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Joined: 18 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Dec 2011
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From: Lithuania, Vilnius
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10 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]


it's what lithuanisation of some surnames of Polish origin has produced in the years of independence of Lithuania between the wars (1918-1939)

That explains everything. Yes, between the world wars nationalism was booming in Europe.
Older people tell stories when one brother decided that he will be Pole and another one Lithuanian. Mixed period :)
10 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]

By the way Brazauskas is surname of Lithuanian origin and not Lithuanised version of Brzozovski. Even it sounds pretty differently.
10 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]


Names are written as they sound in Lithuanian language as it is official Language in the state. Lithuania add suffixes (as does Poland) but the names stem doesn't change it ( - according piktoonis it is not practiced) . Spelling of the name is not changed - it is just written in Lithuanian. I don't know all the details about name writing but it is not so drastic as you wrote.

There are some discussions of adding another line for name to write it in it's original form (I don't know about the alphabet in this case.).

(if you are named Brzozowski you suddenly become Brazauskas - it is not quite acceptable for someone who wants to uphold his/her national identity

Interesting. Such surname change was done by Lithuanian authorities or it's just your example?


Whereas if your name is Brazauskas there is no problem in printing it like that in Poland.
It shouldn't be a problem for Lithunians to print Brzozowski.

It is. We do not have w in our alphabet and names are written in Lithuanian.
10 Jan 2012
History / Lithuanians hate Poles? [156]


delphiandomine wanted to point out that Poland have restrictions for name writing in passports. While it easily accuses Lithuania for not letting to write Polish names in Polish alphabet.
21 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

You do know that Muscovite weren't threat to Lithuania until the end of XV century?
Jogaila didn't choose Muscovites as an allies because they weren't Catholics. If Lithuania became an Orthodox country it wouldn't stop Teutonic order from attacking it. For Teutonic order both Orthodox and pagans looked as heathen.

Lithuania had been increasingly on the losing side of the Muscovite-Lithuanian Wars and by the second half of the 16th century it faced the threat of total defeat in the Livonian war and incorporation into Russia. The Polish nobility (the szlachta) on the other hand were reluctant to offer help to Lithuania without receiving anything in exchange. Still, the Polish and Lithuanian elite strengthened personal bonds and had opportunities to plan their united futures during increased military cooperation in the 1560s.

I wasn't writing about second unification. I was writing about XV century.
Do you really believe that Polish nobles were so noble that they gave help without anything in exchange? Are you really so naive?
20 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

choose what ?

Unification with Muscovites. Poland did not had such option.

prisoner of war ? kidnapped peasants ........ how ? plenty of woodland upon woodlands, hard to find ....

No not peasants.
20 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Lithuania - they had an mortal enemy - Moscow. Actually Lithuania had enemies all around them.

And Poland had friends all around them.

No, Lithuania was standing on their way.Poland was a potential ally.

No. Lithuania could choose. Jogaila had plans with Moscovites. He was thinking about marrying daughter of prince of Moscow. And Moscowites were not a threat, because at that period Lithuania was entity which was uniting Rus lands.

If you think that we were pests then why Pole nobles wanted to see Jogaila as there king? How do you think Lithuanians managed to gain such territories?

By the way, one of the conditions to Lithuanians was to free Polish prisoners of war. If we were so weak and puny then how we managed to get those?
19 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Yes, they were pests, an alliance with Russia would be a good thing.

This is an insult. This is my past and you call my ancestors pests?
19 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Nope, only GLD needed Poland to survive !

Yes. Of course. Poland did not had any enemies... Teutonic order was just a wimp...
Don't forget that if not the union then GDL would have remained an enemy to Poland.
19 Sep 2011
News / Lithuanian reality show - lost Polish sponsorship, criticized by Lithuanian Army [20]

Lithuanian signs are there, as they were before.

According to press local Lithuanian community will decide to remove the signs or not on November. Also they state that they feel like tools in hands of Poland politicians to reach some goals.

Also some Lithuanians went to Punsk and said that there are no bilingual street signs. Is that true? Because all this fuss came to being because of there street signs in Lithuania.
19 Sep 2011
News / Lithuanian reality show - lost Polish sponsorship, criticized by Lithuanian Army [20]

By the law signs must be written in the state language. There might be small exceptions (I do not know all the details).

It is for your state to decide what laws should be for the minorities. You have signs for minorities, we have better education for them (at least Germans in Poland say so).

Regarding Punsk. Local Lithuanians decided to remove the signs in Lithuanian. There were too many acts of vandalism, local people are scared. Also they have a lot of problems with education: Lithuanian textbooks aren't confirmed by state (also they aren't funded by state as it is in Lithuania), schools get closed...
18 Sep 2011
News / Lithuanian reality show - lost Polish sponsorship, criticized by Lithuanian Army [20]

TVN showed a village where not a single Lithuanian lives only Poles, and these idiots from the show come down and rip off the Polish language signs. They appear similar to Russia's Nasi youth nationalists.

Actually house owners allowed to remove the sign.
Also the sign itself was illegal.