in big trouble and only will survive because US government money support.

LOT on the other side currently has large parts of its fleet grounded. Loses each day 2 million €.

Lufthansa currently looks for new airlines to purchase. Maybe in a few weeks LOT will be bought by Lufthansa.

As for "caring" for passengers. LOT knew from day one that the 737 MAX is flawed. Lufthansa did not order a single one.

There is a reason why many renomated airlines did not order...experts knew something is wrong.
17 Mar 2019
News / Polish Airline LOT has the biggest fleet of 737-8MAX in continental Europe..grounded [18]

While no german airline has ordered a single 737-8MAX, the polish LOT has ordered over 12 machines of that type.

LOT is the only EU airline that has not a single airbus in its fleet. American ass kissing of the finest and now they get the boot for it.

Its entire 737-8MAX fleet is grounded and not allowed to fly in the EU. They aircraft has a massive design flaw. Its said for each grounded aircraft, the airline makes each day 250.000 € losses. LOT has 5 of the flawed aircrafts already in service. Which means they make 1.25 million losses each single day.

Today it was announced teh fligh recorder of the crashed ethiopian airlines machine shows same data as teh crashed Lion Air machine in Indonies. Experts say the aircraft has a serious flaw. Its engines (which were originally intended for A320) are too big for the old hull design.

A critical design flaw that cant be changed easily. Even more so on machines already build .

Boeing said nothing about compensations. LOT most likely will need to go year long law suits. But even more pressing is how Poland will try to replace the flawed aircrafts. Airbus order books are full.
25 Feb 2019
Polonia / Don't Poles know they don't get welfare when going Germany to look for work? [22]

My colleague and i got called to local jobcenter today because one women did not want leave and shouted ect.

When we arrived there to take her out they told us, that she freaked out when she heared her welfare application was denied, because she only is in Germany for looking for work which means she is not allowed to get welfare. She either lives from her own money or get back Poland.

She spoke little German but we convinced her to just leave and dont make big drama.

But honestly dont they tell over there?
23 Feb 2019
History / Aurochs, the primitive prehistoric cattle of Europe, had lived in Poland? [48]


The Wisent was not eaten. Who told you that crap? Its a CITES I species and German law is quite stringent with that. You know laws?

Look, maybe in Poland cows are allowed to smash into cars and kill people. In Germany thats not allowed. If something happened, the ones responsible would go to jail. Is your country a lawless s,or what?

As for being an Idiot when i want german interests be accomplished. Yes, im an idiot then. Too bad i stand for my country and not fo others.
23 Feb 2019
History / Aurochs, the primitive prehistoric cattle of Europe, had lived in Poland? [48]


The Wisent / Bison in Poland are all German stock

Out of interest i did read about the Wisent and it has an interesting history.

One user here insulted Germany, because a Wisent was shot here as it endangered people running close to the Autobahn.

Now to the facts...in the last 400 years the Wisent became extinct in the wild. It was only kept as pet from german lords. After WW I the population collapsed completly.

It was german zoologist Dr. Erna Mohr who started a rescue program in zoological gardens and a breeding program.


Her efforts were sucessful and animals transported to Poland.

Dr. Mohr chose the national park białowieża as best habitat for the Wisent.

So much for the polish national animal...even the Wisent coems from Germany. The original polish Wisent stock was lost before WW I. All animal in Poland come from german Zoo animals.
18 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]


Whats your problem with a german patriot?

Your problem is, that the very idea of a german standing for his own people, is totally unimaginable for you.

No, i dont want pay money for others.

Yes, i dont care what happened 80 years ago.

I live now. Our nations can cooperate so both sides profit, no i will not allow anyone to parasite on us.

Once you realize that, we can become good neighbors.

I will not step back to stand for my interests and apology for something i have not done.
17 Feb 2019
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

Too bad we see all setteled and give nothing, call it illigitimate claim, an insult and attack.

Some also open the box to bring tze german territories into account, the value of the lands. Could well be, that Poland ows us reparations then.

We also have scars that lasted generations. Who compensates us?

Stop being filthy beggers.
17 Feb 2019
History / Why are Jews pestering Poland for "proper" WW2 monetary restitution/reparations? [750]

@Shitonya Brits

We live in 2019. Poland deserves ****. Can Germany demand reparations from Sweden because 30 year war as well? Get real.

Polish killed jews, hunted them and collaborated. Thats a simple fact.

Has nothing to do with Polish today. So of course Poland should not pay raparations and the very same thing counts for Germany.

What do you think entitles you, to take money from me? My tax money, when all this happened even before my grandfather was born?

Why do you think you can steal from the current german generation for things that happened 3 to 4 generations before?
17 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]


The german army even at its current state btw is in the top 10 militaries of the world, surpassing poland on magnitudes.

That said, its crazy how some poles overestimate their country. We talk about Poland here, not a powerful country.

8nly nations that matter in Europe are Germany, France and UK. The rest is pets.
16 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

Its not the land of my ancestors anymore. Im a Thüringer. This is my land and my ancestors land. The villages there are rotten down now. There is nothing German.

Also why you say such rubbish? I have two grandmothers and 2 grandfathers. One grandmother and both grandfathers are from Thüringen. Only one grandma from Schlesien.

And i honestly dont get why you think begging for money is a good thing.

Tell me whith which explanation you say money should be taken away from me and give to poland because ww II?
16 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

Merkel in Germany is finished, the far right on the rise. Putin bets much on us and offers many deals.

Im quite sure Germany and Russia can make alot of profitable deals.

That said, Merkel dismissed any reparations. One of the few things she is right. We dont even discuss it. We laugh about it.

The media here show it as polish idiocy, say most things done there were done by polish themself.

The only result you get is to create anger between our countries.