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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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15 Mar 2012
Work / BEWARE of K&S Krakowska Szkoła Języków Obcych!! [41]

Besides which, a native speaker would not only know where on the internet to post information about a potentially rogue school, but also wouldn't even think of working somewhere where they:

have not been paid for a few months and there is little chance of being paid in the near future.

15 Mar 2012
History / Poland did reasonably well in land terms out of the postwar settlement [270]

just tired of tired old stories repeated ad nasuem by some Poles, sorry I mistook yours for that ilk :)
How could anyone try and say the BBC at the time was anything but another tool of HM Government?

Exactly, repeated ad nauseam on here as if people with better things to do actually care about them.
15 Mar 2012
Work / BEWARE of K&S Krakowska Szkoła Języków Obcych!! [41]

Something tells me you have too much time on your hands

Or plenty of time sitting by a computer watching people work, waiting in airport lounges, overcoming writer's block etc ;-)

And I still think this thread is as fishy as an old pair of tights.
14 Mar 2012
Work / BEWARE of K&S Krakowska Szkoła Języków Obcych!! [41]

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

A swype typo is different - and yes, this thread is still dodgy.

Then you might find other forums with comments from Polish teachers also.

Something tells me the alleged native speakers on here are Polish enough.
14 Mar 2012
News / American soldiers beat up in Torun, Łódź [141]

In Poland as in any country, there are neighborhoods where one can get attacked just for not being from there or looking wrong at somebody.

Not so much neighbourhoods but more bars or anywhere alcohol is involved.

My own feeling was that this was a typical barroom brawl. The fact that the two attacked were foreign would certainly have been an exacerbating factor as would one of them being of Korean heritage. If they weren't foreign but were from Warsaw - maybe that would have been too.

Certainly anyone who appears a little different is more vulnerable.
13 Mar 2012
Travel / Which SIMcard to buy in Poland for two week usage [11]

Just pay a PLAY 5zl prepaid sim card, and then Charge it with 10ektra zl, and then you will be good.

Yes. Every kiosk including at the airport. Ask for one specifically for the internet.
13 Mar 2012

Poland (along with Malta & Ireland) are the only countries in the developed world to still ban abortion. It's shameful.

Agreed, but at least in the EU someone can just drive to a clinic across the border without even showing a passport. I read a while back that 20% of abortions in the UK are for Polish citizens - seems a lot, but plausible given that its a country of 40 million, many of who have legitimate reasons to visit a friend or relative in the UK without attracting gossip about going there.
12 Mar 2012
Work / BEWARE of K&S Krakowska Szkoła Języków Obcych!! [41]

Everything about this thread, from the proliferation of guest posters through the semi-literate post from and alleged English Teacher and right through to the sheer implausibility of people claiming staff at a language school weren't paid for months (but stayed there) suggest all is not as it seems.
12 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

Warsaw......New York City.

Warsaw.....New York City........

Given the choice, I'd prefer Warsaw. A manageable size, lower cost housing, a much lower crime rate (you can walk safely down every street at any time of the day or night), fewer traffic problems and a more relaxed pace of life.

I would say she could earn a minimum of 10,000 per month living in Warsaw.

That's on the high side.

From what I have read on this forum it is cheaper to live in Poland but the pay scale is also severely reduced. It may be a shock to just move to Poland and try to get a job as some have suggested here.

This is all true.
12 Mar 2012

rabid, man-hating, foaming-at-the-mouth, pro-abortionist feminists, not womanhood


bristle when the Dragon Lady trio of Środa,Senyszyn, Nowicka & Spółka appear on TV


Most Polish women do not regard themselves as feminists

How do you know - you hardly ever come here?
11 Mar 2012

Evidently those women feel they aren't free. Since they're doing something about out, all power to them.

Every change in womens' rights over the past hundred years or so has been positive, and all were hard won by women who went out and shouted loud until they got it.
11 Mar 2012

So you object somehow to their right to free speech? If you had the ability to do so, would you have banned the march?
10 Mar 2012
Work / Minimum basic salary in Poland [96]

in 2009 that 65,35% of Polish wages are below Polish avarage wage

And what percentage live outside big cities?
10 Mar 2012
USA, Canada / Would like to move back to Poland from New York after living in USA for 20 years. [155]

Hopefully you'll both have a great time.

Regarding teaching English, I'd advise getting the best qualification possible and living in Warsaw. Private sector language lessons are in many ways a luxury product and out in the sticks far fewer people have money for them and since the best (only?) way to make a good living teaching is to teach in-company you'd need to be somewhere with a good concentration of large companies.

You move back to Poland, not only are you going to take several steps down in lifestyle,

If you can't live without Dean & Deluca or Harrods then maybe, but Warsaw (provided you have some money) is a decent place to live.

im of the opinion that the biggest regret can often be not trying.

Yes. Good luck if you move here.
10 Mar 2012
News / Why are PO and PiS the most popular political parties in Poland? [15]

the system (thanks to the media) pushed PiS out of the middle

In many ways they did that themselves when they formed a coalition with extremists and started to give press conferences to the Rydzyk organisation.

PO is a party of shady deal makers

Still the most trustworthy by far.
10 Mar 2012
News / About fifty injured after two trains collide in Poland [73]

I suspect that most, if not all of those who died on polish railways last year a) committed suicide b) trespassed on purpose or c) was driving a vehicle when they were hit by a train. Barely possible to prevent that sort of thing.

One of my friend's music students was pushed off a train on the way back from a lesson. An evening one to Otwock. The people robbing him just opened the door and pushed.

Since then there are security guards on the Warsaw commuter routes, but usually they just sit in the front carriage and do nothing.
10 Mar 2012
Work / Briton teaching freelance - and the law in Poland [21]

If I might ask, what English Language qualifications do you have?

To issue an invoice you need a NIP registered to a company of some sort, even if it's you as a self-employed person.

This is all true except for the bit about a company bank account - you can use your personal one provided it is a Polish account. A month is about right if you include National Insurance (ZUS) registration.

If you're shy just express regret that it's impractical to get the NIP zameldowanie et and see what they suggest...

It would make sense for the school to do it on an umowa o dzielo - and avoid all that.
9 Mar 2012
History / Wrocław's Train Station: Not A Happy Place. [39]

I've always been fascinated with trains, and had never ridden in one,

You should visit Wolsztyn near Poznan. They still have steam trains running normal services.
9 Mar 2012
History / Wrocław's Train Station: Not A Happy Place. [39]

As for his films - yawn. Far better examples of acting exist.

I'm not a fan at all, though he certainly had his followers - admittedly in a rather lacklustre field. Did you know that Marlene Dietrich was a passenger on the train he fell off?

think it's safe to say that living here, being married to one and working with them every day tends to give me a far better understanding of the Polish people than you will ever hope to achieve.

Then again, perhaps you should pay more attention to what wise people like Radoslaw Sikorski have to say about the subject before opening your mouth.

I don't count "noble" as sending children to certain death.

Exactly. Being 'noble' and being self-destructive are poles apart.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]


By the way, did you pay that EU money back yet, as you have so often said you would?

The thread is about how the British management style is so much more effective than the Polish - the example given about the huge Olympic project being such a success compared to Euro 2012 is a good one.
8 Mar 2012
Law / British managers superior to Polish [52]

In what, please tell us dear sir.

See above.

We all feel safer now.

You should. Maybe the metro would have reached Dw. Stadion in time for Euro 2012.
8 Mar 2012
Work / Briton teaching freelance - and the law in Poland [21]

Do I need to register with a tax office


is there a fee?


Do I have to pay any money to the Polish government even on such low earnings,


what I would need to pay monthly or quarterly to the Polish authorities for being a self-employed or freelance teacher, please post and let me know.

It depends on the basis on which you are employed - but tax is 19% and you should pay social insurance too.

would I be better off doing the teaching for free or just a couple of beers than charging per hour but then having to pay all the fees to the Polish government that may be due if I commence as a paid teacher?

You should remember that working for free or 'just a couple of beers' is taking work away from people who do it for a living and that agreeing to work for such a low rate allows employers to keep lesson fees low.
8 Mar 2012
Travel / Cheap flights from Warsaw to other European countries? [11]

Any suggestions? any destination or airline that is consistently cheaper from Warsaw?

Try the Wizzair website. Also Air Poland.

You might find though that prices are higher around Easter.
8 Mar 2012
News / What is the population of Poland's non-european minority? [142]

the only reason I typed "non-whites" was to keep my response on point to the post I was responding to


"aid" goes right into the pockets of western business

You do realise that aid isn't the same thing as charity.

Don't waste my time man, bring your A game or go back to minors.

A classic comment from someone who has no real point - only noise.