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Posts by McFly  

Joined: 24 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Jun 2011
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20 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

Yes we have looked at that course they also do the TEFL course here I think it's 120 hours + 20 hours classroom.

Since word has got out that we are thinking of moving it looks like I may have a job offer coming my way from a German company based nearby and a Polish guy who teaches English in the town we would be moving to has lots of private clients he would be willing to pass on to us as he can't cope with the demand himself.

Still plenty of other options to explore but i suppose if the offer of a job from the company pays decent we might have to decide to move over a bit earlier.

These offers are all because of contacts I have in Poland over the years and I can't thank them enough for all their help since they have found out we are serious about moving over great people.
17 Jan 2015
Real Estate / Swiss Francs Mortgages in Poland [71]

Well its better than dying from stress it is a option for people who have no way out. As I said the UK has one of the lightest consequences for declaring bankruptcy 1 year unlike Ireland's 12 not sure what it is in Poland.
17 Jan 2015
Real Estate / Swiss Francs Mortgages in Poland [71]

Anybody struggling move to the UK for 6 months then declare bankruptcy all debt gone in about 2 mins but they will come after assets although if in negative equity you might get to keep it. The Irish do it all the time some guy wrote tens of millions off in about 2 mins.
16 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

Yes she does know the grammar probably better than most of the locals here. She first came to the UK in 2000 and was granted a work visa on her second visit in 2002 most people don't realise she is Polish.

As for cheese you can get extra mature in biedronka shops ! Found some at Christmas.

Thanks for the comments lots to think about but got a year to do so.
16 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

The gravy thing was just a bit of a joke, they like the UK stuff for making sauces when they are in a rush.

No m&s in that town.

The teaching question was out of curiosity as it's something the wife might do, 3000 to 4000 and I would be happy for her although with her perfect english I am sure she will be OK. There is a few private schools in the area that the polish use so will look in to that next time I am over in a few months. We are debt free and with no rent etc on our own place so just the bills I am sure we will have a good base compared to some who move.

Thanks again for all the comments
16 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

Any good news about moving to Poland?

I am not really bothered about teaching as i said above i am looking to carry on working in the UK and travelling back I am used to that but i used to be away for a month or more which was a lot worse. There is a chance i could even work remote from Poland.

When i said her friends i was meaning from when i first met her these people are now my friends and i have my own i have met over the years one really good one is from Germany who lives in the town now. My close friends in the UK are only a couple of hours away and could easily travel over whenever they wanted most of them haven't got kids or want them so jumping on a plane for a weekend is pretty easy for them.

I don't go through life worrying about if my wife will run off with another bloke not how i live, have you had bad luck with the Polish females?

No i mean gravy you put on your chips they are always asking for it, i am not going to just turn up and sit on my hands there is always something available if you get out and look. I will just carry on with the UK job and study hard on my Polish, I know when that is at a decent level many more options for work will be available i do have contacts with companies in Poland but it's the language problem at the moment.
16 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

I am not worried about that beacuse for the first few months i will be in the UK most of the time and afterwards when i cut my hours hopefully we will be able to at least get in our place.

I think as long as i keep bringing a good supply of tubs of gravy to female members of the family then i will be ok, maybe i should open a gravy shop in Poland.
16 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

It seems that a E109 would cover them in Poland while i work in the UK and pay NI in the UK.

She could also use a E106 for up to 2 years to cover herself as i could if i moved full time to Poland due to previous NI contributions although i would then have to get Polish insurance after the E106 ran out.

The main issue is my weak Polish, i would likely carry on working in the UK 3 days most weeks but it might even be possible in the future to work from Poland for the UK company or a rival company.

What am i risking from in the in-laws?

Being buried in the woods by the father in-law?
Alcohol poisoning?
Plastic Polish cheese for the rest of my days? (I did actually find mature cheddar in a Biedronka sklep when i was over at Christmas)

anthing else? :)
15 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]

Thanks for your reply and comments.

Yes i need to seek more advice on tax issues but it will not be 4 days x 52 in Poland, sometimes i will stay longer in the UK so probably around 200 odd days in the UK.

I am concerned about the work issue, my industry is very specialised so degrees etc mean nothing in that industry as they don't teach it in any university in the UK or anywhere else that i know off. Probably under 100 poles do what we do and the main company in Poland who does this type of work is not Polish. I have no doubt there will also be former employees of that company also doing it but i am now in a management position so don't want to go back on the tools as you basically travel all over the world and that's a single mans game.

I understand though Poland has many good graduates chasing jobs and without a good grasp of the language would make it hard if not impossible to get something that pays well. I was also a software developer for years mainly logistic and accounts systems but don't really want to go back to that either as it was a bit soul destroying.

Town looks like there is money around.

The EHIC card has always been accepted in the town and nearby towns, myself and my family have used them maybe between 5 to 10 times over the last 5 or so years and have had no problems with one visit to the hospital, various GP's and at the chemist getting reduced rates on medicine etc.

Any building work will be either carried out or supervised by her brothers who work in construction so costs will be kept down.

I do have friends in the town and the local area as we have been traveling over 3 to 4 times a year for years so i know her circle of friends and partners and most speak English, Conversations are getting better over time with her parents with my weak Polish and their little English they have picked up and a lot of people i have met in the town on my travels usually to the local pubs have spoken to me in English some better than others admittedly. Still feels like i am the first British person they have spoken to sometimes, had a pint and spoke to one older guy with his friends outside a pub in the summer who hadn't spoke English for 40 years he was still pretty good in a way :)
15 Jan 2015
Work / Questions about moving from UK to Poland - work, taxes, child benefit [30]


Myself (British) and my Polish partner and children are planning to move to Poland early next year if everything goes to plan could anybody advise about the following.

I will still be working full time for around 3 months in the UK after they move to Poland then 3 days most weeks in the UK and weekends in Poland, I will be in the UK more than the 183 days so i assume my tax will all be paid to the UK? I will have no Polish income. I work in engineering mostly in the power generation sector.

The plan is for me to move full time to Poland although i assume until i can speak a good level of Polish my possible job options would be very limited?

English teaching seems what most people initially do, how much does this pay on average in a town with little or no competion from fellow British etc?

We will have no major housing costs as we will be staying with her family to start with and will be converting empty property on their land.

Will i be able to apply for child benefit and any child tax credits while still working in the UK?

With regards to health provsion can i apply via a E106 to get them covered in Poland? I assume i would carry on using the EHIC card until i moved over full time.

Obviously my partner is Polish but has been away for 12 years so she is not up to speed on any new laws and children have dual nationality in the UK but would be Polish in Poland.

29 Oct 2011
News / The European Health Card. Why don't the Poles know about it? Free Medical care. [26]

It is free in the UK and for 5 yrs as a previous poster posted and if your Polish in the UK with a NI number you can get one, my Polish girlfriend has a UK one.

My mum was over in Poland in the summer with the girlfriend and had a bad reactions to mossie bites and the Dr in the A&E wasn't for doing anything until she produced the card then they couldn't do enough.

No wonder it's all charged back to the UK you can just imagine, probably paid for a good holiday for him and the family.

Apply online on the official website.
25 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]

adski has got it right the English press pick on Poles or other Eastern European because they are white.

I am a Scot living in England for nearly 20 yrs and i still feel like a stranger yes I'm British but it's a different culture and even i have been told a few times to f off back to my own country, saying that the last one who said it spent a week in hospital with head injuries.

Good on the Polish or anyone else who wants to make a living, it's their money they can do what they like with it smoke it, wipe their arse or send it home who cares.

The real problem is the English and to a certain extent the other members of the union are pissed at how they have let various governments and themselves let their countries lose their way, nobody is happy with what they have got.
24 Jun 2011
Love / I was late and this Polish girl flipped out [36]

Well if i am even 1 min late my phone goes into meltdown and my polish girlfriend will be waiting there with a look that could kill.

5mins later though she is all happy again, just got used to it now and try and not laugh (too much) at the polish sulk as i call it.