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Useful tips on learning Polish? [25]
I have been learning Polish myself and the university of Pitts Polish course is amazing, though it is not for absolute beginners. To begin you should learn the alphabet! this is most important as you will need to know the alphabet and sounds that certain combination of letters make to be able to read and pronounce words right. Then go to youtube and watch videos on there of phrases and gramatical case, look up the grammatical cases on wiki (there are seven) and learn the rules to them. helps with pronunciation!! then start the online Polish course! you do no have to sign up and all the material is printable, free and at degree level for true deep understanding of the language! This Polish course is for beginners/intermediate learners, you should be fine with it! I am up to lekcja czwarta and my boyfriend (who is Polish) is absolutely amazed with how much I can understand/read/write/say. Good luck! < (fantastic online free course) < (for pronunciation) <(useful videos for beginners!)