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Posts by UncleGoodAdvice  

Joined: 3 Mar 2015 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 4 Mar 2015
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 28 / In This Archive: 26
From: Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: English language, Wiki, Travel, Sports, Birds, Computers and more

Displayed posts: 27
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9 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

It's not disrespect, We just trying to point out some issues which occur in every relationship not only with Polish girls. I am not surprised that British guys are desperate and have to look for love among female emigrants. Most of you have no chance to pick up good looking British girl as there is not that many of them, competition is to high and their expectations are usually much much higher than Polish girls. So in many cases you base your choice on look only and that usually leads to complicated relationships. Personally I am avoiding any relationship with village girls ( in my case Polish girls) as they are usually very strong bonded with their families and for example her mother's or sister's opinion will be always more important than your.

More than 40% of Polish population are village people and mainly their mentality is based on 3 things - the family, vodka and the church. There are a lot of cultural differences between Polish people from cites and the countryside. Different nations;)
6 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

When I over hear discussion at my local, I always hear British people (usually men) saying the Polish are cowards for moving to Britain instead of staying put and helping to build the Polish economy and making it a better country.

Piff, Paff!

According to the Office for National Statistics, the number of British citizens who have moved abroad has risen by a fifth under the Coalition, reaching 154,000 last year.

Separate figures, published by the OECD, show that almost 1.3million Britons with university-level education are living abroad, more than any other developed economy.
6 Mar 2015
News / Why no reprivatisation in Poland? Holocaust-era property ownership. [119]

43 billion dollars. estimated damage costs only for Warsaw

Germany did pay heavy reparations to Poland - extensive machinery and raw materials were given in exchange plus some cash. In the 50s the Polish commie govt let the East Germans off but the West Germans did pay some more in trhe 70s.

Stupid Germans, they lost their land, they lost they homes and they decided paid heavy reparations to Poland. It must be love

Thank you
6 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

Once I was on holidays in a hotel full of British families. When I was telling them that we are from Poland they were getting green-red face and you could notice that they are not interested in continuing the conversation. One thing we noticed that the families didn't try to make any contact, they didn't speak to much to each-other and they looked like they were sent there for punishment except to black families who really enjoy it.

Last summer I went to Egypt to get diving licence. My instructor was British girl from Bristol. She told my that she changed a lot since she came to Egypt, she noticed that most of British are depressed, closed-minded and can't enjoy the life.

We can spend/waste all day here and argue who hates whom more and who is better etc. We are all humans at the end. We all have bad and good sides because we are humans. If you hate other people probably you hate yourself too

You all stay in your little cliques and make no effort whatsoever to blend into our society

It's not that easy as you think. There will be always someone who will remind you that you are not welcome here and after a few attempts you get it that effort is pointless because there is not award. Also after spending a few years in other county ( in my case European country) you realize that there is no difference between you and local people except your native language. I don't find anything interesting in being British or in British culture because is very similar to Polish culture. You like to eat fried potatoes we like to boil them but sometimes you eat boiled potatoes and sometimes we eat fried potatoes too
6 Mar 2015
News / Why no reprivatisation in Poland? Holocaust-era property ownership. [119]

Let Germans pay for the destroying Warsaw during the 2WW and many other Polish cities when they were bombing civil targets and shooting kcivilians before we start talking about any re-compensation for Germans

We may also focus on crime committed against Indigenous Australians because I think "We are very sorry" it's not enough.

And Israel should pay re-compensations to Palestinians for bombing civil targets
6 Mar 2015
News / Why no reprivatisation in Poland? Holocaust-era property ownership. [119]

After we got back western part of out territory.
So you're one of those nut jobs who claim that Berlin is actually Polish?

That land belonged to Poland in the past, so it's logically correct to say that we got back our land. isn't it?

Historical affiliations
Duchy of Bohemia early 900s - 990
Kingdom of Poland 990-1038
Duchy of Bohemia 1038-1054
Kingdom of Poland 1054-1202
Duchy of Silesia 1202-1335
Kingdom of Bohemia 1335-1526
Habsburg Monarchy 1526-1742
Kingdom of Prussia 1742-1871
German Empire 1871-1918
Weimar Germany 1918-1933
Nazi Germany 1933-1945
People's Republic of Poland 1945-1989
Republic of Poland 1989-present
6 Mar 2015
News / Why no reprivatisation in Poland? Holocaust-era property ownership. [119]

What a joke...jews living in poland were poles so if you are now a jew, some different nationality I think you should get zilch. Germans who stayed became polish ok, germans who left, zilch. If you are a jew and you live in poland and you are polish and someone took your property sure. Anyone else is just a parasitic fireigner.

It doesn't matter if there were Polish, Jewish, Martians or Goblins, the property was on Polish territory so it became nationalized by Polish state, as there was no known inheritors. Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group and now we have situation where some Jewish organization demand property which never belonged to any religious organization. Catholic people's houses don't belong to The Catholic Church!
5 Mar 2015
News / Why no reprivatisation in Poland? Holocaust-era property ownership. [119]

the law doesn't recognize Jewish, Catholics or Muslims. The law is the law and all the properties left by killed Polish Jewish became property of Polish state just like Polish Catholics' properties who were killed during the 2WW and there was no known inheritors have been nationalized. That law works even in current times. If you can prove that you are inheritor after for example Polish Jewish family killed during the war Polish state give you back the property or pay the re-compensation.

Can you imagine a situation when lets say Catholic family die in Israel and there is no inheritors and some Catholic organisation demand their property?

The Germans abandoned their properties in Poland. After we got back western part of out territory. The Germans were allowed to stay and keep their property they had to only take Polish citizenship. Some of them stayed in Poland, mostly near to Opole town where you can find road signs written in both, German and Polish language
5 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

I had three serious relationships with polish women. First two, my choice was based on nice character, common interests, there were good looking, well educated girls, we had some problems, not to many fights tho. Third choice was beautiful girl, hard to resist and i learnt one thing thank to this relationship, that wise man and stupid man will never agree on anything. I dumped her, or maybe I made her dump me and now I enjoy peace again.

Good luck
5 Mar 2015
Law / How much would I have to earn before paying the tax office in Poland? [17]

That's a particularly stupid plan. Breaking the law is rarely a good idea, screwing with the tax office is an even worse idea.

It's stupid to tax people who don't have income.

If you don't want to pay ZUS and don't want to break the law. Register and don't pay ZUS. If you you can't make enough for living and paying tax you can close down the business and file for bankruptcy . Obviously you still have a dept to ZUS and they will suit you ,but in court you can say you don't have any money or asset ( if you don't have any) to pay the debt and they will leave you alone until you don't make more than polish basic pay.

Good luck
5 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

My girlfriend is very demanding. And i like that. Even because it helps me to improve myself everyday.

does she improve everyday as well, or it's only you?;))))
5 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

Women are physically weaker then men, so they learnt how to abuse men psychologically. I don't think so that only Polish women got this skill, but no doubts Polish girls somethimes drive a rusty nail into men's chest
5 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

Our daughters-princesses are still trained by mothers to catch the man for the uncertain future (in some cases to catch a farmhand).

So you are trying to tell Us that in western countries women are not looking for rich man? The truth is that women usually trying to use the men for their own plan ( she wants a big house, she wants a baby, she wants to learn English) In Edinburgh guy 's case I presume that she was new in Scotland, she had to improve her English, after a while she became more confident, she realized she can pick up better man and she dumped him.

Your women are kind of friends our are kind of princesses.

Our women are like princesses because they look like princess
5 Mar 2015
Love / Polish girls hard in relationships [156]

Why Scottish girls eat so much, why there are always drunk, and wash their hairs once a month??
5 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

We live in Scotland, we are Scottish, our generations of family built this great country and if it ever fell on hard times, we'd never leave it for somewhere else... we'd stay and make things better, fix things and make the country great.

Scottish people fixed their country, by selling it and themself to English masters
4 Mar 2015
Law / Polish citizen returning to Poland after 26 years - Zameldowanie Question? [7]

If you don't visa to stay in Poland you don't need it but you may need it to sort out some formal issues for example to register to local offices. Landlords don't have to give you zameldowanie and they don't want to as sometimes it's difficult to cancel it, but you can get it yourself, all you need is a copy of the rent agreement and go to local urzad miejski even without notifying the landlord.

Good luck
3 Mar 2015
Law / Legal limits of tuning a car performance in Poland [2]

In Poland the law allows you to do mods on the cars. You can see plenty of them on the roads, but there are some limitations like windscreen and other windows must be 70 and 75% transparent, and as far as I know it's not allowed to use xenon lights if there are not fitted by manufacturer. Also all parts you want to fit in your car need homologation. Obvious thing is that the modifications can't affect road safety, so use common sense and be think safe;)

Related: Starting a Auto Performance Shop In poland?

Performance? You mean performance?
Selling products from companies like Blitz, Greddy, Trust, Vielside etc?
I'm afraid that could be a non starter car modifiers here like huge exhausts and mismatched bodykits, Give me a shout if you have any luck.