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Posts by In Warsaw  

Joined: 7 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Mar 2011
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From: Warsaw

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In Warsaw   
10 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Is UK the new cradle of antipolonism? [161]

I wanted to do a BA in English just to have "the papers" - yet - the morons wanted 3 years of study. I'm pretty certain that I could pass 90% of the stuff while asleep - but no, the timescale must be obeyed, even if I want to pay for it.

I know that one can do a Magister in four years instead of five.

But I very much doubt that that is the cause for the supposed wave of anti-Polonism in the UK at present.
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

Still Warsaw was the capital, until 1918. Read what you write, then you can try and be smart.

You are so blinded by your hatred of Jews that you wish to claim that 'Congress Poland' was a state with Warsaw as its capital? I feel pity for you. Poles disagreed with you to the point of launching multiple uprisings against Russian rule.

Poles, the scum of Europe. Hitler should've done you before the Jews - remember that, Harry? I do.

I'm a huge fan of Poles: that's why I choose to live surrounded by them. You, on the other hand, choose to live apart from them. And to lie about them.
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

No Pole sees that state as anything other than a Russian puppet state. Why do you think there were uprisings in 1830 and 1863?! Which part of "Russian emperor" are you failing to understand.

You're right that Jews werent made to leave Warsaw then, but Poles weren't making the rules then, were they?
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

Does it matter? you told me jews where banned to live inside prewar warsaw, i proved you the opposite.

Read what I said: the time that the city was the capital of pre-1918 Poland. You told us about a time when the city was under Russian occupation and the Russians decided who could and couldn't live here.
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

That's why it often feels like you (and people like SeanBM, Harry and Jonni) are white from the outside but black on the inside, happy that a black brotha gets slavic p#ssy instead of a white guy. It's really disgusting.

As long as it isn't you getting it, that's all good with me.

Although as has been proven repeatedly, women prefer to copulate with farmyard animals than with you.
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

in 1910 38% of the total population of Warsaw was jewish.

Which part of "the time that the city was the capital of pre-1918 Poland" do you fail to understand? Was Warsaw in 1910 the capital of Poland?

Harry leave polish history alone.

If you learned about Polish history, I wouldn't have to tell you about it.
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

Such as a right to live in peace and prosper in contrast to the rest of Europe.

You seem to misunderstand the content of the decrees which I posted: Jews were forbidden from living in the city of Warsaw for almost all of the time that the city was the capital of pre-1918 Poland.
In Warsaw   
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

And The jews got rights in Poland long before the 1650's.

Such as the right to not live in Warsaw, because they were legally banned from living here.
In Warsaw   
18 Mar 2011
Love / 12 years of marriage my Polish wife still doubts me [74]

As he's been in Poland for 12 years, he's almost certainly got Polish citizenship and so has an Polish ID card. So, no he does not need a passport for Europe, he can just use his Polish ID card.
In Warsaw   
17 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

Of course...blame the Jews...*nods*

Well, be fair: they had completely cornered the market in the industry of draining the blood of Christian children to make their weird bread with!
In Warsaw   
17 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

You are a storry teller man

No, I just repeat the facts which seem to vanish from Wikipedia. Do you have anything to say about any of the decrees which I mentioned or do perhaps you prefer to focus on me rather than on the historical facts?
In Warsaw   
17 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

"The census for 1792 records

And 1792 just happens to be the year in which a select group of Jews were allowed back into the city.

Your view is just your sole opinion not shared by majority . You should ask Russians why there were pogroms , as they took over Warsaw during the years 1795-1918 and made them without our agreement as we didn`t have our government at that time .

This is not opinion: this is historical fact! Refer, for example to the 1527 De non tolerandis Judaeis decree of Zygmunt the Old. Or Zygmunt August's 1570 decree which forbade Jews from living closer to the city than two miles. Or the decree of the Sejm in 1768 which removed the ban on Jews living in other cities in Mazovia but retained it for Warsaw.

Why would Hitler bother to settle a Warsaw Ghetto if there were no Jews in Warsaw ?

By that time there were.
In Warsaw   
17 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

If someone is interested in reading about this subject you can find such info in wiki /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_in_Poland.

It is more interesting that despite the often heard (from Poles) claim that Poland was paradise for Jews, Jews were forbidden from living in the capital city for almost all the time Poles had any say over the matter from 1527 to 1918.
In Warsaw   
17 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

These days Jews can`t find their identity because they were treated with too much freedom in our country

Remind me how many Jews were allowed to live in the city of Warsaw prior to the Prussian occupation. My understanding is that after 1527 the total number was one (although his family were allowed to live with him until he died and then they had to leave the city). Too much freedom?
In Warsaw   
16 Mar 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

Pumped up Polack with pride, prejudice and personal identity problems - SHOCKER !

Oh great, yet another racist moronic American pretending to be a Pole, just what Poland really needed.
In Warsaw   
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / Penn and all I owe you an explanation... ref to Polish vs. British vs. American [38]

But if you insist, and if you want to be the man, just know that there are plenty of guys out there who are better at it than you. (And the same goes for them.) Okay? Can you chill the fuck out now? I hope so, because I really hate sounding like your dad.

A) There's no chance of PB being a real man: being a traitorous coward is too deeply ingrained now.
B) Hopefully of he isn't told the above now, he'll get into a brawl with somebody who uses a weapon too vigorously ands up killing the twat.
In Warsaw   
10 Mar 2011
Life / Differences in Polish, American and British mentality [237]

don't blame that kid for his father's mistakes.

We aren't: we're blaming him for his failure to come back and work to make Poland a better place, and for his failure to pay Polish taxes, and for him swearing to attack Poland anytime he's ordered to do so.
In Warsaw   
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / Penn and all I owe you an explanation... ref to Polish vs. British vs. American [38]

Depends whether the cunt in question was a racist traitorous coward who made pointless threats of violence his specialty or not.

Anyway, the mods/admin have apparently decided that violent racist abuse is A-OK for this site so that's that.

If anything the story now hangs together much better for sale to a British/American tabloid. Now we have a British-owned magazine about Poland which describes the commandant of Auschwitz as a local hero and an American-owned website about Poland which allows posters pretending to be Poles to send violent threats and racist abuse to people. What a cracking story about foreign media misrepresenting Poland and Poles. Or to the British media 'what racist scum Poles are, deport them all now!'.
In Warsaw   
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / Penn and all I owe you an explanation... ref to Polish vs. British vs. American [38]

Say something that makes sense once a while

Or alternatively just post racist abuse-filled bile like your great buddy PennBoy.

Don't you two know there's already a forum for your kind? stormfront.com You'll fit right in there (as long as you don't tell people you're of Polish blood).
In Warsaw   
10 Mar 2011
Life / Differences in Polish, American and British mentality [237]

Poland in 70's 80's and 90's

PennBoy wasn't born in the 70s. In the 80s all was great for him thanks to daddy collaborating, until the fall of communism. In the 90s he and his mother eventually were able to flee Poland and enjoy the cash that daddy's collaborating had brought.

Some of us came to Poland in the 90s to help rebuild the country the collaborating scum had nearly destroyed.
In Warsaw   
8 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

That's why there is an increasing wish for reunification on the island. A real hunger politically as well as an increased IRA presence which could strike at any time. If they held a 32 counties all island vote. it would be over 70 % for reunification

The problem is that if Ulster was given to Eire, a lot of the 'loyalists' would move to the UK proper. Keeping certain of them out is well worth fighting a war over!
In Warsaw   
8 Mar 2011
Life / 'Whites only' nightclubs in Warsaw? [51]

Do you believe that all Americans are hate-filled?

Of course they aren't. But it does very much appear that the Americans who pretend to be Poles are more likely to be racists than either other Americans or Poles. Just look at the filth they post here at PF. Luckily those of us who live in our country know that Poles are far less likely to be racist than the Plastic Poles are.