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Posts by pedromiguelppin  

Joined: 5 Feb 2013 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Feb 2013
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From: Portugal
Speaks Polish?: Not really

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21 Feb 2013
Life / Men in Poland in the forest? Just men? [133]

I go for the explanation that they are just spending some time with friends without the wives. In my country men are doing the same, but instead of gathering in the forest we go to a garden sit in some place, playing cards and drinking wine/beer or got to fish, but for sure fishing is just an excuse in most of the cases. Of course women are not allowed in this kind of things (usually). And this is happening in villages/cities I imagine that in very small villages/locations if they don't have the ocean or a garden to do this, maybe they will use the forest...
20 Feb 2013
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

And this is in comparison to UK. not sure about Poland... is that in US you can be told by Police that you have broken a law, and even if you prove to them most blatantly, that as a foreign visitor, you had no means of knowing about that law, because it is simply not published anywhere where one could read about it , they will NOT respect it as an excuse.

Sorry to tell you but you are completely wrong.... there is an article in European law or constitution that says that not knowing the law can't be a excuse to save you from broking the law. As a tourist it's your obligation get inform about specific laws in the country your are visiting. For example when I was living in Poland I didn't know that is forbidden to drink alcoholic drinks in the street, but this didn't work as a excuse to avoid a fee for doing that ;)

About America, I'm not Polish, but for experience I think that Polish people still have a bit this idea about America as the land of freedom and opportunity... when in fact is far from being that, at least now and in the last few (already many) years! I agree that like every country it as the positive and negative aspects, but right now I think the negative aspects are much more then the positive.
15 Feb 2013
Love / Why a polish girl would prefer a relationship with a foreign man? [30]

This example about Russia are a bit non sense.... some women like more warm country/place to live, so what?! For sure there are Russian men that desire the same, so why they can't as a Russian couple just change the country together... or even why the woman just don't change the country by her self? She need a foreign partner to do that? To make it look funny maybe she will change country and she will meet some Russian guy in this new country that did the same! Some men are not pleasant guys because drink problems (etc.) in some places or Russia! And what? All the women there are a pretty nice little lady? As you see none of this reasons are a real reason for choose someone just because different nationality.

The only thing I would to say is that I would never accept a relation, knowing that someone is with me because she was looking for foreign guys or guys from specific country... for me is just something ridiculous, I see its ok/acceptable (or even good) thing for a lot of people here, but just sound weird to me...
14 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Polish in Britain - will I get decked if I speak Polish to these people? [63]

I don't know why you ask that!? But in my case (I'm not Polish) but if I will met someone abroad that will try to speak my mother language with me I will feel good with that, like many poles I know like when they are abroad and in a café or something someone say "Dzien Dobry" because they are polish...
14 Feb 2013
Love / Why a polish girl would prefer a relationship with a foreign man? [30]

Maybe the same reason men from everywhere or women from everywhere... just because foreign are simply different!
About the look I can give you an example. When my polish friends saw some pictures of my Portuguese girl friends they get crazy about them...and it was just some average looking friends, nothing I would expect someone will get excited about. The same happen when my Portuguese friends saw some of my polish friends! So what's the reason!? Just because it's something different, something you are not use to see everyday...

I just don't understand why in here almost every time the questions are made like if there is something pre-programmed inside a polish girl/women
8 Feb 2013
Love / Annoying sister-in-law of my Polish hubby [30]

I feel sorry for you... didn't you know about this behave of your husband when you met him (defending his family over you), someone told me one day, when you think on marry to someone ask yourself who is the most important person in your life, the one for whom you can leave everything/anyone else? If the answer is not your girlfriend/boyfriend, then you are not ready for taking this step... saying that it's obvious that I think no matter what he should support your point of view even if you are wrong! Of course later he could tell you, you are wrong, but as a default a couple should defend each other no matter what... more or less like a mother/father should defend/love their child no matter what! But this is only my opinion... I know my mother will understand and even be glad when she will start to be the second woman I love the most in the world...
8 Feb 2013
Love / Marriage with a polish woman - Heaven or Forever Hell ? [60]

The fact is since ever the rights given to a men or to a women was not well balance, in a clear benefit of the men. Last years (maybe 20 or even more) the society tried to reach a good balance, creating some measures to protect the women rights, look for example for the creation of minimal limits in political positions and high places that should be held by women, in some countries... in this countries you can have 100% women government but never 100% men. I think the problem is that nowadays the balance is almost (or even reached) reach in some countries, but the measures are still existing and maybe soon it will start to be unbalance this time for the men side...
7 Feb 2013
Love / My Polish Relationship Marriage ..story to be told. [USA/PL] [34]

Don't generalize every relations by your own experience... My girlfriend is also polish, I met her in poland during a trainee, then by coincidence when I came back to my country she came also for a trainee and we start to date. She come back to Poland where she has already guarantee a Phd in Warsaw. But she find out some new Phd in my country and she choose to stay with me. I'm still finishing my studies and she is receiving a grant from Phd, so for the few months left for me to finish I can't divide half by half our house expenses... so I'm almost sure she didn't came here to take advantage of me...more, for few years Poland also belong to EU so if some polish girl want to have better life what for go to USA when they can move to england, switzerland, france, germany (or any rich country in europe) without the need to use a man to get some papers...!? For not to say that Poland is not this extreme poor country it was some years ago!

I don't understand why people like to generalize so easily... many polish girls are what we can call a b****!? Sure... but many, for not say the huge majority are normal person that is just looking for love, happiness and personal realization, like the girls from any other country.
5 Feb 2013
History / Origins of Poland national differences? [41]

In my opinion, the europe is not so different in their mentality or way of thinking, maybe you can divide it in 4 areas, the more Mediterranean countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy and probably Greece), central Europe (France, Germany, Switz., maybe U.K.), the eastern europe and scandinav europe. I think between this 4 main areas/groups you can feel sometimes the differences in the way of living, in the priorities, but again nothing huge, not like the difference europe/USA or europe/south america, for instance...

Of course you can find on or another exception that doenst fit in any of this group...

But more related with DNA I was, by curiosity checking the origin of portuguese people (since Im one), because everyone describe portuguese people as a latin, when its completely wrong. I read some studies, about that, and the conclusion was, that is very rare and difficult to find a "pure" DNA anywhere in the world, because of constant wars and occupations, or just the simple mixed of races in the marriage. But anyway this study intend to check the origin of portuguese DNA. The conclude that the "pure" portuguese DNA (lusitano) only can be founded in small villages in some mountains in the center of the country. And this still pure DNA (i.e. without any other DNA mixed) was only found in all europe there and in basque area of spain (Im sorry if its not the correct english word for that). And why was that, because its a mountain area its more difficult to be conquer by war, or its at least easier to people leaving there to hide them self, more lately because both areas don't accept so well a relation with a foreign. I have some family from that area and still 50/60 years ago was quite common cousins get married. In this Basque area, for example Atlhetic Bilbau, only recently they can have even spanish players, because before only people form that area could play in the club, the first foreign playing for the team receive dead treats because of that...

About the rest of portugal its a big mix of different DNA mostly from north of africa (because of invasions hundreads of years ago) and from barbarians contracted by romans to destroy, rape and take the country (that wanst yet portugal in that time). So I guess, knowing a bit of the european history that the same happen everywhere, after so many wars, invasions or colonializations...
5 Feb 2013
Love / Polish Catholic girl - do you have the same relationship problem as me? [28]

Hi agree with most of opinions...this way of thinking is too "dark age" and gets a bit odd having in mind your parents went to live in different country and for sure they realize that people that aren't from poland are ok/nice too, most of the times!