jonnyl77 4 Feb 2011News / Poland has low murder rate [60] Thats because their all over here in england
jonnyl77 4 Feb 2011UK, Ireland / Why can't the poles speak english, if they want to work in England? [35] forgive me im recovering from a stroke after being mugged by a bunch of polish men.Thats funny everybodys gone!
jonnyl77 4 Feb 2011UK, Ireland / Why can't the poles speak english, if they want to work in England? [35] In England, it should be a rule if you cant speak english you should not be allowed in the country to work
jonnyl77 4 Feb 2011UK, Ireland / Why can't the poles speak english, if they want to work in England? [35] why cant the poles speak english, if they want to work in this country speak english its rude!