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Posts by Szalawa  

Joined: 12 Apr 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 239 / In This Archive: 158
From: Emigrantski republik
Speaks Polish?: basic Polish
Interests: Politics, Geography, Science, Music, History

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2 Jul 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Vulnerable Syrians who lost everything were lost

Especially Christians and atheists in Syria who would be grateful and work rather then blame white man and demand that Europeans submit to their cultural enrichment.

Ha, ha-Jon you live in some communistic utopia world - no border, re-distribution of wealth....- It would be great idea lazy leeches living on people who work hard.

He's a loon, only reason there is an insurgent right is because of people like him, surprised he does not know that.
27 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

That's been done before

The intermarium has not in my knowledge been done before, the subjugation by the soviet union on the other hand has, hindered by socialist/communist policies.

It will be a reinstated commonwealth, only larger to encompass all friendly Slav nations and allies. A defense against the abhorrent EU, Russia and the Islamic world and Ideally can stand on its own
27 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / Why are Poles in the UK complaining of racism when you are racist? [73]

Suppose that also applies to Africans and Asians, can't be an exclusive trait unless of course you are racist yourself ;.). I doubt your intuition reflects the vast masses that happened to vote leave, and that you did not.
26 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

HSBC threatening to move offices to France ( 70 thousand job loss) Pound down...property prices down.....

When communism collapsed in Poland things got worst before they got better, give it time this is the dawn of a new era.

UK showed nasty xenophobic face and I am afraid it will leave bitter aftertaste for years in continental europe

No, Brexit is an inspiration for many countries across Europe. I have actual amassed respect for the Brits for this."Polish vermin go home" is not a reflection of all and could be in relation to the actual scum and not all Polish people or just from some person with personal issues.

It is sad because I would say Polish genuinely liked UK but I am afraid it is past now.

I like it more now
25 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

Yes, I can see Sweden leaving with a Swexit as well

Already more than two million signatures under a petition to hold another referendum on the issue...

And they wont be satisfied until they get the outcome they want, perhaps they want to rig it this time
24 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

It will take time to adjust, but I believe things will get settled out. In the end this is what Poland needs, it's young working people

Today has made history

while being forced to build its own economy!!

Right on :)

Scotland is already considering to demand a second referendum for independence

So? let them, I see no problem
24 Jun 2016
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

What about the fact that the British pound value will lose 10-20% within a week - won't some Poles consider going back to Poland

Might, but there are still many advantages those people obtain. Oh I would not worry about the pound, it still is one of the most highly valued currencies and UK is far from being a poor country

And congratulations to the British, you have something to be proud about! never forget this day
9 Jun 2016
UK, Ireland / How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here? [474]

See, whether or not citizens of other foreign countries have the right to vote to alter a foreign countries policies is something not very fond to me. For the British I suppose this is what the elites owe their new found cheap labor and tax cows, but for the regular everyday working class and to a lesser extent middle class Brit I understand their frustration, as they can not be blamed for colonization and the British empire and should have the entitlement to determine autonomy of their ancestral home. I for one would not take part in such a vote, even if entitled to (which oddly enough, can very well be), as to me it is a breach of sovereignty. 'Tis a reason I am apolitical.
9 May 2016
Feedback / The Cognitive Dissonance and Campaign of Hate by Polonophobes and Other Peddlers of Anti-Polish Propaganda [60]

Really? Hahah. I don't think PF gets enough traffic for people to be paid or even commit their free time for trolling.

Don't ruin their sense of self importance, they must believe that they are fighting the forces of evil. To them they must shut down every last expression of opinion that does not agree with theirs, whether that be flagging this site for hate speech or whining to the moderators for censorship.

They claim Polonophobia does not exist yet are willing to defend the existence of islamophobia? and ever so often make contradictory statements. Only Polish people that adhere to their (forienger/expat) views are entitled to contribute on this forum? it's not happening, if you wish to do so, make your own forum.

It's all in there head, but what can you teach the disillusioned? they will continue their campaign until they manage to silence every last opinion that does not adhere to their own.

taking back western Ukraine, denying or belittling the Holocaust, xenophobic rants and other assorted brownish crap, then why are you so surprised that your ideas are opposed?

Perhaps if you take these ideas in the context they are written in you will understand. Western Ukraine was taken with blood on their hands, learn how they butchered and burned people alive, taken their ancestral land and then **** on their graves and deny it! I'm talking about people that adhere to the ideas of Bandera and not Ukrainians as a whole.I don't believe that Poland should invade Ukraine, but current relations will not suffice.

As long as you acknowledge the Polish people who also perished in the Holocausts, as some would like us to believe did not happen.

"xenophobic rants" on this site are often in response to the publications posted by certain individuals here that want to enforce their opinions of the world upon others
8 May 2016
UK, Ireland / A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK? [317]

I agree with you here Lyzko, though I'm not sure if London is still a majority "white christian" metropolis, this might have changed by now, and nearly half the population are visible minorities. It is the break down of social cohesion and nothing good can come of this.

13 Apr 2016
News / New 2016 poll. The attitudes of the Poles toward other nations [26]

I can say that most Poles don't like Slovakia

I love Slovakia, but yes it's expensive for Polish people to go there. Never went to Bratislava, just to the mountains.

Czech Republic is a ... "goodless" more liberal society ;)

Depends on how you define liberal, I myself hold favorable/neutral opinions towards Czech rep

In conclusion, the poll (how "scientific"?) shows that the no.1 country only gets 50% of favorable opinion, it means that yes, Poles ARE xenophobic...

That's not a good conclusion, you must take into account neutral opinions
9 Apr 2016
News / Poland -- Europe's only counterweight to Russia [271]

Let Anglos have that honor and exist only to be Europe's only counterweight to Russia.

Truth Crow, I really don't want to see a war with Russia and Poland
7 Apr 2016
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

As I suspected, there is a decline in white backed woodpeckers in the area, a natural predator towards the bark beetles. Well if you can get their numbers back up and remove the badly infested/dead trees you can prevent the decline of the forest. Bark beetles have wreaked havoc in the past, maybe not in Białowieża as I am not sure, but certainty elsewhere.

Environmentalist argue to leave nature alone as Białowieża is unmanaged forest, while other biologist and environmental scientist such as foresters do not opposed removing dead wood.

Well you can either follow Finland's path and harvest the dead wood or leave it alone like Russia does in Karelia. Leaving dead wood alone increases insect biodiversity, which is in interest to some.

Another thing, is the harvesting within the national park or simply around it? that's a relevant question


This article is 5 years old, but still relevant and explains the situation quite well. There is a lack of published scientific literature specifically to this situation, at least in English, at the moment to conclude the exact situation.

57% of the trees harvested are spurce so 43% are other species? were these other species dead wood that were collected or actually conducted logging, that is also relevant.
6 Apr 2016
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

ou just have to leave it alone - the forest will use the dead trees, and what replaces the dead trees will be stronger than before.

If you do it that way the bark beetle population will spread, dead trees are their life source and breeding ground. There must be a lack of predators/diseases that control the beetle population. Not saying your wrong, but the importance now is in the seedlings not the infected tree. Anyway it's something I'm interested in, might just apply in a year or so and see what happens if the problem is still existent.

But if you use this approach, the foresters don't get their hands on the 200 year old trees that are very valuable on the open market

Most likely it will just rot in the ground otherwise, perhaps provide some nutrients to the soil but that is all, why not make the best of a bad situation?
6 Apr 2016
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

There is no suggestion at all that the trees they are cutting down by the thousand are infested by spruce bark beetles - this is purely a cash cow. And a very sad one.

By what accusation? Did you witness this yourself? please provide any evidence to support your claim, I am interested.