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Posts by jnowiski  

Joined: 11 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Nov 2009
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 121 / In This Archive: 24
From: fayetteville, NC
Speaks Polish?: no, but English and russian
Interests: bass guitar, rugby, billards, russian, polish

Displayed posts: 24
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9 Oct 2008

I'll curse at them in russian, then they get confused whether the last name is Polish or Russian. mwahaha!!!!!!!

...but no one ever says Polish jokes to me.
2 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

just wondering have you ever been to Poland?

no, i'd like to. and plan on it someday, but don't have the time right now thanks to war and all.

i'm sure "they" say all kinds of things...

yeah, "they" are also retarded though.
2 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

i want to learn polish, but not many places where i'm from have it. i learned russian in the military. they used to teach polish at the SOF language school, but its not as "useful" as russian so they say.
2 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

I'd rather be jokingly known as thief than a retard.

i'm the opposite for sure, i am a self proclaimed retard at work.

He asked what Americans think of Poles...

that's not what Americans think of Polish people dude, if you think that then you are retarded.
2 Oct 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

Did you ever notice that there are jokes about every nation & race in America?

ditto. when i was at Basic i heard Polish jokes all the time. but thats exactly what they are...jokes. this world is becoming way to politically correct for me, when no one can take a simple joke.
14 Aug 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

like i said, there's a few i like alot, but i still don't really listen to it that much, i'm more into songs based on the music aspect (being a part time musician :D)
14 Aug 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

i mean, i don't like rap in general, but i've found more russian rap groups that i like versus american ones, all i'm saying.
14 Aug 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

most of it. there's a few i like, i'm just not a fan of what they percieve to be "cool" in general. which is another reason i don't like it.
29 Jun 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

I hate american rap but i like foreign rap, especially when i can understand it! I don't like the lyrics of american rap. Just retarded
23 Jun 2007
Language / Bought "Rosetta Stone" software and trying to learn Polish... [59]

why is the polish language impossible to learn???

if its anything like russian than it has crazy hard grammar. I've heard some of the more baltic areas have really tough grammar. idk, i don't know nearly enough polish to contribute anything to this. so i apologize.
23 Jun 2007
Law / how do i change my Polish last name [40]

I can't remember when the first time i met another -ski was. I met other people with polish heritage, but they all had "normal" american names. I think one of the first -ski's i met was at basic training, i Solarsky, i asked him if he was russian, cause i thought because the y it wasn't polish, then he told me it was polish. I was like "Finally!" i know a guy in the army from Chicago who speaks polish, and i try to talk to him in polish when i see him, but i don't know enough to really hold any conversation. He always asked me about russian and we try and compare russian to polish. which is fun...i guess
22 Jun 2007
Law / how do i change my Polish last name [40]

If it was me, I'd stand there with a poker face and say, "Wow, that is a funny one. I never heard that one before. Thanks." Then walk away.

Yeah, sometimes i do that. It's funny cause some of them really think its the first time i've heard that.

When i was younger i hated my last name, cause i had never met a -ski (or any other person with a polish name), but when i got in high school i started loving it. I wouldn't want anything else. At the tattoo shop i frequent (once or a twice a week for 2-4 hours...at least!) i'm know as the "Pole" or "the Pollock" (sp?) whats funny is the guy that calls me that is Polish!! he said he used to speak polish alot with his grandmother till he was 7, but it pretty much stopped when she passed away, i guess his parents didn't bother speaking it with him. anyways, the point is...i love my last name. haha
22 Jun 2007
Law / how do i change my Polish last name [40]

try living with nowiski...the thing i hear more than people calling me dirk is "Nowiski...SUCKS FOR YOU!!" or "If that was my last name i'd change it to YESwiski" I just stand there with a blank face.
21 Jun 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

that's the majority of what i can find of polish music, is death metal and the like. My brother's real big into the death metal and black metal, he listens to some of the polish metal bands, not cause they're polish jsut cause they are awesome (in his opinion).

Polish has some pretty good jazz i think. And i liked that band CAMO or whoever, someone put a video on the "Polish Music Video" topic.
11 Jun 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

you can find a bunch of stuff from him on Youtube, he's amazing, incredible...you should check him out...if you havn't already!
11 Jun 2007
Life / What is going on in Polish Music [128]

wojtek pilichowski...if your into bass and jazz stuff. One of the best bassists in the world right now.
