Language /
Going to learn the Polish Genitive Case [28]
so are all male names male nouns is there any male names ending in A or I or O etc
kolega, mężczyzna, stażysta, masażysta, satanista - plenty of masculine nouns end with A; not so sure about O or I, can not recall any at the moment
so do they get the male genitive replacement letter
the ones that end with A get
-i or
-y endings: koleg
i, mężczyzn
y, stażyst
y, masażyst
ydo you have to use change or alter any other words /pronouns in the genitive or is it just nouns
yes, you have to change other words in a sentence too
there were diferent versions of " who " and " what" depending on which case but i dont understand why
these are test questions for native speakers, so that we can determine which case was used in a phrase
piłka ( tego ) dziecka - i havnt seen this word yest is this a genitive version of a word
yes, it's genitive of 'this': ten kot -
tego kot
a(G.); ta kotka -
tej kotk
i(G.), to kocię -
tego kocię
how many others is there
7 in singular form and 7 in plural (for each gender), for 'ten': it's 12 different forms for 42 possibilities (most forms are repetitive)
masculine nouns in genitive usually get
-a and
-u endings: słoń - słoni
a, pan - pan
a, chłopiec - chłopc
a; teatr - teatr
u, weekend - weekend
u, ból - ból
u, śmiech - śmiech