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Joined: 30 Oct 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 121 / In This Archive: 107
From: Wroclaw & East Anglia, UK
Speaks Polish?: Nay lad/lass!

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5 Jul 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

buses stop every four hours for food, smoke, toilet breaks. it's not that bad.

Awwww no no no, psychologically even that would be too much.

The boys finished about a dozen tinnies between them and then snored and farted away the rest of the journey. I'd rather walk.

Hmm, yes I think I've already met those two Dutchmen!
5 Jul 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

The coaches appear to be less than ideal, been unable to speak with the person suggested in the post above, if anyone knows of anybody travelling by road via the tunnel happy to have a paying passenger, please let me know the price, will pay the driver as we set off in cash.
5 Jul 2011
Law / Those of us in Sterling GBP are having our backsides kicked [35]

5-05-2010 1 x GBP = 4.7341 PLN GBP PLN transfer rate on 05/05/2010
4-05-2010 1 x GBP = 4.5825 PLN GBP PLN transfer rate on 04/05/2010

Anyone recall what gave GBP a boost or PLN a kick between the 4th and 5th May 2010 to cause the Pound to gain an unusual amount of ground overnight back then?

Bureau de change here in Poland offering 4.27zl today, around the lowest its been for some time.
4 Jul 2011
News / New road taxes in Poland? [13]

Is this compulsory road pricing and toll roads across Poland now with no alternative fast roads to use? Yet more costs... sigh...
3 Jul 2011
Law / Those of us in Sterling GBP are having our backsides kicked [35]

I have been paid in Sterling for over 13 years now and back then I was getting 7.8zl to the £ and it's swings and roundabouts really and I can moan but it will not change anything, just have to lose one holiday in a year.

Looks like a well-known British/American chocolate firm is feeling the pinch too with GBP so weak, as a good few of its exec staff were on my budget airline flight recently.
3 Jul 2011
Law / Those of us in Sterling GBP are having our backsides kicked [35]

Here's the US$ to Złoty graph, a pretty similar trend, wouldn't you say?

Yes, not so good at all.

Is Poland set to raise interest rates at its central bank? If so, is that already factored into the poor forex of the £ and US$ v the PLN I wonder.
3 Jul 2011
Law / Those of us in Sterling GBP are having our backsides kicked [35]

as countries evolve and their economies start to strenghten the £ isnt such a wonderful thing.

That I realise, but the Bank of England are kicking the pound deliberately too IMHO.

It,s worth reading posts 10 and 12.

Will do.

But the problem with wage increases is surely that it causes the cost of living to again rise as purchasing power of individuals rises? Then you're back to needing wage rises again, round and round? Maybe I'm guessing wrongly but it seems likely to be a never-ending trap.
2 Jul 2011

Locally in the city centre at the moment, the GBP seems weak, at near its weakest ever against the PLN. The boards are saying they will give you 4 zloty 25 gr per one UK pouund (ie £1=4.25zl). Just a few days ago it was 4.41zl

This may be the result of the Bank of England's numpty Mervyn King - listen to what he said to the Commons' Select Committee. A major face palm moment, although he may just be trying to devalue the pound to boost UK exports (a policy that has not worked so far in 2 years). If the BoE continues to keep base rates at 0.5pc and talk of money-printing again, well... it ain't rocket science. Question is, what will really happen given the Greek and other factors?
2 Jul 2011
Law / Those of us in Sterling GBP are having our backsides kicked [35]

Those of us with our money in Sterling are having our backsides kicked well and truly by the Bank of England, a year ago £1 bought just over 5zl, today it's 4zl and 25gr.

BoE weakening the pound or Bank of Poland strengthening the Zloty - either way it's painful if not earning out here.

Graph & Stats

29 Jun 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

Went on a coach trip from UK to Paris once , not so far....but it was sheer torture for me...

I've heard the same from Poles I know here who used to travel on the coaches to the UK. They also told me it used to be fifty quid return!

I can also recall a low cost flight back to the UK last year I took that had a drunk man and his friend (Polish I think) refuse to sit down and then staggering around the aisle as the plane came into land over Stansted. He shouted a bit as the crew tried to seat him and that then set the young passengers off wailing. Imagine that but for 13 hours, not much fun, I'd not want to pay 429zl for that.

I think even the cloudiest of crystal balls could have foreseen that, wildie. I hate rowdy buses, not much worse!

There was a bloke the size of a small mountain sitting at the back of a bus I was on, using the Polish word for tart seemingly at every woman on the bus it seemed. This went on for 20 mins. No, I was not brave enough to tackle him and neither did anyone else, he was enormous.
28 Jun 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

Thanks Gumishu. Do Sindbad have English speakers on the line? I tried to understand their online timetable last week and seemed they were only going via ferries from the timings.
25 Jun 2011
Language / Learning Polish...looking for a software package? [10]

I have tried Supermemo and really liked it. The last time i checked they had a free version which gave you some of the basics.

Got a link? I can't find the free one. Thanks
23 Jun 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

Thanks Wroclaw Boy, I noted his details down in the past for removals etc, will poss give him a bell for this too, cheers

For 551 334 143 am getting the not valid number message

Nevermind, give this a bump and see if anyone knows which coachline goes via the tunnel
23 Jun 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

Hi Teflcat,

September, very rough, mega bad.

I need to accompany the cases, so prefer a coach to a shipper, but thanks for the recommendation, might need them in future for something else.
23 Jun 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

Can I ask what was so bad about the trip? Dover to Calais can't get that rough, apart from the booze cruisers that is

Did dover bolougne many years ago - I would never do a ferry again ever after that.
22 Jun 2011
Travel / Which bus from Poland to London via the Eurotunnel? [27]

I think eurolines were on Saturdays via the tunnel but that ceased 18 June. Anyone know which coach company can get me from Wroclaw to London via the tunnel (not the ferry) with some cases which are too uneconomical to pay to carry on a flight?

Or if anyone is driving that route via the tunnel over the next few weeks and wants a paying passenger with 2 medium cases (30kg and 10kg), let me know how much, you can drop me in Kent, Essex or London. PM me please. Will provide full ID and pay you at the start. I won't rabbit on all the way to the UK either, am very well behaved! :)
20 Jun 2011
Real Estate / Poland's apartment prices continue to fall [1844]

Over on this forum, the bulls have gone very quiet lately housepricecrash.co.uk

I am seeing quite a few for sale banners and signs outside older apartments in Poland, as well as big signs outside the new blocks.

And as an outsider admittedly, still have observed the price per square meter in the cities here seems well out of step with average salaries, leading me to suspect high multiple mortgages are being loaned, high deposit values from families (or Bank of Mum & Dad as it's called in the UK) are being given, or foreign money is buying. High multiples and bad mortgage debts have huge dangers - some of you PMd me to say that Polish banks are very careful. If they turn out to not have been so careful, will the Polish central bank do a Mervyn King and slash rates to 0.5% and say to hell with inflation as they have in Britain, pretty much? I just wonder if Poland really is doing so well or is living in lala land like Eire was.

Blue touch paper lit I suppose, but had to get it off my chest.
13 Jun 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

DD, thanks. I could post so many contradictory things I hear from so many different people I bump into that it would risk trying your patience, so I won't. Thanks for taking the time to give me a flavour of things. I hope whoever wins the election they strive to genuinely put the welfare of non-racist, non-homophobic, decent Poles and Polish residents first. (I would like to say the same for the UK, but there I have totally given up all hope.)
13 Jun 2011
Food / Expats' Polish food favourites [140]

Some of the packet soups by Wienary, I may return to the UK with a suitcase load...

Of course, the beer, I have been unable to go wrong so far.

Bigos (hunter's stew) does nothing for me, but stuffed cabbage is a hit.
13 Jun 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Press is free in Poland, don`t forget it. We are not Belarus.

You are genuinely or ironically stating the newspapers here do not lie or spin in favour of one party over the other? Seriously? :o) In the UK, much of the Press has party bias, that is well-known, and I would not put it past any UK papers to tell porkies (porky pies, slang for lies) to favour who they back.

...edited to add...

Generally speaking, the current Polish government has kept things going peacefully. They haven't gone as far as many people want them to go (such as slashing miners salaries and closing unprofitable State-owned enterprises), but on the whole, they're doing an OK job. Nothing spectacular or showy, but generally OK.

(they have failed massively in some respects, but the other options are just too scary to think about)

Some Poles say to me (particularly older ones) in not very good English so maybe I misunderstand them, but they say stuff like PO are too chummy with Russia and the EU and selling Poland's assets for a song, and too matey with Putin etc etc etc. What's the truth? I don't know, obviously. I just smile and shrug when they say that.
13 Jun 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Thanks DD, certainly I have come across disturbing reports just now when I googled re the homophobia. Again I do not know enough about things here to say anything worth reading, but I am very much against homophobia and very much against racism or anti-Semitism etc. On the other hand, UK mainstream politics is full of quiet t*ssers anyway that I wouldn't trust further than I could throw, I am fed up with the lot whether Labour, Tory, LibDem, PO or PiS etc. They all talk and nothing good gets done.
13 Jun 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

DD, thanks. Yes I keep hearing vague stuff like that about PiS from some Polish people in the UK, but when I asked some other Polish people here in Poland they said there was a smear campaign against PiS in the press. And as you say, one of the twins or brothers was friendly with jewish folk.

I really am confused about where the truth really lies, there's lots of spin in the UK press too, so you can find it incredibly hard to get to the truth of it all there too.

Teflcat, I will sit on the fence a bit there, not sure after the New Labour IMO mess. Now I see the Tories are wimps and the BoE governor is now a Sir, so they all seem the same cr*p to me.

Seanus, I think the Telegraph says it's been going on for 20 years with that group, not just suddenly
13 Jun 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

This Jewish group has apparently even met the Pope and are all over the web, apparently with a history dating back to 1936. Although personally I'd never heard of 'em before.

Seem legit to me, even the Pope met 'em. ejpress.org/article/47779

So PiS is against this Jewish group and their compensation claim (but not Jews in general) I take it?
13 Jun 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

I'm not a fan of PO but I'll vote for them to keep PiS out.

I'm an outsider so asking genuinely - what is it motivating you to keep PiS out? What repels you?