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Posts by chichimera  

Joined: 4 Feb 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 12 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 185 / In This Archive: 146
From: UK, Nottingham
Speaks Polish?: tak
Interests: philosophy, religion, visual arts, psychology, literature, music, languages, astronomy, quantum physics, hiking, swimming

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28 Feb 2012

while chavy little polacks and their orange faced slapper girlfriends seem able to walk into any job they want

that's capitalism for you. you are too pricey and not good enough. you can't blame others that they understood capitalism quicker than you. By the way a vast majority of Poles do not do the job they want, they do the job that is available. Every week job adverts appear in the local newspaper - why don't the locals apply?

happy to live 20 to a house

I am yet to meet a Pole who has ever lived in a house with 20 housemates. stop repeating tabloid bvlls*it
28 Feb 2012

i am not going anywhere where there are 2 million Brits all living in squalor and i most definitely not going to claim welfare in any country I choose to live in.

that doesn't matter. people do have the right to choose where they live JUST LIKE YOU DO. Anyway have you asked the people of the country you've chosen whether they want you? have you learnt the language yet? or you are just expecting them to speak english?

About a month ago the Australian indigenous people expressed their anger in the face of the australian prime minister. They wanted their country back. What is the British queen - the official head of state in Austraila going to do about it? Nobody in the world wants the Brits or their descendants. Bring them back to your rainy Britain, make them work in your warehouses and farms. The world will be grateful. Unless you do that, you have no right to complain you narrow minded frustrated moron.

Does she speak English ?

You obviously can't read English.
22 Jan 2012
History / Friedrich Nietzsche - Polish or German ? [73]

And yet my ancestors were Polish noblemen: it is owing to them that I have so much race instinct in my blood-who knows? perhaps even the liberum veto.

:) That is one of my favourite quotes of all times, it's a definition of being Polish to me - that "liberum veto" boiling in your blood - with all the beautiful and all the ugly connotations of it
3 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

True, true, true :) But maybe it's better this way - it help us understand each other better... It also makes us know how to hurt each other - because no matter what we are more similar than different
3 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! [210]

and do our best to recognise lies and propaganda and to meet everyone on a human, non prejudiced level.
Rise above it.

I think so as well - all of us would benefit if we put the same effort in making friends that we put in trying to prove who is better than others.

2 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

And the last time I looked, the Industrial Revolution didn't exactly start in the Slavic world ;)

why do you take such pride in the industrial revolution? the industrial revolution have changed human civilisation into a global cancer and brought about the modern type of slavery. It's been a curse over humanity.

This country owes Poland nothing, despite what some people on here seem to think.

Of course this country owes Poland nothing and so the Poles owe the British people nothing - the Poles do what is good for them and what they have the right to do - instead of "sitting around complaining" and looking for someone to blame
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

freedom to wear what you want without too much hassle from the locals.

I was shocked when I saw in England a man wearing flip-flops in November. In Poland he would be taken either for an extreme weirdo or for a homeless who can't afford a proper pair of shoes..
31 Oct 2011
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]

here a clip which shows the global problem...ze inglisch... ;)

LoL, that is really funny :D

because the rule of final devoicing applies in Polish.

That is a nightmare.. That's why we happen to say: "Give me the kiss" instead of "Give me the keys" and "Where is my back?" instead of "Where is my bag?"

I virtually cannot pronounce the english 'r'...it comes out, more or less, sounding like a 'w'

Someone told me that when saying the English r the lips should be shaped as if you wanted to say u in Polish - not sure how correct that advice is but I've been following it

erive some comfort that I can speak Polish with a fairly good Mazowiecki accent but can't do Nottingham despite coming from 50km away.

That is comforting indeed :) By the way - do you think there are accents in Polish? When I lived in Lublin I was told sometimes that I had the "singing" Masurian accent but still don't have a clue what they meant. In Polish I distinguish just 3 accents: the "normal" Polish and the Silesian and the Kashubian one - but the two latter exist because their Polish is influenced by the dialects. Or maybe my ears become lazy when it comes to Polish
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

a list of the 50 best breakfasts and the english one earned the top spot. why? dont know? english breakfast is a direct attack on liver and pancreas. horror.

lol. I'm not a great fan of the English breakfast -at least not for breakfast, but it's not bad for lunch or something

english food for me is nothing special.

My English teacher said that during the WW2 (or some other crisis - can't remember now) there was a shortage of spices in Britain and they got used to eating food without them - and everyone knows that when the English get used to something, that's it. So he said, that's the reason why people think the food is nothing special - but I've learnt that when you make it very salty it can be very tasty (or is it that the Poles use just salt and pepper with everything so it's easy to please us?)


oh yes. And Italian. And actually this is another good thing about living in Britain - because food in Britain is not necessarily the British food, you can find here almost anything.
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

i would probably miss british food the most

yeah, although many people say that British food is no good, I fell in love with Shepard's pie and a proper baked potato with cheese and beans :) As for the fish and chips thing - it's ok but I got traumatised by what they sell in the chip shop on my street and since then I'm always a bit suspicious and rarely have the courage to try it somewhere else.

strike up a conversation with you on practically anything!

This used to make me feel a bit awkward cause we Poles are well known for our don't smile/don't talk to strangers rule, but now I enjoy it

totally agree. new scientist is amazing..

It is, isn't it? :) I got quite addicted to it. I often tell my sister what I read there and she tried to find something similar in Poland and she couldn't - maybe some publisher should start a Polish edition of it
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

I actually prefer the trains in Poland

I bet you've never travelled on a train from Lublin to Suwałki - over 20 hrs - after a journey like that every single muscle in your body would appreciate the trains in Britain.. :))

Have u tried the Lake District in england ? it can be a bit hilly.

I've been there but only for a short stay. The hillier the better. But you can't swim in the lakes, can you?

snowdonia, lake district, scottish highlands, thers a few lakes in the yorkshire dales

They are all in some distance from where I live, so I can't go there "anytime". But there is at least the Sherwood Forest in my neighbourhood and it keeps me alive :)
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

I've heard of Snowdonia and plan to go there someday. I've been to North Wales and liked it there - I loved the sea especially - it was so wild and beautiful. I think my main problem in Britain is the fact that I live in England. I come form the Masurian Lake District in Poland and miss a lot the forests and lakes and the fact that one can go for a trip anytime and it's free or almost free - it gives me the sense of freedom. In England there are very, very few places like that left and it makes me feel like I'm suffocating - I know it's quite different in Scotland or Wales. I hate the sight of fenced forests and the thought people have to pay a fare to go there - we're humans, isn't that the Earth belongs to all of us
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Don't expect too many answers here this forum appears to be full of anti-British sentiment

This forum is famous for being full of anti-everyone sentiment and sometimes I think that this is what many of these people enjoy most (even if they don't admit to that ;)

absence of winter of course :)

:)) I miss winter sometimes though, but in Poland it's way too long
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

My former students who have moved to the UK like the fact how easy they can find a decent job there quite quickly. 2, 3 days of looking/waiting for a call and they get a post.

Right, a lot easier than in Poland for sure - but I don't think it's THAT easy especially when someone wants a decent job - although it probably depends largely on the sort of qualifications one has.

some of the cultural stuff that i suspect Poles ignore: gardening/flower shows, agricultural shows/horse trials, the fact that there are crazy, yet serious, competitions like the world conker championships. there are loads of things really.
the choice of quality food products, which includes stuff i can throw in the microwave.

True, true, true.
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

Real ale and ready meals in supermarkets

oh yes, I forgot that, I love Guinness. I thought ready meals are everywhere nowadays.

not even close to enough to make up for the bad things about living in the UK.

... yeah, sure :)
31 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / What do you like about living in Britain? [134]

I wonder what do you like about living in Britain. At first I thought of asking this question to Poles living in Britain but actually it would be nice to hear from anyone who lives in the UK what they like best. I personally love the trains - one can't even compare them with trains in Poland and the staff is ever so nice and helpful. And I quite like the weather :) - it's not too hot, not too cold. I didn't like it at first but I got used to it and think it makes life easier. And I love the New Scientist - they write about science in such way that one doesn't have to be a scientist to understand what they're on about. I also enjoy the fact that there are so many people of different nationalities here - it's the whole world in a capsule. I love Peak District - anyone has been there? A wonderful, wonderful place
30 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

I can observe that, it is better to stir the hatred towards Poles instead of admitting that average people are not in the circle of interest of neo- liberal policy .

Very well said. It's painful that so many people don't see that obvious manipulation

I will not get frustrated

Right. actually it's me who is frustrated. Because I don't like it here. The only reason I'm here it's because of my partner's job and for 5 years I've been trying to be happy here and I don't know what else I can do to feel better about this place.

RevokeNice, you're talking bs. There was never any expiry date on the invitation nor there was any limit as for the number of us invited. And you shouldn't be mentioning the colonisation, it's not a good idea

EU is EU anyway and everyone gets his right portion of pen1s.


oh hello? sweeping generalisation anyone?

not me. I said 85%, didn't I? Approximately, it might be 80% if that makes you feel better. The remaining 15-20% are very intelligent and knowledgeable and I respect them greatly, but it doesn't change the fact that it's the 80% that creates the atmosphere of this country
30 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits [231]

But Polish people have never voted to become a part of communist block run by Soviets , but Churchill gave his pro vote instead of us .

he won't understand that. 85% of the English have 0 knowledge about politics of their own country, don't expect them to understand the international politics. They are being fvcked over by their own government but they're too ignorant to realize that - this is what makes them ideal subjects (not citizens). It's true that majority of the English didn't want EU and that immigration is not good for them - but it's not the Poles' fault - the Poles actually have been invited by the UK government and the big business and according to the British law they have the right to be in the UK and no obligation to explain themselves before anybody. Stop trying to explain anything - it will only make you bitter and frustrated - because those who are most hateful against the Polish people are not willing to understand and those who aren't hateful, understand the obvious anyway
30 Oct 2011
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]

so do you both suggest that cold and called can sound alike and that's ok? The thing is sometimes I have to ask for salt and people don't get what I'm asking for - then after I've repeated it several times placing my tongue in random places of my mouth trying to guess what the L should sound like they say Ah, saWt - or something close to that - and then they know.. It makes me feel quite stupid really...

/sʌksɪnkt/ I think Polish native speakers don't naturally know what ʌ and ɪ sound like - or even if they know they find it difficult to produce those sounds. To me ʌ like in hut sounds like a combination of Polish u and y rather than Polish a; and ɪ more like Polish y, the Polish sound for i is similar to what in English is written ee like in deep - that's why polmed asked if succint sounds like syksynt - I think it does a bit - although it's a simplified way of pronouncing it
30 Oct 2011
Language / Pronunciation difficulties for Poles speaking English [40]

I've a problem with L - there seem to be 2 sounds for L in English: 1) called 2) cold. Number 1 sounds similar to the L we use in Polish but number 2 is something between L and £ (or W in English) - I can hear the difference but I'm unable to pronounce it. Any tips?
23 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-American mutilation of the Polish language [75]

"karwatka" - a dish, perhaps? no? (tie)

that one is not Ponglish. Some people in Poland say "krawatka" - I don't know why, maybe they don't like the male (sexist) sound of "krawat" ;)
6 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Amerykańskie chamstwo? [133]

Włoska opera, szwajcarska mechanika precyzyjna, francuskie sery i wina, niemieckie samochody, fińska Nokia... chyba nie trzeba tego mnożyć. Znane są przyczyny, dla których Polska się nigdy nie wybiła

Właśnie dlatego Polska się "nie wybiła" - przez to pobożne zapatrzenie na zachód i to polskie "cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie"... Czy raczej: nie doceniacie