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Posts by wielki pan  

Joined: 7 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
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wielki pan   
16 Jan 2012
Real Estate / Foreign investor, properties in Poland, walk away from mortgages? [209]

Today you have a loan the is twice and high as the value of your house or apartment

Who has given you advice about the value of your apartment? first time I've come across somebody in this situation. Where is your property?
wielki pan   
10 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

At this moment I am very homesick and I think daily about moving back to Canada- and if we would be able to maintain our same standard of living? (we don't live extravagantly but we do pay for private school, mortgage...etc)

Pip they say that if you haven't made home in your first 2 years you never will, returning to Canada will even be worse as a lot of water has passed under the bridge in that time and everything is different, best make the best of Poland... Good Luck

who woulda thunk it!

wielki pan   
9 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

When you retire, you choose a country that has a good infrastructure, especially hospitals and health service. Although Poland is cheap and real estate is still affordable to many, it still does not offer the quality of life you consider normal in many other countries

The quality of life is excellent if you have the money, a lot of our foreign friends living in Poland would be living like paupers if they remain in there own country. Hospital and Health services for the rich is not a problem, One thing is lacking in Poland is organisations who would get things moving in Poland, ie a group of real estate agents who would put pressure on the government to change all the red tape associated with real estate transactions. People like you should be involved in politics especially local government, there is a real need to change all the bureaucracy, Poland needs to adopt a more self regulated system. The days of making a quick buck is well and truly over, you now have to work for it, Poland is still a good place to give it a go.
wielki pan   
8 Jan 2012
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

Poland was only about money and making it quickly, the country no longer offers the same opportunities as it did,

Now Wedle these comments may not go down well with a lot of people, I can understand where you are coming.

Firstly Poland is a good place to retire in as prices for food/travel and real estate is pretty cheap. the weather is probably too cold for most to handle, the people are good and its pretty safe. The negatives is the Polish mentality especially when it comes to business and business practice, money money seems to be on the minds of most poles.

The red tape and lack of accountability in government departments is something unacceptable, (I'm still waiting for 15 months for a building permit) excuses and excuses) now secondly Wedle this may upset you but you bought up at a time where everything was bargain basement, now that this has changed you cry poor, you need to take the good with the bad and put back into Poland what you have reaped. Apart from the multi national companies in Poland who seem to be doing well, you wonder how well small business is doing, taking into account the amount of restaurants that come and go!
wielki pan   
8 Jan 2012
Law / Poland's Zloty 43% undervalued [30]

like Harry said- perhaps you should visit before you comment.

Now Pip no need for this, I haven't come down in the last shower nor am I wet behind the ears, I have seen these security guards at parking lots, best description given as a few men around a small table, empty vodka bottles and a old style gas burner near by, I haven't seen too may old retired types working at supermarkets or department stores mainly young rambo types... I was only trying to point out that those million of ex soldiers police cannot all be employed as security guards...Those comments may indicate the high crime rate in Poland and further indicate how inadequate the pension is when you retire!
wielki pan   
7 Jan 2012
Law / Poland's Zloty 43% undervalued [30]

I believe the PLN will not gain in value until late march 2012, just before Euro 2012, we will see it back at 3.8-4 PLN/Euro

I'm not holding my breath....the US dollar is around 3.6zl
wielki pan   
5 Jan 2012
News / Poland being the powerhouse of Europe [40]

My business in Poland is actually growing at the moment. I work in a construction and manufacturing related industry.

lol, this may be a short time growth, but it will soon crash!
wielki pan   
4 Jan 2012
Law / Poland's Zloty 43% undervalued [30]

sure that is right, it seems that most Poles are employed in the security industry, crime figures must be pretty bad.
wielki pan   
4 Jan 2012
Law / Poland's Zloty 43% undervalued [30]

that gives them over 5000zl a month with only the bills to pay.

This may be the case of a some people, but the greater majority live off the pension, selling a few mushrooms or berries may be the only time they can earn extra money, Mr D do you read the newspapers, Poland has a unemployment to the tune of 11%, your post makes me laugh, are you telling me that things are so bad that they employ guards at car parks.

In Poland, the cost of the McDonald's sandwich is zł.8.80. That price translates to $2.55, which means the cost of the burger is about 43 percent lower in Poland than in the US. This in turn indicates that the złoty is undervalued by about 43 percent against the dollar

Other items are cheaper in Poland than the US does this mean that the Polish Zlote is overvalued? When is the price of a hamburger going to determine the price of the Zlote.
wielki pan   
2 Jan 2012
News / Amnesty to Illegal immigrants in Poland [102]

It's good that they don't pay tax to pay for the services that they use?

Mr D I bet you pay little or no tax and charge top dollar for your services, I didn't know you were Jewish! In the US the rich pay no tax or are able to claim tax concessions, I cannot see your logic.
wielki pan   
30 Dec 2011
Law / Minimal retired pay - how much in Poland? [10]

Actually, if I recall rightly, Jaruzelski (and the others) had much of the pension restored to them as it was an unconstitutional move to cut their pensions - he's actually getting closer to 9000zl a month these days. There was a cut for ex SB-types, but they tended to acquire things during Communism anyway.

Come to think of it you may be right, I know that the good Generals pension was reduced from 8500 to 4500zl, now when you think about it that's not much for a person holding the greatest power in Poland, in real terms and compared to other leaders retiring in other countries it could only be described as peanuts, retiring military officers would get much, much less, like I mentioned before living on a pension is a hard call in Poland, working on the black market for a few zlotes must be humiliating to say the least.

Related: How much money one needs to retire in Poland for another 50 years?

I always wonder how much money would one need to comfortably(normally) retire in Poland for a maximum of 50 years,with a paid off place to live.I am talking of a normal living with a small car to commute esp in Warsaw vicinity.

About 3 mln PLN assuming you need on average 5K PLN per month for various expenses. But it all depends on what you are used to. Oh, and I do not factor in the effect of compound interest here.... in that case the amount would be somewhat lower but pls run your own calculations. :-)
wielki pan   
29 Dec 2011
Law / Minimal retired pay - how much in Poland? [10]

A small percentage?

Now Mr D I think its back to the classroom for you, considering the fact that general jaruzelski is getting only 4500zl a month on his retirement pension, I don't think a thug employed by the UB or other security force who belief was that his hands were made exclusively to beat people would get much more...the fact remains that previously the pension system provided for basic needs but now with goodies of live like TV, computers, mobile phones, the pension is just not enough...Polish people are still reluctant to invest in the future, like compulsory superannuation payments and until this occurs Poles retiring will find it tough.
wielki pan   
28 Dec 2011
Law / Minimal retired pay - how much in Poland? [10]

Communist amount to a small percentage of the population and even so what they get is not much, the vast majority of pensioners get around the 1000zl mark. (how they make ends meet is the million dollar question)
wielki pan   
28 Dec 2011
Law / Minimal retired pay - how much in Poland? [10]

How long is a piece of string? Polish pensioners get 900zl a month approx... For a person moving into Poland and after purchasing a house and car, I would suggest in the vicinity of 4000zl a month for a basic lifestyle.
wielki pan   
23 Dec 2011
USA, Canada / If America is so bad, why move here? [254]

I was reading recently about recently widowed women in NYC going hungry - that doesn't tend to happen in Europe.

Correct.. about 40million us citizens live in poverty, there is poverty in Poland too, but Mr D please explain the safety net in poland/eu? first time I heard of it.
wielki pan   
21 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

Tom - take one piece of advice from me. Never trust anyone in Poland until you know them well, not even your own in-laws.

Even people who put up posts on this forum lol, Mr D the gentleman has nothing now, so whether he lives in Ireland or Poland it makes no difference? He is doing what you did in moving to Poland, another case of the young gentlemen with no means seeking to make his fortunes abroad!!
wielki pan   
19 Dec 2011
Law / Bureaucracy in Poland [53]

And I don't like the way Poles tend to always put their country down, even when it is no worse than any other country in the world.

lol... what utter rubbish. I am still waiting for permission to build a house in Poland and have spend almost 2 years fight with the authorities. Magdalena who are you trying to fool?
wielki pan   
19 Dec 2011
Work / What is a good salary in Wroclaw? (coordinator position for an IT company) [27]

With respect to vodka and cigarettes - it's not worth it

I'm sure that saving a few hundred zlote is just a pee in the ocean for people like you and me, but a lot of people cross the board and purchase fuel, vodka cigarettes and sweets, the normal process is for 4 or 5 people to make a day of it and travel to the ukraine, fuel to my best recollection is about 1-2 zlote cheaper, alcohol and sweet about a quarter of the price of that in Poland. The vodka is as rough as it gets and the sweets are too sweet for me, give food products a miss as I would hate to know the hygiene laws are observed in that country, the boarder side hmmn yes it can be a long wait, but with plenty of cheap booze and cigarettes time goes very fast.. Mr D understand that in most small cities people are struggling and a small saving is a big bonus..sorry to go off topic but this has to be clarified.
wielki pan   
18 Dec 2011
Work / What is a good salary in Wroclaw? (coordinator position for an IT company) [27]

Not worth it really - the queues are so long to enter/leave Belarus that it just isn't economically worthwhile

sorry mr d, but this not true, apart from getting a tank full of cheap fuel, plus another 40 odd litres in containers, you also buy vodka,cigarettes and sweets at never to be repeated prices....only draw back is the wait at border control...
wielki pan   
13 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

[quote=a.k.]I feel sorry for you, you probably have nothing to offer besides money... therefore you will never experience a true love.

Unless your a mind reader I don't know what this has to do with my comments, I was only making a few points about what people expect when giving gifts....I'm sure there are other valid points which have been raised...I don't think giving somebody in Poland 20$ is a good idea...
wielki pan   
12 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

And to answer your question; if it's a scarf, I'd keep it and reciprocate with a tie or something, and a nice note. But, if it's $20, I'd send it back with impersonal x-mas wishes, and maybe a thinly veiled suggestion for a cheritable donation, if I can think of one. ;)

Not a bad answer, however the tie would be filed away and never see the light of day, ties have reached there expiry date, doubt if they will be a fashion statement in the near future...

[quote=a.k.]What's your nationality?

Identify as Polish, have no choice as both parents are Polish...
wielki pan   
12 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

Consider the possibility that some of those Polish women' calculator skills you keep bringing up could have been acquired after they met you. ;)

I'm a easy target, you may want to divulge your skills at winning over the hard earned earnings of the person of your life!!!, just joking the bottom line is the author of this post wanted to know what was enough to forward to a loved one.. would you accept a $20 from the US of A as a xmas gift....somehow I don't think so...
wielki pan   
12 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

hmmm... I don't know what you are getting at f stop... please explain... does it mean that I will need to take up english classes at a Polish English School. I don't think so, but nothing would surprise me.. hmm.. well don't know about a silk scarf, but the question remains would YOU accept a woolen scarf???.. do you carry a get rich calculator in your pocket???
wielki pan   
12 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

No dirty laundry.. oops I'll just check....nope its all clear my end.. I won't snap out if it, don't need to... you may need to, forum members will undoubtedly assist you in finding a good English speaking tutor in Poland.. Check us out.. Poland is Good
wielki pan   
12 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

in the context of the relationship, which in actual fact is nothing, then i stand by what i said.

Now Mr Wroclaw, my comments were intended to be light hearted, but if you want to be serious, can I ask you a question would you sent a person you fell in love with a nice winter scarf? somehow I don't think so.. Unfortunately Poles are too serious, its time they laugh at themselves like the rest of us do.


What on earth are you talking about, you silly man??

Well f stop, you may be right, but can I suggest you take up a course in reading and understanding english..good luck.
wielki pan   
11 Dec 2011
Love / Amount of money for gift (I have a girlfriend in Poland) [56]

send a card and a nice winter scarf. that should be enough.

Expect more from you than this comment Mr Moderator... !!! The fact remains that if you like somebody the skys the limit when it comes to gifts, 1000zl in this context is peanuts for somebody living in the west... The Americans have always big noted how rich they are and conned many a Polish Lass, the naive Polish girl eyes water and ears prick when she hears she is about to meet a man from America lol.. In truth the Americans are as poor as anybody else and current figures suggest that some 40 million Americans live below the poverty line.. This has brought about a generation of Polish people who are good at using the calculator and experienced in the art of gold digging...Sending a winter scart would find its way to a place other than being wrapped around the neck...more likely in the rubbish bin.