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Joined: 10 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Jul 2008
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From: Warsaw, PL

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17 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

Humans are not the only animal that do these things, think about it

I tried thinking about it and couldn't come up with any other animal in the animal kingdom that kills or harms other (whether same or different species) just to get his pathological rocks off, or out of hateful intolerance. Lions don't kill antelopes because they look funny or belong to a different religion, they kill them to eat in order to survive. Give me an example of an animal that waterboards other animals, for example...

As far as the press.media goes, here is the difference between Communism and Democracy:
Communism: Lies, omissions and disinformation plus a healthy dose of trivial garbage regarding manganese production.
Democracy: Lies, omissions and disinformation plus a healthy does of trivial garbage regarding celebrities and cool gadgets you can buy.
14 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

There is another way to look at it, that it is not the human which is flawed but the theory.

naw, it's the people. people can only get along for so long, then they turn on each other and all goes to rot. the theory isnt flawed, its people - the only animal on earth that kills/mistreats for pleasure, etc..
12 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

Social programs, low crime, no unemployment, free education, free medicare, same standards for all

true, but unfortunately in reality the execution didn't meet expectations:
low crime: nothing valuable enough to steal
no unemployment: many people had unfulfilling jobs provided by the state, and often the state chose your career path for you
free education: ok, that was nice, I agree
free medicare: in hospitals that were under equipped and staffed by questionable doctors (sometimes). although I generally agree that ****** health care is better than no health care..

same standards for all: in theory only, like I said the CP members were the elite and they generally had the law on their side (or a judge here and there who would look the other way because they were "connected").

With all this said, it is not unusual to find Poles who think back fondly upon those times, although this could be simply a matter of reminiscing about the days of their youth, who knows!
12 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

There are pros to Communism?

if you signed up for Communist Party membership and were accepted, then yes there were pros, or rather benefits. Why do you think it lasted as long as it did? The people in charge did everything possible to stay in charge, including handing out privileges to the select members of society who could be trusted.

The people who bemoan the demise of communism in Poland are the ones who received comparatively decent wages in the day, and now they earn shite if they even have a job (miners, teachers, etc).

Most people nowadays would argue that the cons (dumpy economy, empty shelves) outweighed the pros (modicum of security in many spheres of life) during the PRL period.

But the whole lack of democracy thing is an overblown argument - now we supposedly have democracy but its limited, and we still have our "masters" everywhere, the only difference is that society has been placated with nice toys and consumer goods so that we willingly shut up and forget about our problems..
5 May 2008
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

I only ask because this is the opinion of my girlfriend. We both live in Chicago, and know Polish people. But she says that they hate being here, and look down upon Americans because they see us as rich and lazy. Is that true? I would hate to think so, working with Polish people, being friends with them, even dating one for a while.....

Most Poles in Poland look down on the Poles who sit in places like Chicago (or London, or Toronto, or wherever) and do nothing but complain about where they ended up. But chances are, if they complain in Chicago they definitely complained back in Poland. Otherwise, they would have never packed up what little they owned and hauled ass to Chicago. think about it.
23 Apr 2008
Law / EU grants to small business in Poland-advice needed [27]

Hello, does anyone know what kind of grants are available to small businesses, particularly in the lodging/services category? Any help or info appreciated....(obviously this topic pertains to small business grants in Poland)
7 Dec 2007
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

look down upon Americans because they see us as rich and lazy

In general most Poles like Americans, and it seems that the older they are the more they like the US. Teenagers and college age students often roll their eyes with either real or mock displeasure whenever the US is mentioned, maybe because in Europe its trendy to do so. But I can't think of anyone who actually wishes the US any ill....if it helps answering your question any, yes most here are convinced that Bush is crazy and Americans are fat...

But they always find something to complain about.

that's probably because usually there is something to complain about
13 Nov 2007
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

made a number of people go cookoo

so doesn't television. so don't their in-laws. so don't a lot of things.

my mate bob

maybe Bob was cookoo to begin with. or more to the point, the cookooness was deep inside of him, and the weed just hastened its release...
13 Nov 2007
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

Who needs it?

there's nothing wrong with it if you accept the risks - it's definitely not harmless and can be addictive. weed isn't harmless either, but unlike alcohol, at least it hasn't ever poisoned anyone to death...and no, it does not cause hangovers but don't be a dummy and go mixing it with alcohol unless you want a bad case of the spins...
13 Nov 2007
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

Why does Polish beer give you the worst hangover imaginable and leaves a very bad chemical taste in the mouth?

all alcohol can cause a hangover if you drink enough. cigarettes intensify hangovers. if you have a problem with hangovers, switch to weed, which does not cause hangovers.
12 Nov 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

his neo-conservatist advisors ehhh, just change them. It is a good friendly advice

you are making a common mistake: you are assuming that he picked his advisors, and unfortunately chose wisely. It is more likely that they chose him, because they knew he would be a loyal reliable puppy...

choose sb like Kenedy, and we will start different discussion

consider the pattern: Kennedy was chosen and once he really started stirring things up, the men behind the curtain blew his head off. Allende was elected as president of Chile, and once he started stirring things up, they blew his head off. There are many more examples...
9 Nov 2007
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

what you just brought is a typical conservative , old fashioned false view that keeps us going backwards

I don't care if you go forwards, backwards or sideways. You should have specified that you want the opinion of a Pole living in Canada, which I know nothing about. I gave you the opinion of a university-educated Polish male living in a big city. Go to the countryside and you will hear different opinions, trust me...my view is shaped (like most people) by media coverage which this one well known case received, although I also know of quite a few Polish girls who are happily dating or married to an African. I am guessing you are trolling for the answers you want to hear such as poster #4
9 Nov 2007
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

you will be a hit with the girls who just want to try "something new" or with a taste for the exotic, although unfortunately because of a widely publicised case where an African dude infected a bunch of Polish girls with HIV, you may encounter hesitation...
25 Oct 2007
Off-Topic / Do politicians need to speak a foreign language? [15]

What does that have to do with running a country?

it suggests that they are educated and worldly, as opposed to undereducated and closed-minded...the more languages you speak the more aware of the world around you you seem-good thing for a leader to be. nothing like a closed-minded bumpkin who is afraid of his neighbors and cant even say hello in their language.
18 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

We like private health insurance because we have choices.

not much of a choice I'm afraid, face it America's healthcare system is morally bankrupt and it only serves the insurance companies - you can thank Nixon for bringing it all about..
9 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

Get a job and you will get healthcare. I don't want the government to dictate about my healthcare.

it's not that easy because:
1. you are unprotected when between jobs-sometimes you have a waiting period when you start a new job and you are uncovered
2. low-paid, temporary, part-time, and seasonal workers rarely get health care coverage
3. You can have health insurance but when you develop a serious disease (ie cancer) the insurance company sometimes cancels your policy because the treatment is too expensive (these cases are often challenged in court but the insurers sometimes win their cases anyway)

I for one do want the government to dictate my healthcare...when the private insurers start treating me like an unprofitable piece of meat, I want the government to kindly tell them to F*CK OFF (in the STates often the reverse is true).
8 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

many countries have it, and yes the former Commie nations had it too. Under the COmmunists the state-run health systems were shoddy but they were there, and they did their jobs on a basic level despite many many shortcomings. Better than no healthcare, as they say. Now allmost all industrialized nations have some form of national healthcare except, as we all know, the USA. Polls show over and over again that most (not all, but still most) Americans want it, but they won't get it because Congress in the USA is bought and paid for by the AMA and the insurance industry.
8 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

she wanted to copy Canada's system but Republicans and her fellow Democrats were paid off by the insurance lobby to shut her up, and she was forced to abandon her ideas. The conventional wisdom is that America has gone too far down the road of privatization and national healthcare systems in the US don't stand a chance. They are even privatizing public libraries in the US now..
7 Oct 2007
Food / Typical lunch in Poland? [50]

Typical lunch in Poland?


1. At what time do people in Poland usually have lunch?

anywhere between 12-15, depending on work hours

Normally, how long is the lunch break?

half hour usually if you are lucky, or just shove something in your mouth quickly when the boss isnt looking if unlucky

Do people go out to get just to get a sandwich or do they have a "sit down" lunch in a restaraunt

rather sandwich, or nearby cheap cafeteria unless they are CEOs, who have their little business lunches

Does big offices have cafeterias / lunch restaurants of their own (= in the same building?

depends on the building

What would be a typical Polish lunch, that is, what do you normally eat for lunch?

sandwiches, joghurt, or kebab is very popular
7 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

clinton messed up alot of stuff and embarssed us.

wouldn't most agree that Clinton was relatively well linked around the world? even if that is not so, no one is more embarassing than Bush. What is a good indicator of that? I have yet to find a single person (other than the odd American-Republican) that has anything good to say about him. Even in Poland, one of the more pro-US countries around, people seem to be unanimously aginst Bush and everyone I have ever asked regards him as an idiot.
6 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]


yes, those were generalizations. thank you for noticing.

It wasn't clueless that invented the airplane, light bulb, computer, internet, motion picture industry.. clueless wasn't first to the moon.

tell someone who cares, because sending a man to the moon hasn't somehow changed my life for the better. why not go back to the moon and open up a starbucks there? It is well known that America has more Nobel prize winners than any other country, but based on the conversations one GENERALLY (key word) had with the locals...yeah...clueless. Don't brag about how smart you are until you start doing something about those nasty little spelling and usage errors.

They just cling to the past

Just like folks tend to do, even Yanks. That's why an American will never miss an opportunity to remind us how we should be grateful that America saved the world (WWI, WWII, etc..)....yawn....

Are you sure you still have a middle class?

yes I am sure. I see it every day.

I've seen a lot of your pals in Chicago

wow, nothing I admire more than a well-travelled man. I've passed through Chicago also and also witnessed the famous Poles of Milwaukee Avenue. These folks seemed to be the flotsam and jetsam of Polish society - I hope they DON't come back to Poland (more Kaczynski voters, just what Poland needs)...

Don't get so upset, mr Dumbyankee, the original post called for opinions (see dictionary) of America, which by their very nature usually include generalizations. Living in Poland I've met MANY people who just simply weren't happy with the place and decided to come back. After all, home is where the heart is...
6 Oct 2007
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

Don't say stupid things like this

its obviuos he's only trying to agitate, he secretly enjoys trolling. he probably also enjoys smelling bicycle seats, for example, he's a closet seat-sniffer...
5 Oct 2007
News / Illegal drugs in the EU - Polish gangs are top sellers [56]

Bet its cheap as well... Im booking my flight now.

Don't book your flight just yet, it may not be too expensive but it's harder and harder to get. PiS has been locking up a lot of dealers recently. A gram is enough for a couple of small joints.

just a word i hear the kids saying... not sure exactly what theyre talking about

Dope in the US used to mean the harder stuff, but now it's a common slang term for marijuana.
5 Oct 2007
News / Illegal drugs in the EU - Polish gangs are top sellers [56]

I have not smelt any weed for the last year

Just smelled some walking down Al. Jerozolimskie, a couple of guys were walking ahead of us and were sneaking tokes as they were walking. You can sell it in some clubs, but otherwise it seems to be confined to house parties and dorm rooms here and there...just like in the States.
4 Oct 2007
News / Illegal drugs in the EU - Polish gangs are top sellers [56]

black, white, yellow, pink - all races like drugs

Oh, I thought it was black people responsible for drugs...

If you think Randompal is a politically correct tree-hugging liberal, sounds like you need to head down to your local community college and sign up for a class in "Reading between the lines 101-how to read sarcasm and irony." Randompal is a staunch independent, a true free thinker, seeker of Truth.
4 Oct 2007
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

PL gov sucks when they are needed. thus, i'm not going back.

too bad, maybe someday you'll change your mind. at least vote, and tell your Polish friends (citizens) to vote too. at least you can say you tried, that's the Truth regarding the true Polish spirit...
4 Oct 2007
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

what are the latest measures that the polish goverment took to bring home the polish imigrants

Bringing home the young batch might be a political disaster, after all they will return with all kinds of subversive anti-Radio Maryja values swimming in their heads...