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Joined: 2 Jan 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Jul 2014
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25 Jun 2014
Genealogy / Richert, Bonkoska from Jasień, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship [8]

Hi, I got short information on the site of the village "Jasień" about German people which settled down in Jasień Budy.
They started living and working there as a farmers since 20's of XIX Centaury. Seems to me it is the knowledge you've already had before. I'm very impress by your study. As a young boy somewhere between Rypin, Sierpc and Lipno a hearted many times about German settlers or even German villages but at that time I was not interested in it.

Good luck in your searching.


"W latach dwudziestych XIX w. w Jasieniu Budach osiedlili się koloniści niemieccy, którzy byli wyrobnikami właścicieli Jasienia.
Dokładnej ich liczby nie udało się ustalić. Przypuszczalnie była to kolonia dość duża, o czym świadczą dość częste zapisy narodzin dzieci w Jasieniu Budach, zapisane w księgach metrykalnych w latach 1827-1838 i późniejszych, w ewangelickiej parafii w Lipnie, do której należeli koloniści."
5 May 2014
Genealogy / Looking for Janina (Janka) Jagodzinska [2]

Do you know anything else ? Town where she was born, parent's names etc. Do you ask town hall ( urząd stanu cywilnego ) in the place where she was born ?
23 Apr 2014
Law / What happens if one doesn't pay their property taxes in Poland? [3]

1. They remind you about your loan sending warning,
2. next they write a document which is called "tytuł wykonawczy" and send it to the Tax Office.
3. executor from the Tax Office take away your money which you have in the bank, your employee wages, your car or whatever you posses,
4. if step 3 is not successful they will take their way towards your real estate etc
22 Apr 2014
Real Estate / Are Mortgage brokers licenced in Poland? Can anyone become an real estate agent? [18]

Dear Maluch, since 1st January 2014 real estate agents do not need license. They must have only insurance for what they do professional.
Polish civil code is the general regulation for this matter. Why are you so sarcastic about them ? One of them sell your real estate for nothing or take your money and do nothing ?
16 Apr 2014
Law / Possible prospects of gaining Polish Citizenship (grandfather heritage)? [11]

In your situation it would be rather difficult. Seems to me you can try do it by sending the special application to the President of the Republic of Poland.

Important is the fact, you grandfather has Polish citizenship and fight in polish forces.
But your chances will be bigger if you find documents which can proof that what you write is true.

The link below maybe will be useful: how-to-obtain-polish-citizenship.html
5 Mar 2014
Genealogy / Trying to trace the family Rzymski [3]

There is more than one village with this name. You should know something more about this place.
Is it maybe Szczutowo around Sierpc.
I lived same years ago nearby Szczutowo. Not far than 5 km.
But I've never heard about anyone with such surname.
If would be the same village I can ask someone from there.

Have you been there - Szczutowo, Poland:

Wooden parish church . St. . Mary Magdalene in Poland

Szczutowo is a town commune located approximately 12 kilometers north- west of Sierpiec . The first church was built in Szczutowie in the fifteenth century . In 1695 . Was made unspecified repairs. In the description of 1739 . 's Condition was defined as neglected . The current church was built probably in the second half of the eighteenth century . In 1820 . Was renovated and in 1870 . Reconstruction . In the years 1963 to 1964 were the restaurant of the church.

Temple wood of larch carcass construction , set on a stone foundation . Timbered , with walls reinforced lisicami . Oriented church nave , founded on a rectangular plan , with a dedicated , straight closed lower chancel. To the north wall of the chancel porch adjacent to the southern sacristy , together with the whole forming the shape of a T. From the west, there is a second entrance hall , narrower than the nave .

About Waleria Rzymska in Poland.
4 Mar 2014
Language / Collection of learning resources for learning the Polish language [129]

For learning any language I use the mp3 from site:


For me very useful during car's drive, walk etc.

As Mr Callan said repeat, repeat and repeat.

I was surprised when after same days listening a difficult phrase became an easy one.
27 Feb 2014
Genealogy / Finding information about ancestors born in Vilnius [6]

Probably yes. You have to contact the Lithuanian States Historical Archive (Lietuvos valstybės istorijos archyvas, Gerosios Vilties g. 10, LT - 03134 Vilnius, e-mail istorijos.archyvas@lvia.lt, tel. 003705 213 74 82).

See the link below: archyvai.lt/en/archives/historicalarchives.html


the genealogy company e.g. link: genealogia.lt Polish from Vilno Czesław Malewski (tel. 00370 68652268, czeslaw.malewski@genealogia.lt.).

Good luck
26 Feb 2014
Genealogy / Finding information about ancestors born in Vilnius [6]


Do you know your great-grandfather surname ? You haven't told this.
Remarkable photo. Handsome men and powerful women. It's easy to ask who was the family head.
26 Feb 2014
Genealogy / Seeking any info on Josef Macioszek born Kramsk Poland (Russia) in 1885 [6]

Sorry I have to die first.

We say : "po moim trupie" :)

Is it about this Kramsk :


Even living in Poland for searching ancestors I'm willing to use rather specialist.
It would be much better, faster and easier.

Do your parents speak Polish ?

Best regards
6 Feb 2014
Law / New Poland law -- old car insurer obligated to continue insurance on a vehicle that is between renewals? [23]

InWroclaw do you have a car which is registered in RP and car's OC insurance ? When will be or was the end of your OC insurance ?

For example when your OC car's possessor insurance ( polisa OC ) ends on 8th February 2014 and you will not write to your insurance company that you don't want to renew it for the next period, you get the new OC insurance for next 12 months. It will happen just by the law I mentioned before. Your insurance company must receive your statement no later than one day before last day of your insurance. In this case on 7th February.

This insurance is obligatory in RP. If you don't have it the fine would be 3360 zł.
4 Feb 2014
Law / New Poland law -- old car insurer obligated to continue insurance on a vehicle that is between renewals? [23]

It's about OC ( civil responsibility of car's possessor ). After the 12 months insurance contract will be another 12 months OC insurance even you do nothing.

Sometimes will be different if you didn't pay whole fee of the last 12 months OC insurance or by bankruptcy of your insurance company.
Your insurance company must send you OC conditions within 14 days since the beginning of new insurance period.

Act of 22th May 2003 about obligatory insurances ....
.... .
In Polish:
Art. 28. 1. Jeżeli posiadacz pojazdu mechanicznego nie później niż na jeden dzień przed upływem okresu 12 miesięcy, na który umowa ubezpieczenia OC posiadaczy pojazdów mechanicznych została zawarta, nie powiadomi na piśmie zakładu ubezpieczeń o jej wypowiedzeniu, uważa się, że została zawarta następna umowa na kolejne 12 miesięcy, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 2.

1a. W razie zawarcia umowy, o której mowa w ust. 1, zakład ubezpieczeń jest obowiązany potwierdzić zawarcie umowy dokumentem ubezpieczenia w terminie 14 dni od dnia jej zawarcia.

2. Zawarcie następnej umowy nie następuje, pomimo braku powiadomienia, o którym mowa w ust. 1, jeżeli:
1) nie została opłacona w całości określona w umowie składka za mijający okres 12 miesięcy lub w przypadku cofnięcia zakładowi ubezpieczeń zezwolenia na wykonywanie działalności ubezpieczeniowej w zakresie obowiązkowego ubezpieczenia OC posiadaczy pojazdów mechanicznych albo

2) w przypadku ogłoszenia upadłości zakładu ubezpieczeń, ogłoszenia lub zarządzenia likwidacji zakładu ubezpieczeń albo oddalenia wniosku o ogłoszenie upadłości lub umorzenia postępowania upadłościowego, w przypadku, o którym mowa w art. 98 ust. 2.
20 Jan 2014
Real Estate / Looking to buy property in Poland - understanding the different types of ownership! [10]

First of all I need to say the translation and the way someone use it can easly misleads you. In Poland according to flat the most popular is normal ownership ( odrębne prawo własności). Such flat must to have its own register estate ( księga wieczysta ). But similar to it and very popular too is owner's right to flat in the housing association ( spółdzielcze własnościowe prawo do lokalu). This second only sometimes has its own register estate, but seller need to have certificate from the housing association. So you don't need to know the meaning of the term cooperative ownership in advertisement but in real case.

Anyway you need to be careful what you bay and from whom. My suggestion is you need the lawyer service or your risk would be bigger especially in Warsaw.
20 Jan 2014
UK, Ireland / Calling all Brits! Travel in England advice [32]

As dhrynio I want to visit London in summer too. And can anyone tell me what is the best way to reach Oxford from North London, place like Stansted Airport.
20 Jan 2014
Law / Business ideas when I'll get back to Poland [8]

laws and procedure you can find here: migrant .info.pl/Economic_activity_in_Poland.html

find idea - especially the great one is much more difficult question anyway Good luck.

Related: Auto szrot in Western Europe - a good idea for business in Poland?

I don't know how to call "szrot" in English, but I would like to ask you, is this form of sale very popular in western europe? However I know, that many Poles go to France or Belgium to buy meny staff at those "szrotach", brign it to Poland and sale. They earn quite much money for this.
So, maybe I should go too?

Szrot in English (relating to cars) means trading in scrapped and written-off cars. OK for spare parts maybe, but unreliable for a whole car.
20 Jan 2014
Genealogy / I am looking for relatives of Wreczycki family [3]

I'm sorry I can't help much. Is there "Wręczycki" the original spelling of this surname.
In Poland we can find about 1 000 people with this surname : Wręczycki or Wręczycka.
And maybe is the town from which the most of them take their origin : Wręczyce Wielkie nearby Częstochowa.
The most persons with this surname live near this place.
17 Jan 2014
Law / Can my American wife stay in Poland with me? I have citizenship of Poland. [12]

Step 1:

If she want to stay in Poland more than 3 months she can get permission to live in RP because she's wife of polish citizen ( art. 53. 1, 1) - act of foreigners ) for two years.

Step 2:

After living in Poland for 2 years, without the brake, she can get permission to settle in RP, if before sending the application she was your wife longer than 3 years and also if she got the permission which I wrote above - step 1.

( art. 64. 1. 2) - act of foreigners )
Zezwolenia na osiedlenie się udziela się cudzoziemcowi, który:
2) pozostaje w związku małżeńskim, zawartym z obywatelem polskim co najmniej 3 lata przed złożeniem wniosku i bezpośrednio przed złożeniem wniosku przebywał nieprzerwanie na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej co najmniej przez 2 lata na podstawie zezwolenia na zamieszkanie na czas oznaczony;

( ustawa z dnia 13 czerwca 2003 r. o cudzoziemcach )[/quote]
17 Jan 2014
Law / Can my American wife stay in Poland with me? I have citizenship of Poland. [12]

Step 1:

Art. 53. 1. Zezwolenia na zamieszkanie na czas oznaczony udziela się cudzoziemcowi, który:
6) jest małżonkiem obywatela polskiego,

Step 2:

Art. 64. 1. Zezwolenia na osiedlenie się udziela się cudzoziemcowi, który:
2) pozostaje w związku małżeńskim, zawartym z obywatelem polskim co najmniej 3 lata przed złożeniem wniosku i bezpośrednio przed złożeniem wniosku przebywał nieprzerwanie na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej co najmniej przez 2 lata na podstawie zezwolenia na zamieszkanie na czas oznaczony;

( ustawa z dnia 13 czerwca 2003 r. o cudzoziemcach )

Can someone translate this. I have no more time.
14 Jan 2014
Law / How to get a private NIP number in Poland (for a foreigner) ? [28]

Must all invoices/faktury state a self employed person's NIP or just receipts/paragons?

You have to ask your accountant, but I would say yes. If not, these invoices would be invalid and your taxes will be higher. I suppose you run "działalność gospodarcza". There are different ways for how to pay income tax and in relation to this different kind of documentation you need to have :

1) bases is - "książka przychodów i rozchodów" - percentage of your profit,
2) "karta podatkowa", you pay constant tax -
3) "ryczałt ewidencjonowany" - you pay percentage of what you take - costs are not important
Taxes rules in Poland there are very complicated and very changeable.
And the good and reasonable accountant is the most important you need.
12 Jan 2014
Love / Do I need to be Confirmed in order to get married in the Catholic church in Poland? [41]

The thing is I have not gotten the ''confirmation'' . Do I really need this in order to get married ?

Rather yes. But prist or bishop can give you dispention from this and many others barriers.
For your bride the link below:


According to kanon 1083 - § 1 canon law you are more than 16 and your bride more than 14 years old :)
12 Jan 2014
Law / Does Poland encourage theft? [8]

It is just misunderstanding. The theft under 400 zł is forbidden as well but not according to penal code but "kodeks wykroczeń" which is about trifling offences.

No 119 KW

Art. 119. § 1. Kto kradnie lub przywłaszcza sobie cudzą rzecz ruchomą, jeżeli jej wartość nie przekracza 1/4 minimalnego wynagrodzenia ( since 1st. Junuary 2014 - 420 zł ),
podlega karze aresztu, ograniczenia wolności albo grzywny.
9 Jan 2014
Off-Topic / Polish Programming Forum - No one wanted friendship [14]

Yes, it's really a baby. Even my eldest almost 14 years old daughter is a little jealous. She play piano. And my language is a bit from the callan method, but generally terrible. Are you English ? And do you have a big dog ?
8 Jan 2014
Off-Topic / Polish Programming Forum - No one wanted friendship [14]

I pretend to work hard but today I have no hart for it. Other ways it is maybe the work for the future till I would be able to speak and write fluently that language.

Now I have to take my daughter from home and drive her to music school and pick another form school up and do so many times till 8 pm.

So I have to go now. Hear you soon.
I have dog too. 6 months westy.
Best Regards