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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / In This Archive: 42
Posts: Total: 4430 / In This Archive: 2220
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off road..photography..countryside..Polish beer..

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19 Sep 2014
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

Ha , my Bulgarian language skills are not so good , but at least my Russian wife can read Bulgarian , the cyrillic alphabet that the Russians use was actually invented by two Bulgarians . . .
10 Sep 2014
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

Well , i survived Russia . . .I am now in Bulgaria in the mountains . . .nice view of them from the windows . . . secure parking for bikes and two guest rooms with own toilet and shower . . . . say no more . . .
5 Sep 2014
Law / Registration of right hand drive cars in Poland - possible? [82]

Can i just say again that it was no problem at all to make my English car legal in Moscow , and here in Bulgaria i drove my English car into the traffic police hq and four hours later drove out with tax , insurance and Bulgarian plates . . .
10 Mar 2013
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

I used to think driving in Poland was dangerous , but i got used to it , and even rode a motorcycle there...

Now i live in Moscow , and welcome the return to the smooth Polish roads and carefull drivers... its nuts here...
9 Dec 2012
Law / You do not need to fit winter tyres according to Polish law. [13]

Fit winter tyres..even if its not the law...

I just had a set put on my Mondeo here in Russia , it does make a difference..

Seen too many accidents where a minor loss of control has taken a car into the path of a big accident... not worth the risk...
15 Jul 2012
Classifieds / Driving Lessons in Krakow [5]

Polish Driving rules & traffic.

You mean there are rules...??????
15 Jul 2012
Travel / Is Sleeping in Car in Poland (while passing) legal? [13]

The only problem with sleeping in a car park , is that every passing bandit can see that here is a car with possibly a rich tourist in it...and all alone a long way from home....

When i was tootling about in the depths of Russia , Belarus , Ukraine and other places i used to camp in the forest miles from the nearest town...easy to do when you have a 4 x 4...

If there is nobody there , then nobody can bother you....
14 Jul 2012
Travel / Is Sleeping in Car in Poland (while passing) legal? [13]

remember that Polish winters are seriously cold.

They are... if you are sleeping in your car in winter , you need an army sleeping bag thats good for minus 30...

I have survived sleeping in a car at minus 40... you need a good bag for that...
14 Jul 2012
Travel / Is Sleeping in Car in Poland (while passing) legal? [13]

I don,t think anyone is going to bother you if you sleep in your car...

I used to sleep in my truck often enough when driving for a firm in Poland , and i have slept in my car a few times too...

I don,t know if its legal or not , but if you sleep in your car in some quiet place i suspect you will be left alone...

Probably not a good idea to have a few beers after stopping for the night in case you can be accused of being drunk in charge of the car..
6 Jul 2012
Life / A rant on customer service in Poland [42]

I just want to be sold what I ask for and for that product to be in reasonably good condition.

And you want this in Poland... ?
6 Jul 2012
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

They are rubbish.... but since my girlfriend is a teacher of Russian language i have no excuse not to become very good , very fast...
6 Jul 2012
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

Polish people who have moved to Russia in the past tend to never come back... Russia is a black hole that will suck you in. lol. that and you are Slavic

Nope... I am not Polish , i am English , in fact the only non Pole in my club...

I already have friends in Russia , so i don,t think it wil be too hard to fit in especially given that i will have a Russian wife....

I find that the fact you are a biker is much more important to other bikers that what it says on your passport... I have more in common with a Russian biker than an English guy who does not ride a motorcycle...

I agree with you...people are either ok...or they are not...what it says in your passport , or on the back of your jacket is not important...
5 Jul 2012
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

There are certain clubs , that just don,t get along with certain other clubs...

The Hells Angels dont like the Bandito,s for example...and this has turned very violent at times...

The club i belong to in Poland does not like the Outlaws very much for some reason , but we have not had any kind of trouble with them really... I stopped my bike a few months back to help an Outlaw that had broken down , we got along well enough...

My own personal opinion is that we are all bikers , and should have enough in common to avoid fighting each other...

In many cases the wars between rival clubs are related to a drugs turf war... Something the club i belong to does not get involved in....

The Hells Angels are considered by many to be a criminal organisation , i can,t really comment on that , i am not involved closely enough with them to know much about that , all i can say is that they have never given me any problem , and i choose not to give them any... They are certainly very loyal to each other , and picking a fight with them is not something its wise to do...

The club i am a member of is a club you can,t simply pay money and join , they have to like you , and then they may invite you to join them....If you are accepted , then you have friends for life , and they take care of you... We don,t go looking for trouble with anyone , we just ride our bikes , party , and do our own thing without bothering anyone else.... Those that are wise leave us alone to do that...
5 Jul 2012
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

Are there any bikers bars in Poland?

Yes there are many biker bars in Poland , a lot of the clubs have their own bars for the members too...

Yes , i am moving to Moscow , leaving my quiet farm in the Polish forest...

Why am i doing such a crazy thing...? Well . i fell in love with a lovely Russian lady , and for several practical reasons , its easier for me to move there than it is for her to move to Poland...

I have sold my farm to good friends , a smart move , i can always come back here for a visit some day , and who knows , maybe i will live in Poland again...Who knows what will be in the future...?
4 Jul 2012
Life / Motorcycle Culture in Poland. [26]

I had the same thought. Wildrover is even knowledgeable about Hells Angels bikers in Poland.

Last weekend they invited me to a party... it was pretty dam good too...

And yes , i am moving to Russia... I start driving east on 24th July....arrive Russia 25th July...

Happy to help anyone with questions about biking in Polska...
29 Jun 2012
Life / If a Phone Gets Stolen in Wroclaw [11]

Its a bit late now , but its worth remembering for the future...

If you have vital info on your phone , keep a copy of such stuff in another place...

I know what a pain it was having my phone go faulty , and having to run around getting peoples phone numbers again...

I dont think it likely your friend will find her phone again , and if she does they will have wiped all the info from it , and given it all new settings...
17 Jun 2012
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

At the big rally near me in Zlocieniec there will be a few Hells Angels i reckon.... they are running the show...!
16 Jun 2012
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]


I rode my Harley sportster from UK to my home in Poland , its a nice ride....

You won,t have any real problems being a lone woman riding through Poland , as long as you take the usual precautions any woman travelling alone would take....

As for camping , you can find some great camp sites along any of the main routes , if you buy a road map from any petrol station they will be marked on there...

You could have camped for free at my farm , but i am shortly selling it to a German friend and her Polish boyfriend , mind you , they are bikers too , so maybe you can fix something up with them....?

In the bigger towns you are quite likely to find many of the younger people speak English , or German , but in the smaller villages it is not so easy to find an English speaker....

Try contacting the Amazons motorcycle club in Poland , they are an all female biker club , and can give you better advice than i can about lady bikers travelling alone in Poland....

All i can say is that i have many female friends that ride in Poland , and none have been eaten by the natives yet....

Will you be here on the 27th...? there is a massive bike rally on near me...
13 Jun 2012
Life / What do Polish people do for fun? [18]

Putting Polish womens handbags on the ground is a fun activity...

as long as you can run fast.....
13 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Transporting items from the UK to Kalisz, Poland? [5]

it is 25 boxes all different sizes and 20 bags. the dimensions of the stuff we have in total is 160x160x170. the only item of furniture we have is a chair :) the items are house contents inside.

Aha... its a bit too much for me to carry...

I will be in the UK to collect a Jeep Cherokee in the near future , and drive it back to Poland , i would have been happy to take your stuff for free if it was just a few items , but i think you are going to be needing a small van....

Try making contact with the Poles that live in your area , there may be someone heading back to Poland with a van...?
8 Jun 2012
Love / Dating in Poland not able to speak Polish [24]

Not speaking Polish is not a problem , as long as the girl you are interested in speaks English...

But try to learn a few words just to be polite...

It is possible to have a relationship with somebody you have big problems to talk to , but its hard work....
29 May 2012
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

It is possible that Wildrover is in Russia and he is shaking hands with Putin as we speak.

Nope...still in Polska...

But... i have sold my farm , my documents have been approved by the Russian migration office , and i am still in Love with the Moscow lady...

I will be gone in about one month...
28 May 2012
UK, Ireland / Posting from UK to Poland....not good! [53]

I have said it before , and i will say it again...

During my eight years living in Poland i have had lots and lots of parcels sent from the UK , many containing nice shiney expensive things , and not one single item has gone missing...

The only time anything disapeared was when my sister foolishly sent some money in a letter , and i am pretty sure that went missing before it left the UK...

Maybe i am lucky that my stuff passes through offices where everyone is very honest...?

Can,t complain about Polska Pochta at all...

It does take a month for my airmail letters to get to Moscow , but they all get there eventually , and the delay may well be at the Russian end...
4 May 2012
News / Poles are able to forgive their enemies - how noble. [68]

why not? are you just prone to prejudices? wonder if there arent similar stories like your also in russia...

I am sure there are...

But Hitler declared that the war in Russia was a war without rules , a fight to the death , and both sides knew it....

It was a savage war , but i am sure there were cases of human kindness among the ordainary soldiers...

At least in the begining...