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Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
Posts: Total: 490 / In This Archive: 380

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23 Mar 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

The problem is that the Polish nation will cease on its own if it is not backed up by immigrants

If promoted correctly Poland could become a European option for disgruntled Western Europeans emigrates. Poland does and can have a good draw, most foreigners who live in Poland do actually enjoy the country and like the people. The flip-side is dealing with a antiquated system that needs a serious overhaul, by importing western european immigrants, especially pro's in their 40's with kids the government must be prepared to give incentives for wealthy individuals to come here and create jobs..
20 Mar 2012
Food / Could you recommend me a fresh Polish juice from fruit? [18]

But it tastes horrible you have to mix it with something to make it palatable, I guess something like Spiritus infused with Aronia;)

Most berry fruits are mixed with apple juice in Poland, apple is the cheapest fruit in PL and has a high sugar content. Every morning I have 100 ml of a special Aronia juice mix in a shake. Its my kick start as I don't do coffee.
20 Mar 2012
Food / Could you recommend me a fresh Polish juice from fruit? [18]

Elderberry juice. It is very high in anti-oxidants (and also tannin). In small amounts it is very healthy.

The aronia is a superfood, richer in anti-cancer antioxidants than raspberries and more modern imports such as the goji and acai. It even has three times the level of antioxidants found in blueberries. Actually, this berry contains the highest concentration of flavonoids and antioxidants than any other known natural food product.

19 Mar 2012
Food / Could you recommend me a fresh Polish juice from fruit? [18]

Is there a Polish brand that makes fresh juice from the fruit and packs it in glass containers?

This company is good: rembowscy.pl/index_en.html the drinks are not so expensive. There is one company that is fantastic, but they only make drinks in small volumes.
18 Mar 2012
News / The number of millionaires in Poland is on the rise [15]

The number of millionaires in Poland is on the rise, according to statistics released on International Women's Day

At present there are about 50,000 millionaires in Poland, and in several leading banks, including BPH, City Sales and Millennium, between 30 and 35 percent of them are women.

However, according to international consultancy firm Deloitte, that figure will reach 120,000 by 2020, when women will make up 40 percent of the millionaires in Poland.

Women had an equal place in the workforce during communism - they were effectively doing two jobs, at home and at work but had formal equality.

But with the fall of communism, Polish women were hit the hardest, in many ways, as child-care systems collapsed. The number of women in employment fell sharply, so that the gap between the number of men and women in work is now wider in Poland, for example, than in many EU countries.

But the wage gap in Poland between men and women is still the smallest in the EU.

Those Polish women do know how to make money.

I wondered why so many AmPol males have being returning to PL.
14 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Lots of Polish in England buy houses and integrate into the UK system well [9]

Integration and Intellegance go hand in hand. You have to have a level of intellegance to intergrate

Immigrant workers at all levels of education (intelligence) can integrate and find their place in society. There are many people in the UK with a basic education, who have risen to the top of the business world.

otherwise you have a cav society.

Lando you mean ' Chav ' not ' Cav '

if 1 million British people showed up in Poland and started to compete with the locals on the job market.

Time will tell on that one.

I am only tallking about the educated polish people, they do none of the above, not interested in benefits as they work as professionals. They never seem to get a mention, Not all Polish want to take from the uk,

If they are working they are NOT unemployed, therefore NOT liable for benefits. So what exactly are you discussing here.

I'm slightly jealous of the Poles. I wish there were a country I could go to and earn three times the national average salary doing menial work. I'd do exactly the same: save like buggery, live like a pauper, and then go home rich and buy a massive flat.

Exactly, you and most hard working British people, on the flip side many Brits come to Poland take a drop in salary, although they are happier due to the slower pace of life and the lower prices, their savings go a lot further.
14 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / Lots of Polish in England buy houses and integrate into the UK system well [9]

However, not so much talk about the professional Polish people who come here buy houses, integrate into the uk system very well, for the long term may I add.

Its called education!!!!!!!

It is actually called integration...

I was recently in London for a long weekend and the subject of ' Poles working in the UK was discussed ' Most of the londoner's I mixed with, didn't give two hoots about Poles in the UK, they considered people who contribute and pay taxes as being positive for the country.

Two points mentioned:

Why do Poles go to the UK to work?

Answer: Because the salaries are 3-7 times more than they would get in Poland.

Why do Poles live in over - crowded housing?

Answer: Because that is what they are conditioned to in Poland, furthermore Poles go to the UK to save money.

When all is said and done, there is a history of Poles going to the UK for the last 70 years, so there is now a strong Polish sub culture in the UK, they can immerse themselves into.
13 Mar 2012
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

H, you can get a nice house for 500,000 GBP in London, try finding the same quality house in Warsaw for the same price within a similar middle class district?
12 Mar 2012

An abortion is the only medical procedure that destroys life, and the femmies talk about their 'right'

You would have expected with the availability of condoms in most newsagents,petrol stations and sales outlets in Poland, the answer would be " safe sex "
10 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

Not so sure British managers get the job done, quite as you say. It's hit and miss as to who you work with

My argument is easy to understand, get the British project managers fresh from the Olympic success into Poland, then let then take the Polish road builders to task...
10 Mar 2012
Study / Polish preschools in Warsaw? [4]

At the end of ul Zawrat close to the park, there is a good Polish pre-school (state). If you are registered here you will not have a problem putting your child into a school.
9 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

You've got responses from fellow British yet you belittled them or ignored them, and keep on with provocating or even insulting statements. How should it be read other way than "I want to vent my frustrations on this forum to make myself feel better by looking down on other nations".

Interesting retort, PF is a forum and people are free to post their views if it is outside the title of the thread, mods will delete. Looking down on other nations, I am only pointing out the facts about Poland, many people agree with me - even the indigenous population.

Isn't it the rule which applies to every single country? If I dare say something wrong about Britain, then I will be severely abused. It works in every country.

Absolutely NOT, Poles are not tolerant....

As a Brit, quite frankly it does not bother me the slightest what you have to say about the UK,.

It's not the first thread/opinion made by you which was read by Poles as provocative.

Its a tough world we live in, it won't be the last either.

Where have you been for the last several years


Stop being so patriotic a.k. Accept Poland for what it is or what it could be, but stop spinning me your yarn.

Now that did tickle me, considering the majority of these "British" companies employed foreign labour

That is exactly why the title of the thread is: British managers superior to Polish and not British manual workers superior to Polish.

While we are on the subject, many companies in London have increased their customer/client service policy, has this happened in Poland. As far as I am concerned customer service does not exist in Poland,,,,
9 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

There is corruption in all countries, while it may have gone over budget, it will be on time and it makes Londoners proud to host the games. As I have previously mentioned there are many good British companies who have the experience to get the job done for Poland.

I still keep in mind Wedle's comments in the thread named "Poles - the nation of liars?"

a.k, the main Problem with Poles: If you are Polish, you can criticize Poland until your heart is content, when you are a foreigner, you are expected to sit in the corner and be a good boy/girl. I apologize if my comments offend, although I believe I speak the truth and I provide facts to prove my point. Furthermore I have mostly always supported Poland and I have been a friend of Poland, you can't walk around with blinkers on, I see Poland for what it is, the fat, the thin and the ugly.
9 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

In what, please tell us dear sir. Cricket ?

Making things happen...

Poland has become the joke of Europe, even the Spanish managed to get their road infrastructure completed in reasonable time. March 2012 and the roads are a disgrace, although you will do the standard thing, cover the cracks and holes with a new layer, hide the existing road works and rejoice that you finished on time. The only good thing for Poland is when the fans go to the Ukraine it will make Poland look better. Does Poland really need to rely on the Ukraine to look good, you should be comparing yourself to Czech, Italy, Spain. Poland had the benefit of hindsight she could have looked at any country and plagiarized all that was good, worked with good foreign companies in order to oversee the Polish ones and made things happen. What happened everything happened at local level - FAIL. Got the Chinese in - FAIL. Now you look like the sick man of Europe.

Get the British in fresh from the Success of the Olympic Games and they will turn Poland around.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

Unfortunately, for you and for me, I'm not Swiss, only taking advantage of their legendary hospitality.. But I do appreciate their trains..And when talking about money laundering, better take care where you tread.. Ever heard of Jersey, Guernsey , Gibraltar, Cayman Islands and plenty of others?? Who is their ultimate boss?? Blatant case of pot and kettle, old boy!

Typical arrogance, as for " Jersey, Guernsey , Gibraltar, Cayman Island " full members of the OECD tax treaty - old boy...

Love it.. Thought that traditional british arrogance had disappeared with the repeated failures of the football team.. Great to see it's still alive and kicking!!

Love the fact you consider yourself ....?
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

Britain will have got approximately right in the past 50 years

The funny thing about you Swiss is you consider yourselves to have a great quality of life, financed on the back of money laundering, the Americans have the Swiss Banks on the ropes and other countries will follow, your standard of living is about to slip along with the rest of us.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

Trains on time 18 mins St Pancras to Luton Parkway just like a swiss watch old boy. Stop beating up on the Brits and focus on the real problem POLAND.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

Poland was faced with a bigger challenge than England because we had almost no motorways, no stadiums,the airports were in bad state,railway

Ok taking this into consideration, there are now a number of British companies with the experience of having worked on the olympics, that are ready for the next challenge. These project management companies could do great things for Poland.

I do think Poland will pull the rabbit out of the hat though. Everything will be fine- just completed at the last minute- but all will be smooth.

It is impossible for Poland to deliver all it promised. This is just another example of Poland under delivering as pointed out by WB

Its the mentality of the Polish people based on their exposure to the environments they were brought up in

The Poles are conditioned to under deliver and over promise.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

You are right but note that:
1. London is one city
2. The infrastructure in the UK is much more developed - did they need to build new highways for the Olimpics?

A.K these are the types of excuses you expect to hear from Poles, Poland is only part organizing Euro 2012 so its only half the job. London is a Metropolis the logistics of getting the job done should not be underestimated by a sweeping statement of ' London is only one City'

Warsaw, Gdansk and Wroclaw only had to build one stadium and look at the mess each city made. As far as I am concerned the Poles who organised Euro 2012 should be made to walk around Stratford, brought back to Poland and humiliated on live television. They are a disgrace.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

I call it the 303 squadron mentality

I would have expected some Polish builder working in London to tell us that Poles built the Olympic village.

Fact is ' Managers' manage and 'builders' build, I am not taking anything away from the building profession in the UK. What I am pointing out in this thread the one thing that divides the UK and Poland is organization. Poland has had enough money from the EU to get the job done - Yet nothing has been done and they want more. Instead of giving money to emerging countries the EU should reward business's who have proved themselves with the contracts to build roads or railways in Poland. There are many British companies who have done a sterling job on the olympic village. Get these companies over to Poland and they will build the roads and railways as well as educate the Polish workers.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

Thats a bit much dude.

WB - got to aim high and go for gold.

Its the mentality of the Polish people based on their exposure to the environments they were brought up in.

Correct- yet the Poles are always the first to inform us they have the best performing economy in Europe, if you want to play with the big boys, you have to follow the same rules.

in Poland its a 'screw you why should i' attitude, and rightly so IMO.

In Poland they hide behind their unfortunate history, it is a get rich quick society. So the problem with Poland is the Polish attitude NOT the foreigners.

it makes us lucky.

We know NOT to bite the hand that feeds.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

I recently visited the UK, it was such a pleasure to deal with people that genuinely appreciate your business, London is a prime example of how to ready yourself for the challenge, we visited the Olympic village in Stratford all going to plan, the wonderful thing about the British is they just get the job done, many of the locals will be offering their services free of charge during the Olympics – Job well done.

Back in Poland, it’s such a shame to see the state of the country with just three months to go before Euro 2012, how many Polish profesionals will be donating their time free of charge during Euro 2012, Two weeks ago I took a road trip to Katowice, need I point out the amount of road works. Poland and the powers that be should be ashamed of themselves, its NOT just the government it is Poland in general, it is time to stop taking the EU handouts and squandering them, if you want to get things done – its time to bring in the British and GET THE JOB DONE EFFECTIVELY. There are not many things in the UK NOT to be proud of although we still have that fighting spirit and we know how to get the job done. Just watch the Olympics and eat humble pie, all the Polish “ Nie mogÄ™r’s”

The Olympic Games will be on time.
How about Euro 2012?

11.8 million people will flood to the Games over twenty nine days. In London alone there will be 20 million extra tube journeys.

London is ready to put on the most amazing " Olympic Games" . It just makes you proud to be British.
6 Mar 2012
Love / Indian wife wants divorce from her Polish husband just after two months. [52]

Unfortunately Rita A, most people will view your marriage as a sham marriage. If your husband is abusive and threatening the first thing to do is buy a digital voice recorder and start to record all his outbursts and threats, keep them all on file. If you have decided to leave him then visit a indian immigration lawyer or CAB and seek advice.