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Posts by sarahk  

Joined: 2 Jan 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jan 2012
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11 Jan 2012
Study / Learning Polish in Warsaw - good school recommendation? [47]

I heard that Polish courses at University sucks at they are really grammar oriented

I was a student at SGH and took Polish courses there. The teacher they have is great and had created her own book/handouts. She recommended the Polski mniej obcy books, but I don't know if there's a beginner level for that... it wouldn't hurt to check out the options, there are tons of courses available in Warsaw!
11 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

2 weeks to learn Polish sounds like a very blatant scam.

I don't think they mean that you'll be fluent after two weeks... I think it's more of an introductory course.
11 Jan 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

You learn it because you want to, that's what matters. It doesn't matter if it's the most useful language. Studies have shown that learning one language helps make it much easier to learn another. I started learning German in school when everyone else learned French or Spanish. Now I know Polish and am a translator, so it worked out. (Also, I earn on average more than those with Spanish or French as their language ;))
5 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

The point being that everyone here in the USA that is not of Anglo stock does feel a sort of solidarity, be it because of darker skin color, or because of "suspect" last names that betray roots far removed from the deck of the Mayflower.

Where you do people get this stuff?

I'm curious... some of you agree that Jews are not white and are the root of all evil (to paraphrase). But, then you also agree with thoughts like these, that those people who are different (whether it be because of darker skin, a strange last name, a Polish history) "feel a sort of solidarity" to one another. Isn't that exactly what you're saying the Jews do? Why when the Jews do this (if they do at all) is that evil, but when you do it, it's fine?

Also... I don't know where in America you live, but I've never heard anything like that where I'm from.

And, lastly, out of pure curiosity: those of you that have commented that you live in the US and (may or may not) have Polish roots -- when was the last time you were in Poland, if ever?
3 Jan 2012
Travel / I'm half-Polish and I'm Planning a Trip to Poland - tickets, historical landmarks? [36]

They failed to teach you manners when you were younger...

As for the question, try Googling it. Also, the Norman Davies (?) "A history of Poland" books are supposed to be good. We were told to read them for class, at least. Read about Solidarnosc and the Uprisings, especially if you go to Warsaw or Gdansk.
3 Jan 2012

We use this word in Polish too

Exactly, it's not just English words that are being used and it's due to close proximity to other languages and open borders. I always think they're funny :)

and I've never heard it being used that way, hence, why I'm asking native speakers of English on here if they have any experience with this particular usage.

See what JonnyM wrote. I've seen/heard it used like that also.
3 Jan 2012
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

Much of what they say has been passed down to them by said peasants - so :)

What do you mean by the Eastern borderlands?

I've been living in Mazury and Warsaw and have never met any people like this. Maybe that's because I know no native-English speakers in Poland. It's reminds me of Chinese friends of mine who complain about the American/UK/German people who come to China to work (because they are too uneducated or for whatever other reason can't find a job in their own country) and think they're better than the Chinese and think they know more about China and the Chinese than those who have lived there their whole lives.
3 Jan 2012

: a) When I try to speak Polish, people (especially the younger ones) simply reply to me in English.

There's a simple solution to that -- just tell them in Polish that you'd prefer them to speak Polish so you can practice. It's easy to be polite about it.

There's nothing wrong with using English in Polish. Most countries use English words, and words borrowed from other languages as well.

For example, Polish also uses the word "spacerować" from the German "spazieren" and means "to go for a walk". Germans and Austrians use so many French words, such as "Portemonnaie" for "wallet". It's a sign of globalization.
2 Jan 2012
Life / Are there many crypto-Jews in Poland? [67]

Well, Jewish identity is unusual in that it can be either (i) ethnic or (ii) religious or (iii) both.

First of all, seriously? Why is everyone here so obsessed with talking about Jews? Do you all really have nothing better to do?

Also: "Jewish" is either an ethnicity or a religion or both, but it is not a nationality. Polish is a nationality, German is a nationality, Vietnamese is also a nationality. No, just no.

But seriously, WTF, people?
2 Jan 2012
Life / Racism & study with part time jobs in Warsaw ? [53]

Greetings from a European guy (not Polish but living in Poland) who thinks that Europe is for Europeans, even though you may be a nice guy.

Very interesting.

You say "they" don't like people invading their country and are defending their country, yet you are not Polish and are living in Poland. And you say "Europe is for Europeans".

You seem to be confused. You are from another COUNTRY in Europe (which is not a COUNTRY, but a CONTINENT), yet don't think Poland (a COUNTRY) should defend their COUNTRY from invaders from other COUNTRIES (such as yourself, who is not Polish, but living in Poland).

To the original poster: I studied in Warsaw (at Szkoła Główna Handlowa SGH) and am not Polish and had a great time. You will more than likely not find a job in Poland (unless you babysit or something), so save. There are plenty of foreigners in Warsaw, especially if you're among the Erasmus students, of which there are hundreds. I say go for it, and good luck.