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Joined: 4 Feb 2013 / Female ♀
Last Post: 5 Feb 2014
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4 Feb 2014
Language / Could you please help me to understand Oni vs One? [6]

Things and animals would be "one" too.
Konie - one są w stajni.
Horses - they are in the stable

Książki - one stoją na półce.
Books - they are sitting on the shelf
24 Jan 2014
News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France. [630]

Multiculturalism has never worked.

Multiculturalism has been working for me wonderfully. Perhaps that's because I detest racism and I'm curious about other cultures and I love meeting people that can show me a wrold I haven't known before.

All the Muslims that i have met have been absolutely lovely people.

Same with me, although I think I know what Jaszek5 has on his mind - it's not the Muslim people or Islam itself that is scary, but the extremist views that seem to have more power in some parts of the Islamic world that they have in Europe, even the Muslim people that I know are not happy about it. I think the way the problem is spoken about in the media is very wrong as it doesn't distinguish clearly enough between the extremists and the millions of normal Muslim people who are perfectly capable of living peacefully next to their Christian or atheist or other neighbours
24 Jan 2014
Genealogy / Is Poland Germanic or Slavic? [58]

the same as the number of Poles I've met who call themselves Susan!


Luckily the broders between nations and people are not as rigid as some like to suggest, so yes, a Western Pole would probably find more in common with an Eastern German than a Russian would. Still, we are definitely Slavic and the language is the best proof. The fact that there are some words in Polish that are of Germanic origin doesn't change anything. You can take any sentence or even a longer text in Russian and translate it word for word into Polish or Czech and it would make perfect sense, because there are so many deep grammatical similarities between the languages. Try doing the same between Polish and German and you'd see how Germanic Polish is, lol
20 Jan 2014
Love / I have a crush on my boyfriend's Polish friend ( advice needed ) [33]

i wouldnt want him just to bang bang with him tho,

they didn't just bang bang, they were making love, that what was so beautiful about it. I think I could do that if only I was sure that the person would not talk to me, words make things complicated. But people always want to talk.

Lady, cool yourself in cold water

that made me laugh so much :D :D
20 Jan 2014
Life / My Słowianie (music video mocks stereotypes about Poles and Slavs) [46]

I liked "Nie lubimy robić" better:

Me too

now this on the other hand is proper satire.

lol, I know a few real life Poles who are exactly "wypisz wymaluj" like that :D

Poles in general do not think about themselves as Slaves.

Thank God, we don't. But I think we like to consider ourselves the best of Slavs and often times we look down at the rest of the Slavic world as if they were our refractory younger sibilings, even though the rest of Slavs thinks of us as some germanized westernized and generally degenerated version of Slavs ;)
20 Jan 2014
Love / I have a crush on my boyfriend's Polish friend ( advice needed ) [33]

thing is he doesnt speak danish, i dont speak polish. and he doesnt speak english..

Long time ago I saw a movie, I can't remember the title, about a woman and a man who never spoke to each other and were only meeting to make love. I always find it fascinating - that connection between people that is beyond words, words always separate. One can't have a serious relatioship without words though
21 Apr 2013
Language / "No tak"; The Oddest Phrase In Polish For This American [75]

It's an easy text. Perhaps you should hang our with those Poles who finished at least 9 years of schooling? :-)

haha. I just like to think that i'm a bit exceptional when it comes to intelligence ;) But the people on here seem quite brainy, even if they are lacking in other virtues, so perhaps the explanation is ok
18 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

Women with no connection to the UK - perhaps from Poland - turning up to have babies because the doctors, nurses and hospitals are better

And do you know anyone who have actually done that? Because I only know 1) a friend who was diagnosed with cancer and was going for treatment back to Poland for a year. 2) another friend who had problems with her leg and was going to Poland every few weeks to be treated 3) another person who broke his leg and had to have a knee operation - went to Poland because all what the NHS doctors had to offer were painkillers 4) another friend who went back to India to have some tests done, because the NHS didn't offer her any and she'd been having problems for months; and I know more people like that. They all live and work in the UK. Why on earth would they choose costly and tiring travel and health services in some "backwarded" countries if they had the wonder of the British NHS right nxt door giving them high standard health care for free.

Another friend of mine has just recently had a baby in the UK - she was crying when she was talking to me - she said for 3 days nobody had given her baby a bath and she had taken him home with dried blood stuck in his ears and hair. She left the hospital on her own request because she started getting depressed.

These are all true stories.
I'm not saying there is no high standard health care in Britain, sure there is - but NOT on the NHS and NOT for free.

The NHS is famous among the nations of the world for treating every illness with paracetamol.
17 Feb 2013
Life / What are those scars and cuts on many Polish guys' arms? [21]

Those sznyty are in Poland an equivalent to mating colours in other species - the more sznyty a male have the more manly and attractive he appears to women, the above picture would make many knees weak in Poland
16 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

make them pay to use the NHS.

Poles do pay for the nhs like everyone else, whether they use it or not; that's the problem with "free" health services - that you pay for it percentage of your wages whether you choose to use its crap services or not. That's a sort of legalised robbery. I would be more than happy to be excluded from using the NHS if it also meant that I can save my contributions.
16 Feb 2013
Language / What the hell is "zeczeto"? [4]

What does "zeczeto" mean?

It's the impersonal form of verb "zacząć".
Normally verbs in Polish have a "built-in" information about the subject - zaczął (he started), zaczęliśmy (we started), etc; but not the impersonal ones. I'd translate "zaczęto" as It was started/It has been started - although it's not quite literal
15 Feb 2013
History / Poles and Russians -- love-hate relationship? [209]

I'd say it's a love and hate relationship. :) We love Russia and we detest her. We look down at Russia and yet we can't quite help admiring her. This kind of relationship, it's pretty toxic and addictive. I don't know how the Russians view it though
15 Feb 2013
Love / Troubled relationship - is it because I'm Polish or should I blame it on his moustache? [28]

Why do yo feel responsible for him?

I don't know. Is it not that we become forever responsible for what we have tamed? Is it not that once we've loved someone they become our family, someone who we can't just delete from our hearts and simply move on?

I told him once that I no longer wanted to be with him, it lasted for a week or two that we were sort of single, and he became very sad, a shadow of himself. It was very painful to see him in that state.

it would seem you want him because he makes you feel safe, he is the known and you have a fear of the unknown

It might be true, it's even more scary when you live in a foreign country and your family is 2000km away; on the other hand I tend to become overly excited about the unknown so fear doesn't usually restrain me from making changes in life, the unknown usually is a turn on for me.

If you no longer feel genuine love for this guy, leave. It may be hard but it's the decent thing to do!

You're right but it's easier said than done. Because it's not like you either love someone or not; I find that sometimes we can no longer be in love in the romantic sense but still love that person as a human being

Or is it the aftermath of my Catholic upbringing and I feel subconsciously I must carry my cross? ;)
14 Feb 2013
Travel / Is it safe to travel to Poland? [194]

Went to the bank on Sat,the greeter dude told me "Dzien dobry",I had to look at the tellers names to pick one named Lizzy whom I assumed to be not Polish so I could chat in English a little bit.

soo funny :)

But I know what you mean. I love my language, but... when you live abroad it can be too much of a good thing. After all, other languages are also by all means lovable...

In UFO matter Poland is safe, then.

14 Feb 2013
Language / Slavic accent correction [110]

Do you peronally like when somebody speak your native language with heavy accent?Personally I feal unpleased to communicate with such people.

I like it. There's a difference between poor language skills and the accent, it might be difficult to communicate with someone who struggles to express themselves, but foreign accents I personally find cute :)
14 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK? [143]

If you can't afford to sustain yourself without state aid, you don't belong here.. simple as.

You forget about many foreign people, and many of them are Polish, who don't belong here, yet work and pay taxes so that British people can get benefits and NHS

If the EU is such a disaster for Britain, why don't you leave? Leave the EU, please. But you aren't leaving - you know why? Not because of Poles, Latvians or Portugese, but because the British people who own your country don't give a $h!t about what you think. Talk to them. Nobody on PF seems to have the power to change anything in Britain no matter how much you moan.
14 Feb 2013
UK, Ireland / Polish in Britain - will I get decked if I speak Polish to these people? [63]

I can speak Polish fairly well, but I didn't want to communicate to these workers in Polish because they might get offended and angered if they knew I wasn't from Poland.

I think they would have been very pleasantly surprised. There are so very few foreign people who can speak Polish that even if someone can say something simple like Cześć or Jak się masz? it makes Poles amazed ;)
10 Feb 2013
Law / Pakistani married to Polish Girl in Sweden [40]

How the hell you tell me whether I am legal or Illegal when there is so much blood on your hands?

That's the ignorance and hypocrisy of the West
10 Feb 2013
Law / Pakistani married to Polish Girl in Sweden [40]

Really I do not have words to say how angry it makes me to feel when I hear about sth like this...

Go and do some sport before you die from hyperventilation
10 Feb 2013
Love / Troubled relationship - is it because I'm Polish or should I blame it on his moustache? [28]

where he would be to blame for the break up if he had slept with your friend ( that is totaly f-up in my opinion )

Not that I wanted to blame him, but I would like it to be less painful for him and for me. When I think of hurting him I'm feeling so guilty, my heart is breaking and I just can't face it. If he found another girl and wanted to leave himself, it would make things so much easier.

Reading your story I felt A bit like it was mine.

So your heart is a gypsy too :) Thank you so much, it's so good to hear I'm not the only one. I sort of know it's ended and even accepted the possibility of being single again, I guess I'm just waiting for the right moment to end it officially.
10 Feb 2013
Love / Troubled relationship - is it because I'm Polish or should I blame it on his moustache? [28]

Pawian, he didn't cheat on me :) I wanted him to cheat on me, I wanted him to find someone but he didn't. But you're advocating forgiveness for cheating men so heatedly that it makes me wonder whether you have a clear conscience... ;)

This sentence says it all.
No-one would do this if they still had romantic feelings for their boyfriend.

:( This is what I'm afraid of.