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Posts by carrie65  

Joined: 15 Sep 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 40 / In This Archive: 30
From: Cardiff
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: science,environment, reading

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20 Nov 2011
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

To skysoulmate

Sorry if that sounds like I'm casting all polish women as airheads, I only know 2 who live in Poland, it's the women who I meet in my area of cardiff that I who I was writing about, who are expats anyway.

There are a couple of really nice women but the rest of the expat women in my area , I find difficult to relate to. I am pretty angry about the treatment of my sister in law, so maybe I am being especially critcal today. My partner is friendly with these women's menfolk, the women, however, rarely visit my house,usually we have contact if my partner is invited to a social event by the men , all of a sudden the women are turning up to say hi and have a look at my sister in law, then being rude to her or behind her back. My sister in law is a lovely woman,obviously Polish herself! I have been upset by this. I get cross when these women criticise my two polish female friends as well. Any way UNRESERVED APOLOGIES, if I sounded as though I was calling ALL/MOST Polish women airheads, I didn't mean to suggest this.
20 Nov 2011
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

Why should women have 'legislated parity'? how patronising! In most countries we have equality of opportunity and it's all we need, if we are good we'll make it to the top, if we aren't we won't,end of. I've done well in a very male orientated workplace but I will never reach the top because I have 4 kids and their needs are more of a priority for me.The choice to put them first was my choice, this has nothing to do with sexism or inequality, I don't want to get a nanny or househusband so that I can be the boss, so I accept that I won't be the boss! In Britain we'd be better off looking at some of the financial inequalities that prevent equality and an education/exam system that is geared

towards females (to the detriment of males) and does not really test true knowledge.

Parity for females in Poland??? I couldn't give an educated opinion because apart from my mother in law/sister in law, I only know expat women. What I can say though, is that apart from 2 very nice ladies, the polish women in my part of Cardiff are total airheads. My sister in law has just spent a couple of weeks here and the majority of the women we know were down right rude to her. Most called round on some excuse just to get a look at her and then were rude about her looks and the fact that she was talking about books,politics etc..... needless to say they were kept away the rest of the time along with their dopey husbands who should point out that looks aren't everything!

All this parity stuff, it's rubbish, use your brain and you'll go places!
29 Oct 2011
Law / Child Support Poland - my story and advice request [22]

This realy is good advice because everyone here has different experiences and the amount you are being asked to pay is nearly twice the net polish salary per month.

Outside of Warsaw the average flat rent is only 5-600PLN, utilities are cheaper too, the amount my partner pays ensures that his son's lifestyle has not been affected by the divorce in financial terms. Also if you are paying less this allows you to visit your child more often.
29 Oct 2011
Law / Child Support Poland - my story and advice request [22]

My partner was asked to pay 500PLN per month for his child when he was divorced in Poland, at the time this was 50% of his earnings. When he arrived in the UK he found employment and was earning about £750 a month so raised it to 1000PLN as he could live ok on the 550£ left. This seems a reasonable amount as his ex has the flat and there is only one child. I think you need to get in touch with a good family law solicitor who can deal with international cases, Wikkivorce site may be able to suggest one. If you explain your circumstances during the last few years the courts may well allow you to pay the arrears in a smaller monthly sum. 2878PLN is way too high for a support payment. Money goes further in Poland and you have to live as well. Hope this helps.
28 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

let's say for arguments sake, there is a 50/50 ratio of working-poles and sponging poles

I think 50/50 is an unrealistic rato for any ethnic group in the UK, even groups with higher unemployment it's 75/25 working to non working,it appears higher because severe unemployment s often found in pockets!

only lazy people are behind the British Empire, fought 2 World Wars, and created this economy that you all enjoy flocking to :)

The Britsh owe a huge debt to earlier generations, this is true, also to the many commonwealth soldiers and Carribean/Asians who arrived to work in the 1950's

(They certainly helped build the NHS).

The UK is not what it was years back, there is much better integration with other races and much less prejudice which is really great, but IMHO everything else has gone down the pan!!

Err we seemed to be doing OK pre-2004

No obviously not as well as people say!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I detest dole bludgers and benefit scroungers

I take you are writing this tongue in cheek ??????
You were the lazy mare that wanted to claim benefits in Poland!!!!!!!
Just so you could have a cheap holiday!!!!!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

I am not the only one to find that the British benefits system doesn't give a hang for its own people most of the time

I don't think it's a question of not thinking about your own people or pandering to others, people who know how to work the system get pandered to, people who use it only as a last resort in genuine circumstances get shafted! Living in Butetown I know both types of people and they can be from any race!

Sadly there is a distinct 'benefit culture' in South Wales, obviously there are genuinely unemployed people too, but they are the ones who get p----- on!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

the Labour lie machine.

With you on that one, not that I'd trust the other parties either!

quote=rozumiemnic]do our best to recognise lies and propaganda and to meet everyone on a human, non prejudiced level.[/quote]
Yes this is very true. what we should all be doing!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Somehow this has turned into a bunch of Britons complaining about Britain.

Because we are all worried/disillusioned/can remember when life seemed better/whatever.

Why hasn't anyone pointed out in percentages more Poles are in employment than British. Huh. Why???

In relative terms there are probably more Poles in employment than Brits, but good for them, they are more willing to work and not so choosy about jobs!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Train more Britons

That would be an excellent idea, however, you would have to sort out the education system!
The calibre of applicants to the NHS is appalling!
The approach to science in schools is useless, not really encouraged and very 'dumbed down' and not much better in FE/HE!!
Many of the younger generation do not have the vocation or work ethic to be good employees in this sector. Often this is not the fault of the younger people themselves, more an education/society that teaches rights without responsibilities!

when you can rob the third world and now eastern europe of its nurses?

True, this is not entirely ethical but I'm glad they are here!
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

how do you work that one out? we were doing ok pre-2004

Easily, many employers were desperate for staff pre 2004 but could not geet them unless they were prepared to offer cash in hand.
there were loads of asian immigrants working and lots of refugees in the South of England.
I work for the NHS and there wouldn't be one without all the foreign workers!
If the Poles were only after benefits they wouldn't bother working at all, I'd be better off on benefits as i have 4 kids but i also have pride!

They came over because people employed them! Same goes for most immigrants.
26 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

Those benefits are payback for Britain's WWII negligence.

Get real, mistakes were made all through the war! We don't owe the Poles anything, nor do they owe us!
People on both sides died fighting Hitler!
The poles had it far easier under communism than most of the eastern bloc and I doubt Britain/America could have prevented the Soviets behaviour without resorting to nuclear warfare, not exactly a good solution either!

There are plenty of Poles that would quite like the reintroduction of communism!!!!
@Hudsonhicks if the Poles or any one else pay taxes they are entitled to Tax credits etc... Law of the land!
Indians are successful because they work and study far harder than either Brits or Poles, same goes for the chinese! Most pakistani's are hardworking too!

Fact of the matter is : Most Brits won't do the jobs that Poles and other immigrants do, that is why they are over here! Personally I'm glad that most are because otherwise we'd be up s--- creek!

There are Poles ( very few) who milk the system and other immigrants (again not that many) I think they're sh-- but so are the Brits who do this!

@ Rozoumiec (sorry if the spelling is wrong) the banks and politicians are quite often bent but not half as corrupt as other countries!!!! As for a few benefit bums not mattering, yes it does matter just as much as bent banks/politicians, education begins at home, bums breed bums in many cases!!!!

21 Oct 2011
Love / Goal: Meet a nice Polish girl! [60]

JustysiaS: It's not a flea market

Listen to what this lady says, she's talking a lot of common sense!!
You can't just randomly decide that a particular race of women will make good wives! Sure there are some lovely and very moral Polish girls, but the same goes for any race of women! When some one decides that they are sick of their own race of women, they have to look at themselves too!

Just what are you expecting from a woman!!!
Love just happens irrelevant of race!
I always fancied adrien Brody but I've ended up with a blonde 'Rasputin' look a like, but I wouldn't swap him!
Open your mind and you might get a nice surprise!
21 Oct 2011
Love / Is it wrong for Polish girls to kiss boys before marriage ? [31]

Kissing the opposite sex before marriage is perfectly normal for all but the most sexually strict and most secluded societies. In the catholic religion kissing is not taboo or frowned upon. You are very lucky that you have found a lady who had the moral values and strength of character to remain a virgin until she was married, can't be an easy option in a fairly sexually liberal society such as Poland. Stop worrying about a few kisses that happened a long time ago, lots of women, of all religions have sex before marriage, you have a wife who has saved herself for the man she loves, you need to prove that you are worthy of her love and the gift she has given you!!!!!
19 Oct 2011
Love / Help me understand the different mannerisms and mentality of men in Przemysl area! [28]

Deep down, you don’t want to hear the truth

OH yes we do !!!!!!!!!!!! every lttle detail!!!!!!!!

What makes you think he would even entertain such proposal?

He probably wouldn't entertain any such suggestion, but it's advice I would give anyone if they appear to be offering to spend large amounts of money on some one because they think that person doesn't have money.

You so judgmental,

Didn't mean to be but the lady did write

but I don't wish to make my Polish guy embarrassed or anything

The only problem is I'm originally from Tehran

she sounded worried about this and nobody should worry about their nationality. Did think your analogy to the film was hilarious though!
I promise I will hide the pitchfork whenever my son brings a girl home!!!!!!!!
16 Oct 2011
Language / Kurwa? at end of every sentence [51]

I would not trust a person who isn't throwing a little "kurwa" once in a while.

Not really a matter of having too high an opinion of one's self, some people just do not like bad language!
16 Oct 2011
Love / How many Polish men are Violent how much is domestic abuse reported. [129]

Exactly right!

Glad some one else agrees, violence is certainly not all down to males. The rise of 'all girl' gangs in the UK is quite frightening because sometimes they are horribly viscious!

'political correctness' of the feminist type

I find it demeaning and patronising when feminists refuse to accept any culpability on behalf of women's actions. As human beings we are all capable of good and evil!

Men and women are very different biologically and pschologically, this is for a reason but it does not imply superiority of one gender over the other, I wish feminists would remember this!
15 Oct 2011
Love / Help me understand the different mannerisms and mentality of men in Przemysl area! [28]

[Interesting comments on this thread but to get back to the original point.

Be brave and take a leap of faith :)


Yes you have to take risks in any relationship, scary but true. Most of us have been hurt at some time but that's life!!!

A few words of advice which I hope will be useful!
Don't discuss the war, it was a long time ago, the Poles were occupied and it's difficult to know what any of us would do in a stuation like that.

Politicians make wars and many people lost their lives, probably did things they wouldn't normally do and some times every nation made bad decisions!

Listen if people tell you about their experiences but don't voice your opinions until you are totally settled in the family.

I sometimes think he lies to me but I can't tell

This could be a language thing or the fact that Polish men don't like to be seen doing anything silly or wrong, they come out with the most long winded explanations for everything which can give an impression of lies. Just make it clear you'd prefer the truth however bad!

I want to take him there as I don't think he has any money.

Don't pay for him to go, it's not a healthy precedent to set in any relationship even if one person has more money than the other. Your man should always contribute something to the relationship financially, I would say the same to man, the woman should contribute financially too. if the two of you ever have a family of your own, the financial dynamics may have to change but until then both contribute or resentment will creep in.

The only problem is I'm originally from Tehran, of middle eastern descent, and I don't know how his family would feel towards me.

If your man is okay with you, forget about what the family think. there is no shame in being any nationality be proud of your origins!!!! If your man has problems with your nationality get rid of him!!!!

Hope this is some help, good wishes for you bothX
11 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

once they reach 30 they transfrom into huge 20+ stone beasts.

Plenty of size 10, fit looking English/welsh/scots/irish women over 30 around if you look, plus we don't rely on quite so much make up! Better complexions in many cases!

Probably more scared of ending up like an English girl

Unlikely,plenty of Brit girls end up OK depends on what they do with their lives! Don't think it's an age thing either,Polish women age no better than any other race! Brit girls age no worse!
10 Oct 2011
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

some of the older women are quite shy of all men, or maybe they are just more modest, can't say i know any young Polish girls who are shy of English/Welsh guys!
10 Oct 2011
Language / Kurwa? at end of every sentence [51]

Same as anyone who says f--- all the time in English, shows a lack of vocabulary and sometimes general ignorance. The classier Poles ( not particularly the rich ones ) don't do this!
9 Oct 2011
Life / Polish Werewolves [30]

The Poles have their were-wolves, which rage twice in the year--at Christmas and at midsummer.

I'm not too well up on the original legend but in urban areas of south wales there are Polish men who turn into werewolves about every couple of months, this usually has to do with a clear alcoholic spirit and a lot of daft men! They often have painful after effects from this experience and wonder around the house next day crying 'moja głowa boli'

'Ja jestem tak głupi' poor dears must be awful to have such an affliction through no fault of their own!!!!!
3 Oct 2011
Love / How many Polish men are Violent how much is domestic abuse reported. [129]

Domestic violence is a problem amongst all nationalities, and it shouldn't be accepted from either gender!
I haven't heard of much violence towards women amongst the local poles, but i suppose what there is, is hidden.
I have however seen some appalling things done to the men by some of the heavy drinking women.
I think people of both sexes need to be taught that violence is unacceptable and that in some cases it can be fuelled by alcohol!

Infact most of the problems I have seen in the polish community have been down to alcohol!
2 Oct 2011
Love / Are polish women competative about men? [20]

I have found 45+ the women are very pleasant and down to earth, the very young ones seem nice too,some of the 25-45 group are hard work at times they only seem interested in superficial stuff but maybe I don't make enough effort.

God damn these stupid threads. STOP GENERALIZING. For fucks sake. Some Polish women are competitive, some are not. Same like all women.

Must be fustrating to read these threads but some of us are just learning about the culture/people and its the one place we can ask daft questions without offending individuals we know personally.
1 Oct 2011
Law / Benefit entitlement in Poland for foreigners [37]

it's for food and heating for people who have nothing.

Well said!
Either save more money or work in Poland Miss Austrailia! No one has the right to expect any government to subsidise your 'world tour'
There are plenty of us doing nasty distressing jobs for peanuts who can't even afford a holiday in Poland let alone spend a couple of years bumming around Poland!

Try doing something useful, there's plenty of voluntary work needs doing in Africa, south America and other places, you'll see the world and meet some decent people!
1 Oct 2011
Love / Are polish women competative about men? [20]

Can't imagine any other women doing this!!!!! Could explain why Polish women are very popular but these women must be a minority in any country!
1 Oct 2011
Love / Are polish women competative about men? [20]

Anyway what I noticed when you have one of them it is highly likely that her gfs will offer themselves to you with or without her consent if you manage to create a decent reputation

You're kidding me??? That is seriously not nice from any nationality!
1 Oct 2011
Love / Are polish women competative about men? [20]

I doubt my wife (Polka) would only blame the woman were I to stray....

Pleased to hear some common sense!

I'm not gonna alter my body by adding dupa implants just to please him.

Dupa implants owww!! Good for you, no man is worth going under the knife for!