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Posts by Meowmeow  

Joined: 6 Jun 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
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10 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / 4 teenage boys held in UK - murder of chef stabbed to death as he celebrated his 30th bday [24]

it's trendy for teens to kill in the U.K..... the don't see why people are worried or complain about their "human rights" to murder....

Slap your child to discipline them in the U.K and you will find yourself behind bars. Weirdly enough, when the social service do know a child is being abused (not disciplined thank God) they like to wait until the child is murdered.
10 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / 4 teenage boys held in UK - murder of chef stabbed to death as he celebrated his 30th bday [24]

Very sad story about a polish guy... the teens in the U.K are out of control. Poor guy :(

"Four teenage boys have been arrested over the murder of a chef who was out celebrating his 30th birthday and was mugged for just £12.

Krzysztos Rusek was robbed and stabbed to death while his girlfriend and friends looked on helpless, detectives believe".

Read more:

dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2002116/Four-teenage-boys -held-murder-chef-stabbed-death-celebrated-30th-birthday.html
10 Jun 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]

Uhmmm no, I do understand poland is a mono-cultured place and gradually with a lot of it citizens travelling it will become more open minded. I have negative things to say about every country.

I actually was joking about the "gay" part....if you read it. I was making fun out of the situation. I find Poland a very interesting country that has a lot to offer hence why I visit here. But as I say that the racism and homophobia that seems rife in the country I hope will one day change.

9 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish burglars 'tied up pensioner and stripped her of jewellery before leaving her to die [28]

Sadly like most criminals in the U.K, they will get nice jail cell, tv etc. U.k has a pathetic justice system, human rights have taken away justice for many. One man last week, claimed it would be against his children's human rights if he was put in jail after being caught for a serious crime, and yes he won his case even tho found guilty.

I respect countries who give life sentences that mean life.... not 4 or 5 years. They should also be made to work for their food and roof over their heads.
9 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish burglars 'tied up pensioner and stripped her of jewellery before leaving her to die [28]

A spinster was gagged, bound and left to die in her bedroom by two Polish burglars, the Old Bailey heard today.
Kuba Dlugosz, 33, and Szymon Wyrostek, 26, locked 83-year-old Eveline Kelmenson inside her large north London home after stripping her of a gold necklace and wedding ring.

The Jewish pensioner, known as Lina, suffered a 'slow death' from hypothermia over the days that followed as she lay helpless on her bedroom floor unable to free herself from the restraints.

9 Jun 2011
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

If you are born in that country, you are that nationality....if you moved to the country and become naturalised, yes you probably say I originate from so and so.

The world is getting incredibly small and mixed. And good for that :)..Here comes Polski about why race mixing is wrong. and we should create the Aryan race.
9 Jun 2011
Food / Possible to find Indian vegetarian food in Poland? [17]

Yeah I have tasted indian vegeterian food, only type of vegetarian cuisine where you won't miss meat cause it's so tasty. Plus good way to loose weight. But good to try different foods from around the world.
8 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

The answer is no, racist views from the polish isn't being brought into Britain as they don't integrate. And thank god, the BNP would be running Britain. Tho it's does need tougher border control, too many immigrant white, black e.t.c....Only highly skilled should be allowed into the country
7 Jun 2011
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

Polski you're a plain racist, some small groups of people have very pronounced features as their gene pools are very limited cause they don't breed out of their race.

And respect for the aborigines, they live in lands that would kill most people. I am beginning to lose any respect I have for Polish men, as it seems racism is rife, but clearly denied and throw back into people faces.

Polski I hope your daughters and sons marry black men and women...maybe then you will have more respect for a fellow human being.
7 Jun 2011
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

Please there are ugly white women and same goes for every other race. There are beautiful black, latina e.t.c women. What I see here is people who don't find dark skin attractive and by that Are calling everyone one ugly cause of their preferences, so is biased. I see really ugly un-kept polish women in London, as I do see the same with british and other races.... You either get good genes from your parents or you don't.
6 Jun 2011
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

Oh please black women don't have a problem with black men color of skin. Most black women like a masculine man who can stand up for himself and is hung enough down there. But saying that everyone is different. Women are more open minded to race mixing than men.
6 Jun 2011
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

Many of my friends here in London think polish men are very unattractive ( both black and white) But beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I find polish men sexy cause I love their stocky meaty bodies and I find polish people very funny.... Normally I don't find blue eyes attractive, just boring, but blue eyes from northern europe are soo enticing.
6 Jun 2011
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

mrs.s Sep 11, 10, 19:41 / #28


I actually met him here in Afghanistan. Our first date was spent in a bunker hiding from rockets and then watching military planes take-off from the runway (all his idea, the plane watching part at least). Not the safest first date ever, but definitely the most interesting. :)

Sounds romantic like some war time movie :)
4 Jun 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

I don't think jokes about polish are funny..... Why do people think Polish are stupid???? here are bad jokes same theme that polish are dumb

A Pollack walked into a bar and sat down at the bar, where a news report was on TV. On the news a man was on a ledge outside an upper floor of a building threatening to jump. The bartender, who'd seen the news report before said, "I'll bet you $50 he's going to jump." The Pollack took the bet and put down a $50 bill on the bar. Then the man on the ledge jumped to his death. The bartender picked up the $50 bill but then, realizing that he'd taken advantage of a poor, dumb Pollack, his conscience got the better of him and he said, "Look, I'm going to give you back your money. I have to confess that I saw that news report before." "That's O.K.," said the Pollack, "I saw it before too, but I didn't think he was gonna do it again!"

A Polish man went to a carpenter and asked, "Can you build me a box that is two inches high, two inches wide, and fifty feet long?"

"Hmm..." mused the carpenter. "It could be done, I suppose, but what would you want a box like that for?"

"Well, you see," said the Pole, "my neighbor moved away and forgot some things, so he asked me to send him his garden hose."

A Pole, an American, and a German had a room full of rancid used tampons, and they decided to have a contest to see who could stay in there the longest.

First it was the American's turn. The other two locked him in the room and waited. A week later, they heard him whimpering and pounding on the door so they let him out. "That is the sickest smell I have ever endured!" cried the American. "I couldn't stay in there another minute!"

Next it was the German's turn. After a month he finally banged on the door to be let out. "Oh God, that is the most putrid smell in the world! I couldn't take it another minute!" he cried as he gasped for breath.

Finally it was the Pole's turn. They locked him in the room and waited. A week went by, a month, a year. The German and American heard nothing. Finally they began to worry, so they yelled through the door, "You can come out now! You've won the contest by far!" To which the Pole yelled back, "No, not yet! I'm not done eating the jelly donuts."
30 May 2011
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

I have met different nationalities from around Europe but Polish seem to be obsessed with peoples race. Even here, every thread on this forum even if talking about food, politics, romance will some end with racists rants. Then they say " oh there is racism everywhere".... yeh but not as bad with Polish's obsession with being the master race. It's like some how the scars of world war 2 holocaust, have been imprinted on Poland's mono culture. Well a few other countries could be worse like Russia, but another story.

Like some of the rude remark I have seen about Jewish people on this forum, and thinking that a big part of the holocaust took part in Poland. It's seem Hitlers ideals still live on strong. Sorry if anyone finds that offensive. But judge people by from what I see.

Obviously women are not as bad as men, so this is most focused at men. Like a lot of polish people have migrated to European countries, but don't want any immigrant moving into their country even if they people are educated and skilled.

Whatever happened to people being nice and kind?