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Posts by krecik89  

Joined: 4 Mar 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Sep 2014
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31 Oct 2014
Travel / Double-decker trains in Poland? [27]

I think I've travelled on them as Virgin use them on some routes through Birmingham. As I remember, the tilting was pronounced especially when you're walking around but I don't get nausea. Still think it would be a good improvement on current stock in PL. I meant the Wawa - Wroc journey in case it wasn't clear.
31 Oct 2014
Travel / Double-decker trains in Poland? [27]

I'm looking forward to travelling on the new pendolinos. Ready from December we hope. I think for me the biggest difference will be the cut in time to Wroclaw from 6 or so hours to 3.5 hour. So possible in a day whereas before it wasn't.
26 Oct 2014
UK, Ireland / Curious about differences Polish people see with the British? [95]

I've had that a few times in Poland. Where's the xxx product? Quick reply - Nie ma. Then I have a look around and find it. Of course, most pleasantries in the UK are on the surface. I don't see it as fake. The shop attendant who asks how your day was, most likely will help you find a product in the store versus the one who ignores you when you enter the shop. It's also down to training in my opinion. The managers of these shops whether in Poland or the UK need to train their staff. A common Chinese proverb is 'A person with a sour face should not open a shop.' - that advice transcends all countries and cultures. There's a lot of competition in Poland now and shops won't survive by letting surly people sell their goods.
22 Oct 2014
Real Estate / Buying a property in Poland to rent out from the UK [82]

In Polish cities, many ordinary workers can't afford even these (by comparison) reasonable rents because wages are much lower,

That's a good point about affordability and wage trends in Poland. Sharing has become common place in many European cities. I have professional friends in their late 30s in London sharing. Wages have been stagnant for many workers as well in Europe. Maybe a US system of fixed rents would help more people afford rents. I still think rentals are much more affordable in Poland than in the UK for all workers. Even in expensive Warsaw you can find a flat in Ochota, quite central and half decent, 60m2 for 2000pln. 2 people could share and that's 1000pln each. A common starting salary for grads is 2500- 3000pln and that means around 40% of salary. I'm not saying this is paradise but you really couldn't find that in London. You'd be way out of the centre in a dodgy area and probably sharing with at least 3 others.
21 Oct 2014
Real Estate / Buying a property in Poland to rent out from the UK [82]

Yes I meant reasonable for a renter. I'm renting at the moment and can get a decent property for my budget. If I were to buy the property I'm renting, even if I put up a 20% deposit, I still would be buying around 5% more than my rent on a repayment mortgage taking into account extra costs the landlord is currently paying and not including maintenance. So I'd lose a considerable chunk of cash and then pay more monthly and I'd not even be reducing the capital. So it's a no brainer and I'm happy renting. In the UK the numbers are better for potential landlords. Maybe others can see a large increase in prices. I think we've already seen that. Maybe in an optimistic scenario the Polish economy keeps trundling along then property prices will rise. However, this will only be a few percentage points a year.
21 Oct 2014
Real Estate / Buying a property in Poland to rent out from the UK [82]

I find rents here very reasonable when compared to the value and potential mortgage size. Take a flat valued at 500,000. If you take out a 100% mortgage in Poland and pay around 5% interest. Interest only on it would be around 2000pln and 2000 is what you could only reasonable expect to when you rent out. Even if you pass on all the costs to the tenant you've still got to pay for upkeep and probably furnish it. And if you take an interest only mortgage, you'd not be reducing the mortgage size and only waiting for an increase in prices. Unless you really want property I don't see the profit.
10 Sep 2014
Work / Finding work as a junior programmer in Warsaw [19]

Trust me, your salary will raise from 4000PLN to double in a matter of a couple of years ;)

WE is right your salary will double in a few years with a good firm. You may need to get offers from other companies to prove your worth. But salaries tend to bottom out at 10000pln a month for developers unless you go into project management and lead teams.
5 Sep 2014
Language / Friends - Is there a difference between znajomych and przyjaciol? [8]

Poles will find it hard to explain the exact differences between - kolega, znajomy, przyjaciel' as they depend on context. Znajomy is a complex word. It generally means a known person. So you could in a way use it when speaking of a przyjaciel as well e.g. when you don't want the listener to know the person is a close friend for some reason but just that you know them. However if you say 'on jest tylko znajomy.' It's clear you're making a statement that the person is not a friend.

I think this article makes it all clear - sylwiaofwarsaw.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/the-various-stages-of-relationship-in-the-polish-language
1 Sep 2014
Law / Catalogue of expenditures not being tax-deductible costs [10]

You can as an individual rent out a part of the house to the company. You need a formal contract and a market rent. I'd get more advice on the proportion of rent and bills you can claim, definitely not all if you're also living there. Probably you can add the utility costs to the rental agreement.
28 Aug 2014
Life / What's the climate and food like in Warsaw? (I am a student from India) [10]

I've never seen asafoetida (hing) here.

I managed to buy asafoetida in Warsaw from Samira a Lebanese restaurant near Pole Mokotowskie. They have a good selection of Mediterranean and Indian food and spices. You can buy some in large containers to save money if you use a lot.

I could get an idea about the clothes

I'd recommend buying thick rubber soled shoes as in the winter there's snow and they put a lot of salt down which can ruin shoes.
22 Aug 2014
Law / Leasing a car - is this common in Poland? [4]

Merged: Leasing a foreign origin car in Poland

Has anyone had experience getting a leasing deal with a car registered in Poland but originating from abroad? Leasing companies I speak to won't say yes or no and say it depends on the car details... However they say they prefer cars 1st registered in Poland. I want a leasing deal as it's going through a company and there are good deals from small dealers.
5 Aug 2014
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

The Germans had a shorter time in Poland than the Russians so they couldn't reek as much havoc as the Russians but I'm sure they would've been much worse. They at least created a Poland that in size is fairly substantive. Germany had their Generalplan Ost which would've necessitated large scale genocide and ethnic cleansing of Poles. They would've turned most of Poland into part of the Reich. Russians were terrible but the Germans would've destroyed what we know of Poland.
23 Jul 2014
Travel / DRIVING - CB RADIOS AND THE "PSY" aka - COPS - in Poland [12]

krecik - thanks for links (my polish not that good though) what's the connection with CB radio here? did he listen in to avoid cops catching him for awhile?

Which puts you in the same league as that maniac in Sopot.

Sobieski made the above comment and someone asked more about it.

I do really like Janosik. Maps aren't great but it's used widely so warnings about police stops are updated regularly. I also like CB but it's a big old aerial you need. Re: your Polish not being good how will you understand the Polish CB chatter?
23 Jul 2014
Travel / DRIVING - CB RADIOS AND THE "PSY" aka - COPS - in Poland [12]

Curious though - what happened in Sopot?


14 Jul 2014
Life / Is 10500 monthly is enough for a family to live in Warsaw Poland [136]

I would like to know minimum lease period that we can expect for studio apartments?

Do we easily get 6 months contracts?

You can negotiate. Simply ask and say you're planning to stay longer but you don't know the area well and want to play it safe. Most landlords will be OK. If you're dealing with an agent this will be harder as to get their cut they probably need you to commit to 12 months. So try to deal direct with the landlord. Go to the area you want to live in and see if there are signs or banners on the balconies and take down the numbers. There may be some landlords advertising directly. Check out gumtree.pl. If you're going to be new to Warsaw, book into a cheap hotel or apartment for a couple of weeks and take your time to find a decent place. It'll be worth it in the end.
26 Jun 2014
UK, Ireland / Have the British become the worst enemy of the Polish? [45]

I don't think you are serious but here goes. A lot of countries screwed other countries and got screwed during and after the war. America called the shots at the end of WW2 really from the Western point of view. Britain then relied on handouts from the US post WW2. Most of your events relate to a period of over 50 years' ago. Britain recently took the largest exodus of Poles who by and large have assimilated and been accepted. There are isolated incidents of prejudice but also there are around 500,000 extra Poles than pre-2004 in the UK. If it's really that bad we'd see a massive return to Poland but we are not seeing this. My grandparents generation in the UK really respects the Poles contribution during the war and this affects their view of Poles now.
17 Jun 2014
Love / Polish friend cutting off contact indirectly - is this a cultural misunderstanding? [15]

I'm going to swim against the tide here. Stubbornness is a trait that I see quite often in Polish people - along with many good traits also. Stubbornness can be helpful when fighting the many countries that have invaded them. But also I find this trait cropping up when discussing with Poles. They can stand their ground often when there's little to gain by doing this. So maybe there's been a perceived slight and that's his reason. I'm afraid similar situations have happened to me. People get offended in all countries but I find Poles less flexible when they do get offended.
12 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

Different culture he told me.

Different culture of causing death and ruining people's lives. Not sure if that comes under the definition of culture. I'd have been as mad as you were.

They weren't impressed.

News> Poland > Police

MSW : increase the number of traffic police officers

Number of traffic police officers is expected to grow in 2014 . To nearly 9.1 thousand . people. There are also increasing the number of control include sobriety of drivers as part of the sober mornings - announced in Sejm deputy interior minister Marcin Jablonski .

There are enough traffic cops to make a difference - 9100 now. They should bring in no-tolerance to any minor infraction to road laws and this would make a change to people's attitudes. But I guess they'll leave things are they are.
9 Jun 2014
Life / Driving Offences in Poland - How Fast can you go without being arrested? ;) [56]

DarthYannick:Once I was on a motorway, Two SUV didn't like my speed and stopped me. One on my Front-left, the other on my front-right. Thanks I had a small car I could escape through them.
That sounds a bit exaggerated to me.

Doesn't seem exaggerated to me. I see similar behaviour all the time. I think the Poles and expats who've been here a long time block out a lot of what goes on and they accept this extreme behaviour. Perhaps it's a form of avoidance coping.
31 May 2014
Work / Finding English teaching jobs in Poland [19]

I have to agree with the above poster. For qualified EFL teachers who enjoy their job and continually develop there really are many opportunities in Warsaw. My advice would be to focus on the corporate sector. The question is would you spend your evenings in your first year refining your craft and putting in the extra effort to please your students; or would you prefer to go down the pub? If it's the former you'll be OK. Your USP will be that you give a s*** and many teachers don't but even these get by. It will take 3-6 months to develop your name and you should easily achieve 50-70pln an hour for privates and you could mix in some school and / or corporate work. After a year or two you may achieve more and you'll be turning away work.
29 May 2014
Travel / Parking problems in Poland - no stopping signs [2]

There are no-stopping signs in Poland but I don't think there are enough. In Warsaw there are many streets connecting major roads which should be clear but there are parked cars there blocking e.g. filter lanes and they never seem to get ticketed. Sometimes it is ridiculous how they block routes and cause tailbacks. In the UK or US they would get an earful and a honk of the horn but here people seem not to be bothered. In any event in London they'd probably get towed within 30 minutes, if they're in a no-stopping area. One day in a street in my area there were 50 cars parked along the street and around 30 got tickets. This leads me to believe that there isn't much parking enforcement if 30 people thought they could get away with not paying. These were the ones in the marked out parking area. However the cars parked half on the street blocking the 2nd land on the opposite side but not in a marked out parking area didn't get any fines. This is a street connecting 2 major dual carriageways and it seems to be marked out as a 2 lane street but is never used in that way due to the parking situation. Sometimes there's a marked out paid parking area but people park just outside this on the pavement blocking pedestrians and don't get a ticket. This is seems stupid. I think there'd be a much better flow of traffic if there were clearer rules for parking and more enforcement.
28 May 2014
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Rising unemployment may not necessarily have an adverse affect on wealth creation. It also lags behind gdp growth. Businesses in Poland seem to be growing and profits are healthy. GDP growth rate predicted around 3% for 2014 double that of 2013.
26 May 2014
Work / Salary and cost of living information - Krakow [257]

He may mean this.
He uses the sentence - 'I'm getting ..' which caused me to believe he means gross to employee salary. Any employer taxes would not be generally attributed as being received by an employee as it doesn't register on any of their tax returns etc. so should be of no concern to them.