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Posts by moneymad  

Joined: 12 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jul 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 29 / In This Archive: 23
From: private
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: fishing, money

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16 Jul 2010
Love / All the good Polish men for dating are taken? [111]

Coud yuo quote some source? its interesting.

ok well i know wikipedia is hardly a reliable source but here it is anyway:


The poles I met were in the rural areas so I guess it makes sense with youth marriages.

Interesting, it says 30 for male Brits. I have another 6 years of freedom then lol.
16 Jul 2010
Love / All the good Polish men for dating are taken? [111]

So u are obviousely wrong

Not really.

Most poles I met were engaged in that age bracket. Also according to a few online sources too.

High divorce rate follows.

I'm 24 and the idea of marriage is insane for my age bracket.

Life has barely started.

No chains just yet lol
16 Jul 2010
Love / All the good Polish men for dating are taken? [111]

I heard that in Poland marriage 1 on 3 ends divorce...

They, poles, get married around early 20's.

So a high divorce rate is to be expected. Foolish really.

Marriage is nowhere near my expected aims within the next decade, and I'm 24.
16 Jul 2010
Love / All the good Polish men for dating are taken? [111]

UK has the highest teen preg rate though.

Poland is without its share of serious issues.

high divorce rates, alcohol issues, corruption and the list goes on.
16 Jul 2010
Love / All the good Polish men for dating are taken? [111]

What's so great about Polish men?

They are tight as a ducks arse when it comes to buying a round and their not exactly potential winners of 'mr world' lol.

Along with getting drunk and taking drugs to take their mind away from their everyday life.

All small towns virtually have old guys too all rat arsed drunk on the floor lol.

Spent at least 6 months in Poland and that is pretty much enough to learn about them.

However, I think they are better behaved than UK males though.

As for Turks... lol Human trafficking is the only reason they might get their leg over.

Seriously, I saw a documentary about human trafficking from Poland/Ukraine etc.


Words fail me.
15 Jul 2010
Work / Wage and Salary rates in Poland [37]

WW2 is obvious. Unavoidable really.

That will teach the UK not to disarm. Doing it again with military spending cuts.
15 Jul 2010
Work / Wage and Salary rates in Poland [37]

The UK used to be a **** poor country

When, how?

We didn't create the biggest empire the world has ever seen out of nothing.

Stolen spanish gold helped though lol.
14 Jul 2010
Work / Wage and Salary rates in Poland [37]

You're right - I should have said that anyone earning less than 1600zl netto in a big city with a degree from a public institution is a failure.

Sorry I thought you meant real money like pound sterling or Euros lol.

No offence.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

I've known 4 gay men in my time and they have all commented on my strong shape :)

Well they would have had a good look wouldn't they seeing as they would be 'doing you' from behind lol.
14 Jul 2010
Love / Are Polish Girls scared of English Guys [124]

take care of you

Take care of your wallet more likely. :)

lol According to a few sources 'many' Polish marriages end in divorce. High percentage do. My opinion? They marry to early, early twenties. Insane. Your still a 'kid'. I'm 24 myself.

Best time to get hooked is around 30.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

"They" want equality treatment under the law - not better; not worse; only equal, as do we all. "Societal views", whatever that is supposed to mean, are irrelevant.

Societal views = simple phrase. Not my fault you can't understand easy English

'They' shouldn't expect anything. Why should they?

Obviously physical attacks is totally unacceptable, along with bullying in the work place.

About all 'they' should expect.
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Personally, I don't like having someone else's sexuality rammed down my throat, as they do in gay pride marches.

Spot on.

Keep it to themselves. Just because they want change, doesn't mean societal views has to change too.
14 Jul 2010
Work / Wage and Salary rates in Poland [37]

Let's be realistic - anyone earning less than 1600 a month with a degree has failed badly if they live in a big city.

Sorry but laughable.
13 Jul 2010
Travel / How much PLN to take with me on my trip to Poland, Wroclaw? [10]

It is £2 to use my maestro debit card for every transaction, no matter how much the withdrawal.

This is fine considering the safety measures.

Money wise it will be like this:

1. Most likely staying for 8 weeks, either rent free with host family or paying for own flat (in a small town, not sure how much) (If with host family I will obviously offer something)

2. certainly no hotels, hardly touring, no big purchases, just the odd restaurant (middle of the road estaurant not top of the range)

3. Entertainment? Pubs, swimming, fishing.

4. Food = mostly eat in.

5. I plan on budgeting my time there. Best way to go would be to hold say 100 PLN note or less and plan not to spenmd more than that for the day.

6. Guess you can put in train fares too/or PKS coach trip.

Been 2 years so can't think much more at this point. However, I do know how quickly the money goes if you are not careful, like anywhere I guess.

The costs of wizz air flight/national express to Luton is a given.

Oh, I will not forget my Polish phrase book/dictionary either lol Life saver.
13 Jul 2010
Work / Wage and Salary rates in Poland [37]

Okay, below was taken from yahoo answers, how true does this reflect some Poles in Poland?

I have not typed anything below:

"The Polish media state that the average salary in Poland is around 2500 PLN (2 tys. 428,12 before tax in July 2004, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics in Poland), but most of the Poles just shake their heads in disbelief. (Lies, bloody lies and statistics).

"The media, you know, all the times says that on average people make between 2000 and 3000 PLN, but the truth is that most people make around 800 PLN. There are those that make more, even much more, but they are in minority."

Anna, a divorced mother, that lives in the capital, Warsaw, and makes 1000 PLN per month is not happy.

"I get also 250 PLN from my ex-husband for the kids support and 43 PLN family allowance from the state, which is a joke, really. I pay 700 PLN for the flat and the kindergarten is almost 300, bus and tram card is 66 PLN, phone bill 60 PLN. All that is left, less than 200 PLN for my and my daughter. When I think about it, I am in tears."

Anna's biggest problem is that she has to rent a flat on the open market and, thus, pay the market price. If she owned her own flat, the monthly payment would be much less, around 250 PLN.

The fact remains that if you are a Pole on a low salary, although you might manage to survive, you won't certainly be able to afford a car, a wide-screen TV, or summer vacation in Venice. Who said that life was meant to be easy? Although, Poland is a member of EU, it is still the poorest of its members and it will take many more years before all of its citizens will have an acceptable living standard. Poles do manage to survive, but not much more than that.
13 Jul 2010
Travel / How much PLN to take with me on my trip to Poland, Wroclaw? [10]

I will not be doing much sight-seeing/buses etc. More of a 'stay' in a small town.

I managed on £1000 for 2 months last time. Just wondering how times may have changed since 2 years ago.

After all, TEFL teachers have to manage on 3000 zloty roughly per month. (According to some people anyway).

I will be cooking mostly by the way. However, I will not be living like a monk for the whole month :)

I have done some reading about this on the net but I love fresh opinions.

I know a Polish family who have to live on 2200pln per month. Grim lifestyle I have to say, with 1 kid too.

Live rates at 2010.07.12 22:22:00 UTC
100.00 GBP = 485.786 PLN
United Kingdom Pounds Poland Zlotych
1 GBP = 4.85786 PLN 1 PLN = 0.205852 GBP

These are the relatively current rates anyway.

I remember when it was 5.5PLN to 1 pound sterling.
12 Jul 2010
Travel / How much PLN to take with me on my trip to Poland, Wroclaw? [10]

Hi guys,

My first thread and post.

Seeing as the average wage in Poland is considered to be 2500 Zloty, how much is needed to stay for 1 month or more?

I've heard stories of 200 zloty per day but this appears extreme to me.

I'm heading for Wroclaw but will be staying in a small town nearby to visit friends.

Either staying with host family or rent a flat 1 month in small town.

Don't smoke, not a 'big spender'.

Insurance/transport to and from Poland aside, how much would be ample as a rough guide given my vague post?

I have £2000 in a E-ISA in addition to £1000 in my graduate account.

My job contract is coming to an end and see this as my last chance to visit before I aim for a long term job/career.