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Posts by teargas  

Joined: 25 Apr 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 20 Jun 2015
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Posts: Total: 71 / In This Archive: 67
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: gardening, languages

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5 Jun 2015
Law / Ways of getting Permanent residency in Poland [101]

If I'm living in poland illegally on schengen visa can possible to get PR ? Plz reply


It is possible to obtain a tolerated stay permit, but these are only granted when there are significant extenuating circumstances.
5 Jun 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Something I've noticed. On here some of them always seem to see it as a 2 way thing. As if it's republican v democrat etc. The third largest grouping in parliament, PSL, is very rarely mentioned yet their presence in a coalition can (and does) make a difference.

Yes, the PSL also tend to do better in elections than they poll. If it wasn't for PO doing a great job in Western Poland of destroying their small town electoral base, they would be polling at around 8-9% as usual.

The problem with Kukiz is history. Presidential elections always seem to attract strange protest votes, which means that he doesn't have much time to build any sort of electoral structures. He also doesn't have any political big names behind him, which are sorely needed in a bruising parliamentary campaign. PiS may feel that he will be their puppet, but if the situation arises that PiS get 30% and Kukiz 20%, why would they support PiS without significant concessions?
5 Jun 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Does anyone actually believe that Kaczyński won't do what he did with Marcinkiewicz and just remove her from power as soon as she starts showing any signs of independence?

PiS will win 30% of the vote. Where the other 70% goes, who knows - but I don't believe that Kukiz can win against an organised PO/SLD/PSL campaign. It's easy to get votes as a one-man candidate, but it's much harder to translate it into electoral success in parliamentary elections. For a start, Kukiz needs to be able to field roughly 4600 candidates!
5 Jun 2015
News / 23 Shale Wells Drilled This Year Alone in Poland - 41 More to Go... [50]

Actually, the LNG terminal is almost complete. Nothing to do with PO and everything to do with EU tendering rules obliging Poland to select the lowest bidder.

As for shale gas, obviously if you actually cared about Poland, you'd be happy that it's proving to be a huge bust.
5 Jun 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

PiS and Kukiz do not have 65% of the vote combined. Don't forget that PO won 48.5% in the Presidential election during a shockingly bad campaign, and in the first round, took 33% of the vote. Don't forget that PO have heavy resources behind them, particularly as the business community is overwhelmingly behind them, and those resources will pay for a brutal campaign against PiS. Every single mistake by Duda will be relentlessly analysed and criticised, and PO will be in the somewhat strange situation of a ruling party being able to behave as if it's in opposition.

A far more realistic outcome would have PiS narrowly winning with around 32-34% of the vote, PO winning 30-32%, Kukiz taking 10-12% along with NowoczesnaPL and the PSL taking 5-6%. It could be enough (just) for PiS-Kukiz, but it would be a razor thin majority.

As for PiS, they have a history of causing trouble with coalition partners. Whether Kukiz would be foolish enough to sign any agreement with PiS without getting control of the MSW, well.

More to the point,
5 Jun 2015
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Dominic, perhaps consider that this offer is an excellent way to get into those Western jobs?

I know you taught English in Poland and thus know nothing about these kind of jobs, but your advice is completely unrealistic. No-one in the US is going to hire someone like him without some Western experience.
5 Jun 2015
Law / Child Support Advice - starting a case in Poland from the UK? [5]

The case is where the child is resident. The Polish court in this case has no jurisdiction, and her threats can be safely ignored.

However, don't discount the possibility of her attempting to register the child in Poland, perhaps at a grandparents address. In that case, the friend must be well prepared to show that the child is actually resident in the UK.
5 Jun 2015
News / Kopacz wants PO to hire more professional PiS-bashing haters [66]

Nastiness, Polonius?

Premier Marcinkiewicz can tell all about that.


Former prime minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz joined the fray, saying he had grounds to suspect he was spied on when in office and that Poland had become an "Orwellian state".

Don't forget that curiously, PiS exempted the RCC from lustracja. Why?
5 Jun 2015
Law / Child Support Advice - starting a case in Poland from the UK? [5]

Urge him to compile a dossier of evidence. He should obtain as much as possible, and preferably copies of things such as CSA letters from the UK and a letter confirming that the child is registered in the school in question.

Having said this, if he earns less than roughly 1100zl a week gross in Poland, he will pay nothing in child support.
5 Jun 2015
News / Kopacz wants PO to hire more professional PiS-bashing haters [66]

The LNG port is nearly finished. As I said above, the delays were caused by EU tendering rules requiring the lowest bidder wins, and thus the winning company tried the usual tactic of asking for more money.

Talking further about PiS and hate...

In an email, Bilewicz said that most members of the Polish parliament praised the study and many suggested education measures to fight prejudice. The only skeptical voice, he said, was that of Dorota Arciszewska-Mielewczyk, a center-right Law and Justice Party member, who "suggested that Polish Jews are represented by the Knesset rather than the Polish parliament."


A conservative Law and Justice (PiS) MP has called proposals to create anti-gay hate speech laws in Poland "leftist newsspeak" and "gay fascism". - See more at: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/100556,Proposed-homosexual-hate-speech-law-gay-fascism-says-conservative-MP#sthash.lyy8e5LZ.dpuf


And even crude attempts at propaganda...

In Polish schools, "unpatriotic" authors, and books by Goethe, Kafka and Dostoevsky, have been removed from children's reading lists as part of an attempt at the "purification of Polish culture".


Poor show, Polonius3.
5 Jun 2015
News / 23 Shale Wells Drilled This Year Alone in Poland - 41 More to Go... [50]

Which is why even if shale gas doesn't really happen, Poland is still doing a fantastic job on energy diversification.

Did you know that in recent times, the ability to import gas from Germany and Norway has come on-line without much fanfare or fuss?

Poland has also gone very cold on the EU when it comes to coal.

As far as I know, the issues with shale gas in Poland is that the regulatory environment in Europe is drastically different to the USA. Over there, the gas companies were allowed to more or less do what they wanted in order to establish the industry. Combine that with the fact that the reserves have proved to be far less than expected, and with a low price of gas, there's just no point in carrying on.

However, I'd say that getting another LNG terminal online, perhaps somewhere further east, might be a very wise idea. Getting more gas pipelines in place, particularly to Lithuania also makes a lot of sense.
5 Jun 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

You seem to forget that the Platformers are slipping fast and the Kukiz in recent polls outstripped them.

We'll see how long he lasts when he comes up against an electoral machine that's used to winning elections. Kukiz won't only have to worry about PO, he'll also have to worry about PiS in the Eastern provinces. So far, he hasn't attracted any political power at all, which is what matters in an election. If you consider that Kukiz has a parallel with Twój Ruch in 2011, then look at how many experienced campaigners Palikot had to call on. Kukiz has nothing so far, and this will likely hurt him.

All these figures are highly speculative at this point, but just for the sake of analysis, let's assume that my prediciton is correct (65% for PiS/Kukiz). What in your view would be the result? BTW why should the major coalition partner give up the Interior Ministry. That is the main weapon against lawbreakers including PO-style white-collar crime -- juggling books, kickbacks, under the counter deals, fixed tenders, backroom payoffs, etc.

Disaster for PiS in your scenario. They would be facing a coalition partner that would offer them constitutional changes in exchange for some very odd populist policies, and it could lead to yet another 2006-2007 situation arising again. A better result would be something around 55% combined, as it would allow them to govern without the distraction of constitutional changes.

As for Kukiz, the MSW would probably be a red line in order to prevent Kaczyński repeating history and using the MSW against him. Remember, Kukiz is building his reputation on destroying the existing system, and allowing Kaczyński to control the MSW would be a disaster for him.

Looks like PiS are also realising that Kukiz is a threat to them.


To explain - MP Pawłowicz from PiS (of infamous eating in the Sejm fame) is mocking Kukiz for apparently having abandoned Poland already.

As for Duda, there are certainly growing murmurings that PiS may be starting to move away from Kaczyński's authority now that they've got someone to rally around. It's certainly telling that Duda won the Presidential election by putting in a lot of hard work, which Kaczyński has never done.
5 Jun 2015
News / 23 Shale Wells Drilled This Year Alone in Poland - 41 More to Go... [50]

The biggest enemy of renewable energy and energy independence in Poland is what I call the "coal lobby".

As I recall, wasn't it someone involved with coal and Russia that was behind the whole recording of politicians in Warsaw?

Polonius, yes, it's an area that Poland should really try and focus on. The EU will provide considerable resources in that direction, and should something viable happen that doesn't result in huge environmental issues, then the EU will fund it even more. The two biggest problems are that the price of gas at the minute is too low to make alternative technologies worthwhile, and that gassification of coal results in a significant environmental impact.

The issue of the trade unions is also a huge problem. They have a lot to lose from on-site gassification and carbon capture schemes, as the price of coal would drastically reduce due to the lack of need to transport it. They would also lose considerable influence over the mines, which they may not want.

It's a tough one, but in my opinion, the best approach would be to get the LNG terminal online and then try and convince the United States to start exporting LNG too. That should make the construction of additional storage tanks feasible, and should allow Poland to import a huge amount of LNG. Combined with German and Norwegian exports and re-exports, Poland should be pretty secure energywise.
5 Jun 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

I think it's time for Kaczyński to retire from politics. Duda's success shows that PiS can win elections if the candidate has the energy to enthuse the electorate, but Kaczyńśki is just tired, old and jaded. Look at his public appearances, as they lack energy and he simply doesn't have the power for the job. He avoids meeting the public in general, and his appearances are mocked by most of the electorate for being stage managed. Even PiS voters these days seem to be fed up with him, and it's notable that he hasn't received any credit for Duda's win.

When I compared Duda's 2015 election campaign with Kaczyński's 2011 campaign, you can really see the huge difference. Duda was travelling all over Poland to try and secure votes, while Kaczyński managed to associate himself with a ridiculous stage-managed "win" at the PiS conference.

There are plenty of capable politicians within PiS, but Kaczyński needs to realise that PiS is not about him anymore.
6 Jun 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Chatting to English speaker Poles quite a bit this week - another week of many enquiries and more successful sales than usual.

The data from GUS suggests that there hasn't been any sudden spike. I have access to retail information, and there's nothing that suggests that Duda's victory has changed much except that the markets are rather jittery at the thought of PiS winning later this year.

The other reason that I know that you happen to be lying is that everyone this week has gone away for the long weekend. No-one is doing business this week, as witnessed in my own business. Anyone claiming that business is "booming" during this week is clearly full of it.

This is a PO strong hold city yet everyone I chat to says they're pleased PiS got in. From that I assume they voted PiS. Background of these people, semi professional and professional (draughtsmen, shop owners, dentists)

Suggest that you're making this up. The swing from PO to PiS in the Presidential election was only around 5.5%, which is rather minor.

Incidentally, numbers from the Presidential election in PO stronghold cities stayed somewhat consistent, which rather proves that you seem to be making things up. An example occured in Szczecin, Komorowski won 64% in 2010 and 61% in 2015. There was a small swing of around 2% to PiS, but nothing that could suggest that PO strongholds moved to Komorowski. Elbląg was around 62-38% in 2010 and 60-40% in 2015.

If you wish to present me with some evidence that PO strongholds went over to PiS, then I'd like to see it. There were some cases, such as Rzeszów that went from 51-49 Komorowski to around 56-44 Duda, but Rzeszów would never be called a PO stronghold. Perhaps Wrocław? It was 65-35 in 2010 and 58-41 in 2015.

As far as I know, there were no dramatic swings to either PO or PiS in the presidential election. Perhaps you should rethink your lies?
6 Jun 2015
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

The thing with Kukiz is that I'm not sure that his politics can stand up for a sustained campaign. PiS (particularly in the East) will be very afraid of his nationalism taking away their voters among young people, and in the West, he'll come under a huge amount of attack for his conservatism.

Taking the poll from the 1st of June into account.

PiS-PR-SP - 25%, Paweł Kukiz - 20%, PO - 17%, NowoczesnaPL - 10%, SLD - 4%, KORWiN - 4%, PSL - 3%, TR - 2%, RN - 1%, nie wiem/nie mam zdania - 14%.

45% might - just - be enough to get 231 seats in the Sejm. But that would be an electoral disaster for PiS as they would win the election, but be faced with a razor thin majority and a coalition partner with no experience in national politics. Kukiz could simply refuse to vote on an issue (any issue) and the PO/NowoczesnaPL grouping would be able to defeat the government. For PiS, it would be a disaster, as they would be forced to act like a Government while being constantly held up by a coalition partner.

Kukiz will fade away as time goes on. He will appoint people to electoral lists who will then be assassinated locally and endlessly by both PO and PiS, who undoubtedly learnt a lesson from 2010 and Ruch Palikota. He'll get 10% of the vote, but it won't be enough to form a viable government with PiS.
6 Jun 2015
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

It's hardly a backwards country. Investment is flooding in, and those with an ability to actually do something can earn very good money here.

Furthermore, it's safe.
6 Jun 2015
News / PKP buys Alstrom Pendolino trains for € 665 million [60]

200km/h in test conditions is easy to achieve, but as the article notes, 160km/h will be the normal speed in service. The problems occur when trying to get trains to run at above 200km/h in normal service. PESA doesn't have the know-how or the experience to build such trains, while the Pendolino is capable of reaching 250km/h in normal service.
6 Jun 2015
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

EU funding certainly will not stop in 2020. While 100 billion Euro is unlikely to be offered again, Poland's size and position means that there will still be a significant amount of funding in the 2020-2026 cycle.

Meanwhile, in the cities, a startup culture is starting to really develop. I'm actually giving a short talk at one such event later today.
6 Jun 2015
News / PKP buys Alstrom Pendolino trains for € 665 million [60]

No, they're already at 200km/h on the CMK. The CMK was originally built and designed for 250km/h, so it's just a matter of upgrading the physical infrastructure to allow it. It should happen within the next few years.

From what I understand of train construction, there's little point in developing a high speed train over 200km/h as it consumes vast amounts of money without much of a market. Are you familiar with the Fyra farce in the Netherlands? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V250_%28train%29

Essentially, PESA did the right thing by developing a train that will run at 160km/h in normal service. There's huge demand throughout Europe for such trains, not only in Poland. But they're also quite easy to build and develop, whereas the farce of the V250 and the AGV shows that high speed trains are much more difficult to deal with. Even Siemens is having huge problems with getting the Velaro into service with Eurostar and Deutsche Bahn.

Pendolinos are also a proven and mature technology, which helps. PKP Intercity would be criticised to hell if they spent years working with PESA on a high speed train that wasn't reliable, and given the low price paid for the Pendolinos, I think it was a wise move.
7 Jun 2015
Study / Quality issues in Politechnika Wroclawska. Planning for Politechnika Warszawska. Suggestions. [48]

Guys, guys. Poland is very attractive because it offers a 2 year "free" residence permit without the need to obtain a work permit. Someone from India can come here, pass a ridiculously easy course, get a starter level job in some corporation that will hire anyone with a pulse, and in two years, transfer to richer countries.

It's an established path these days.
7 Jun 2015
Study / Quality issues in Politechnika Wroclawska. Planning for Politechnika Warszawska. Suggestions. [48]

But, I will have another try in Warsaw. Because, their syllabus looks very good.

The thing is, the instruction in good universities is quite good in Polish. The various technical universities have been producing an astounding amount of talented graduates, but they all have one thing in common. That thing in common is that they study in Polish, not in English.
20 Jun 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

It surely will if the bastard doesn't come up with a programme. That's what I hear from Poles asked about him.Just being for single-mandate districts and calling himself anti-systemic (anti-establishment?) is hardly enough.

He apparently posted a programme a few days ago online which was taken from the 1989 election campaign of Solidarność, got caught out and then tried to claim that it was just a joke.

Despite having plenty of time to come up with a programme, it seems that He is doing very little to actually build it. I think He knows that it is easy to be against the system but difficult to propose real change.
20 Jun 2015
News / Those making less than 12,000 ZŁ a year in Poland shouldn't be taxed - proposal went to the Polish parliament [17]

just the flaming ZUS raid on my pocket each month which also needs reforming ...

Which PiS will increase to pay for higher personal allowances.

The government doesn't have an unlimited pot of money, and all these populist PiS proposals can only be funded by raiding SME's.

As for homeless begging in Wrocław, it's a peculiarly Wrocław problem. It doesn't happen much in other cities, but for some reason, Wrocław seems to have real issues. Those looking in bins have problems with alcohol, not with poverty.

this thread is wandering OT