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Posts by Llamatic  

Joined: 26 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2011
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Posts: Total: 140 / In This Archive: 103

Speaks Polish?: Llama
Interests: Llamas

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23 Jul 2011
Love / Is the Polish wife the boss? [33]

If a guy won't let the woman be the boss it's time to move on.

I agree. But just so long as everyone is clear on who grants that power to whom. ;)
22 Jul 2011
Language / Locative case and prepositions in Polish [13]

Don't sweat it. I'm sure peeps don't mind helping you. That's what this place is for. But I can't help you. Sorry. Lol...
21 Jul 2011
Feedback / PolishForums Motto? :) [149]

Enter with a open mind

...and leave when your brain falls out.
20 Jul 2011
Feedback / PolishForums Motto? :) [149]

The Good, The Bad, and The Polish but no llamas, dammit! Even though there is no rule banning the word.

Fixed that for ya, Bibz. ;)

Hey, how about: PF, we make up rules as we go and rarely apply them evenly to everyone. Ya gotta admit this would be the truest motto.
19 Jul 2011
Feedback / PolishForums Motto? :) [149]

Where llamas come to die.


I see no need for the word "BAD" and the negative connotation it brings. Why invite and feed anti-Polish trolls?
Seems to me someone just wants a slogan, so they lifted one from the title of a movie with disregard for whether or not it is appropriate here.

How about just something simple like "All Things Polish"? Maybe not as edgy but clear and concise... and not negative.
18 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

the fact that slavery actually never existed in the United States

I don't know about all that but certainly slavery has been overblown and spun.
The black/ Leftie slavery scolds often conveniently neglect to mention that Africans sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Also, free blacks in the US owned their fellow blacks as slaves. Also, many brought here ended up having a much better life than they ever would have in Africa. American blacks to this day benefit from their ancestors having been brought here. Ingrates.

Slavery wasn't nearly so evil and bad as it has been made out to be. Time to let that whine go.
16 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

So why is America the world's foremost superpower, then?

Due to our military might. Not due to its diversity.

the towns with the most diversity are the towns with the most tension and least trust among neighbors.

Of course. Only folks living here dealing with all this diversity should comment on the reality of it.

So you favour some form of apartheid.

Lol. The Liberal mind truly is a childish wasteland.
10 Jul 2011
News / Did George Soros want to destroy Poland with his economic shock therapy? [87]

he probably had a house with a paid off mortgage

So that minimun wager likely did pretty well for himself in that horrible capitalist system after all. So not only is he an ingrate but also a hypocrite. ;)

People who have done well for themselves in a financial manner are capitalists and the rest are socialists - right.

Soros is a financial terrorist.

I have nothing more to add on that subject.

Good. Oh, wait...

Youre only apposed to the social system as its been inbred into you from a young age.

Hardly. It's more about the unfairness of spreading my hard earned wealth to the lazy folks.

We are all products of our environment.

I don't know what the environment was like where you were raised. Cloudy with a strong chance of nutty? Lol.

you refused to comment if you would actually kill me

I didn't refuse. I just didn't.

Did you decline to say on principle grounds or moral?

On account that it was a dumb question. Yes, if you were the enemy I would kill you if that was my job to do for my country.

You need to seriously re-evaluate your morals or/and political stance.

Your "stance" and your politics are a mess.
9 Jul 2011
News / Did George Soros want to destroy Poland with his economic shock therapy? [87]

It was indeed humbling speaking to a man that has worked most of his adult life for the establishment to not be rich in a monetary sense at all.

Oh brother. Just stop. He obviously could have managed his money better. Plenty of peeps havew spent their lives working and indeed retain something to show for it. Didja even bother asking him what he wasted his income on all those years? Nope.

we agreed on many levels

No surprise here.

he knew what he wanted but wasnt accepting on the complete abolition of the monetary system

See, Socialists are hypocrites. Capitalism has done him well his entire life but now he wants something for nothing, so he throws it under the bus. You should have told him to move to some Socialist craphole country if that's what he wanted to live under instead of trying to ruin that one.
9 Jul 2011
News / Did George Soros want to destroy Poland with his economic shock therapy? [87]

This is exactly what this Commie scum has in mine for the US too. That's his MO, he subscribes to the Cloward-Piven approach of overwhelming economies in order to intentionally crash them so they can then be remade in his Leftist Commie Socialist ideal.

George Soros is an evil, evil man. Obama is a Soros follower. This is why, despite his phony lip service, he has no real interest in reducing US debt nor spending and keeps pushing forward with his failed and misguided Keynesian spending approach to our economy. He wants our economy to crumble. It's all about killing Capitalism from within to pave the way for Socialism.
2 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / US citizenship via US Army [50]

Hmm, I didn't know they could become citizens by serving in the army. I knew they talked about that in the congress but didn't know it was made law. Is this entirely accurate or just conjecture?

This is just what I was thinking. I thought it was party of that misguided Dream Act that failed.
29 Jun 2011
Life / Marketing Speak or mumbo jumbo talk from Poland? [22]

Yep. Always the Left playing word games...

Keep it simple for the idiots and keep repeating. Wasn't this the Nazi motto?

Come on people! Leverage your core competencies!

Lol. This was funny.
29 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

the estimates are 1 in 20

That's 5% and that is still a very generously inflated estimate.

I'm still chuckling about the 25%! Lol. Libs will say anything to support their twisted view. Anything.
29 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

earlier today I pointed out the fact that the net job creation by walmarts is actually negative

And this is partly why your study was crap. If a WM comes to town and as a result three shops close displacing say 60 workers, and WM hires 200, how does this result in a net negative job creation? I'll answer it for you: Of course it doesn't.
29 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

that means, unless the town M was talking about had a population of 100, there had to be more than 1 gay person.

Apparently you were skipping class and smoking grass the day your Leftist professor went over statistics and percentages. Lol.


OMG. Now you're just making up silly stuff. Too funny!

Democracy and freedom of speech for all, right?

Because that is not what uppity minorities want. Ever.

gays and pro gays, are pretty aggressive when it comes to dealing with their opponents.

Indeed they are bullies. Hardly worthy of sympathy and does nothing to help their cause.
29 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

so it's just jobs for the poor, unskilled, barely literate

They need jobs too to get them off the dole.
29 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

there's not chance in hell a town would have ONE gay guy per generation.

Of course not. Ya need two gays to make new baby gays... Oops, wait...

it's statistically impossible to have one gay person in a population of a town

I wouldn't say it impossible.
29 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

Umm, no. If I were poor and unemployed and there were no jobs I would be thrilled that a big new WM was coming to town and would be right there in line to apply. I'd be running the stock crew in no time.

Stop wiggling, hypocrite.