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Posts by Ethanolbrah  

Joined: 26 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 9
From: Germany
Speaks Polish?: Not really. I am currently learning it on my own.
Interests: Music, literature, movies, Slavic cultures

Displayed posts: 12
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30 May 2014
Work / Career/work opportunities in Poland for a guy with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology? [5]

Uh, I guess I forgot to mention that I am not looking for a job in the clinical sector.

Your remarks on psychology not being useful and that everyone lacking a STEM degree should pursue one just for the sake of it (despite actual aptitude for math) are laughable. Not everybody can nor wants to become an engineer or an IT. The day everybody follows your piece of advice is the day where even engineers will have a hard time finding a job.

I can translate texts (even scientific ones), but I guess you need a degree or an official certificate in order to be hired as a translator.
29 May 2014
Work / Career/work opportunities in Poland for a guy with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology? [5]

Hello everyone,

I'm about to finish my studies in Psychology and was wondering what kind of perspectives do psychologists have in Poland. In general I'm open for anything as long as my bachelor degree suffices as a qualification (I am graduating from a prestigious German university). I can speak Spanish, German, English, Slovak and some Czech and am currently learning Polish on my own. I'm 25 years old, in case that's somehow relevant.
5 Apr 2014
Love / Why are Polish girls so attracted to German boys? [52]

I do believe that many Polish women and other foreign women love German men because they are successful, smart, and good-looking. I recall reading a survey about how most European women find German men very physically attractive.

Interesting. Makes me wonder why German women would rather date foreign-looking men? And how about that survey which listed German men as the worst lovers in bed? It does not compute.

You make it sound like ALL German men are succesful, smart, and good-looking. You clearly haven't lived in Germany for a long time. Nothing against German males, but the amount of attractive men you see in, say, Spain while walking down the street is considerably higher than in Germany.

I could sit here all day and type out all the inventions that Germans have come up with.

According to your "logic", the fact that Newton was British and incredibly creative makes ALL British propense to become little Newtons? And all Germans have a Werner von Braun inside of them? Jeez, how old are you?
4 Apr 2014
Love / Why are Polish girls so attracted to German boys? [52]

It's not just Polish girls. All women seem to be attracted to those of us with German ancestry. German people in particular are also very intelligent. Women love intelligence. We men do too which is why I would marry the German girl in this video.

That statement tells me you haven't lived in Germany. Hard-working? Yes. Disciplined? Yes. Very intelligent? No. Jews are very intelligent, though.

Women don't love intelligence. They love money and success. You need not be intelligent to get either. Just ask about any rapper out there.

And no. Men appreciate looks above all. No man would date an ugly woman who has a Ph.D in neuroscience.
3 Apr 2014
Love / Why are Polish girls so attracted to German boys? [52]

Perhaps German men are like Polish men both are not willing to date ugly German girls, can't say that I blame them.

Thankfully there are enough asylants in Germany to take care of that situation.
1 Apr 2014
Love / International/binational couples and communication problems [12]

Hello everyone,

I've been lurking the "relationships & marriage" subforum for a while now and after reading quite a few of the posts in there, I had to ask myself how the devil do these binational couples communicate without 60% of what they say not getting lost in translation? I for one can't fathom being in a relationship with someone whose ability to express herself in our common language (English, in this case) isn't up to par. Whenever I read about an immigrant from a 3rd world country dating and possibly considering marriage with an European woman (this is the most common constellation) I wonder what their conversations sound like. They're hardly discussing complex topics, or expressing complex thoughts, emotions and whatnot.

What do you think about this? Have you been in a relationship with someone who wasn't fluent in English? Do you know couples who struggle with linguistic difficulties?
13 Mar 2014
Law / Surname of children - Is it possible to have mothers surname in Poland? [8]

Cześć :)

I was wondering if you guys could provide an answer to the following question: suppose that I, a non-EU foreigner (south America) would marry a Polish woman and she'd give birth to our children. Is it possible for them (the children) to bear her surname instead of mine? I believe them having my surname would be detrimental to their integration into Polish society.
26 Jan 2014
Travel / Need information about Czestochowa! Hostels / Hotels? [24]

Merged: Hostels/Hotels in Czestochowa?

Hello everyone,

I am planning on visiting Czestochowa in the near future. Could any of you recommend me some places to stay at? Preferably somewhere cheap, as I am not Bill Gates.

Thanks in advance for your replies.