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Joined: 2 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2011
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18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

nott: That's it, yes. Kudos for clarification.
So in your opinion Jews chose to live in segregated towns and that is why gentile Poles had to apply for permission to have Jews banned from living in their towns. Perfect logic there.

It's your logic here, Harry. Sarcasm failed miserably.

nott: You are delusional. You've shown not a shred of argument against this claim.

All of the cities applying for permission to have Jews banned from living there actually very much shows that Jews wanted to live in non-segregated towns.

huh? How banning Jews from the town proves that Jews never preferred to create Jewish quarters in said towns, otherwise knows as ghettos?

Do you know what a shtetl was? Loosely translated as 'Jewish town', like in 'China town'. A settlement of Jews, usually near non-Jewish settlement, or a previous part of it. Often close to gentiles, because Jewish and non-Jewish economies were complementary. Distinct, because Jews preferred to live together, as any fcking minority with strong identity. Your proof is ridiculous. Really, sometimes I don;t know if you're just so persistent in pissing contests, or plain stupid.

If Jews had wanted to only live in segregated towns, there would be no need for gentiles to have them banned from living in 'their' towns.

Jews created their own quarters and settlements all over Poland regardless if there was a town with a privilege, or not. Only few chose to live amongst gentiles, like when running inns or those who couldn't cope in a shtetl, or those who were banished from a ghetto.

And the ban was not only about settlement. Mainly it was about no Jewish trade in the town, that was what counted, and that was what most economical privileges of the period were: dictating who can and who can not. Settlement being just a common sense extension. Jews were allowed to live exactly outside the jurisdiction, in any spacial arrangement they chose, still banned from bringing handełe to the town.

Only about 20% towns in Poland ever were granted the privilege, if I am not mistaken. In others either Jews were absent or few, or created a ghetto or shtetl.

So in fact, as has been shown, there is far more than just a shred of argument against your lie: there is cast iron proof as shown by the actions of gentile Poles.


nott: If, good choice of keyword.
I used 'if' because you do not actually have to come here and lie, you are perfectly free to tell the truth, although I can see that you don't like to.

I know why you used it.

Mod, what about this 'LIE' thing? Or Harry has some special 'royal edicts' granted.

Everybody has an opinion; and it's OK, as long as the forum rules are followed.
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

However, for the resident Poles, please continue to show and corroborate as Harry also tries to do likewise. He may come across as a troll to you but he asks some decent questions

You're wrong, Seanus. He poses some interesting problems to delve in, but most of their entertaining value is in the way he distorts some less known events. After the riddle is solved, he hides it away and comes up with it again after time, not even trying to rephrase it much. A typical example is 'Kristallnacht was triggered by Poles not allowing Polish Jews in after they were expelled from Germany'. I just spotted it somewhere in quite a recent post. Few people remember that this was proved false, and actually few people even followed the arduous path of disproving Harry, I'd say.

He is a troll. I'd love to discuss some obscure fragments of history, regardless if they are glorious or shameful, but with Harry more than half of effort is about fighting his bizarre accusations of lying and avoiding other obnoxious provocations. The very moment he loses ground under his feet, he starts shouting about Polish lies and Polish liars, then you start documenting your documenting of your own and Harry's utterances, and if you persist and actually grind him to dust in the end, the next day he comes back with 'I won, you liar', and next month he repeats his 'interesting question' as if nothing ever happened.

But you know that, don't you? Or maybe you never had enough patience to follow those banters. Wouldn't blame you.
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

nott: This is not a 'privilege', Harry. This is a privilege without quotes.
Those are not quote marks, they are inverted commas. They are used because I personally do not consider it a privilege for a town to be judenfrei.

You're free to have opinions. Keep distractions away from the thread, though.

nott: Harry: Your lie is that Jews chose to not live in Warsaw.
Quote me. Nothing has gone to Random yet, and just half a page to search.

With pleasure. Here you say "Yes they did." Either your comment refers to my statement that "No they [Jews] did not [live in segregated towns by choice]."

That's it, yes. Kudos for clarification.

, in which case, as shown above, you are clearly lying.

You are delusional. You've shown not a shred of argument against this claim. Nor anybody else have.

Or it refers to my statement that "for the vast majority of the time that Poland was an independent country until 1918 no Jews lived in Warsaw.", in which case, as shown above, you are lying. Now refreshing to see you lying about being caught lying.

Refreshing with what? Careful, boy. Brains do not regenerate easily.

nott: The claim stays. Most of them did.

Most Jews chose to live in segregates cities? So why did gentile Poles feel the need to ban Jews from living in more than 20 cities?

Jesus fkn christ,,, In order to disable the competition, you... Harry. And it was more than 20. Others did not see the necessity. And even those with privileges did not demand creating ghettos.

nott: A typical for you, murky statement suggesting to an unprepared reader that Jews arrived in Warsaw only as late as 1918. Kindly observe my usage of 'insinuated'.

For more than a hundred years before 1918 Poland was not an independent country. No wonder you only link to my statement and do not quote from it.

Geez, Harry, you're a pain:

No they did not. Or perhap you can explain why for the vast majority of the time that Poland was an independent country until 1918 no Jews lived in Warsaw?

Happy now?

nott: Does it constitute 'name calling'? And unprovoked, to boot, in the context?
It you lie, you must expect people to point out that you are a liar. It's not 'name calling', just a statement of pure fact.

If, good choice of keyword. Keep your hypothetical scenarios to yourself. Or at least make a dedicated thread.
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

Warsaw did indeed have that 'privilege'.

This is not a 'privilege', Harry. This is a privilege without quotes. This is a specific form of royal edict, a meaning well known to anybody with any knowledge of history.

Your lie is that Jews chose to not live in Warsaw.

Quote me. Nothing has gone to Random yet, and just half a page to search.

nott: not allowing Jews to settle in some Polish towns is not the same as forcing them to live in lagers.

Agreed. However, your original claim was that Jews chose to live in segregated towns.

The claim stays. Most of them did. Can't see any reason to withdraw it, as yet.

And now that I've exposed that as a lie

Next time try and do it in here, Harry, this exposing, in this thread, on PF, so I can see it.

you want to back away from your lie. How original.

Now what do I do now, mod? Yeah, I shut up.

nott: And no, Warsaw was not free of Jewish settlement until 1918, as you graciously insinuated.
Could you perhaps quote the post in which I "graciously insinuated" that?

At your service. A typical for you, murky statement suggesting to an unprepared reader that Jews arrived in Warsaw only as late as 1918. Kindly observe my usage of 'insinuated'. You need a link to a dictionary?

Oh, sorry, I forgot that you can not, because as usual you are simply lying about what I said. Given that you get so upset when people point out that you are a liar, why do you lie so much?

Liar lying lie. Only quoting, mod, only quoting. Does it constitute 'name calling'? And unprovoked, to boot, in the context?
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

nott: Yes they did. And Warsaw was just one of the cities which obtained royal privilege of not accepting Jewish settlement

Please stop with your lies.

You're on glue, boy? Warsaw did not have de non tolerandis Judeis privilege?

Jews were not allowed to live in the city of Warsaw for the majority of the time that the city was the capital of pre-1918 independent Poland.

And what did I say? Sigismundus granted the privilege in, oh, somebody already found it for me:

But to you the ghettoization of Jews was at the choice of Jews. Interesting.

For me, you moron, not allowing Jews to settle in some Polish towns is not the same as forcing them to live in lagers. And no, Warsaw was not free of Jewish settlement until 1918, as you graciously insinuated.

Less of the name calling please.
18 Jul 2011
History / Norman Davies - the Brit who loves Poland and becomes one of Us [250]

czar: they lived in segregated towns by choice
No they did not. Or perhap you can explain why for the vast majority of the time that Poland was an independent country until 1918 no Jews lived in Warsaw?

Yes they did. And Warsaw was just one of the cities which obtained royal privilege of not accepting Jewish settlement, due to Jews being a competition to Christian merchants. Elsewhere Jews lived wherever they chose, and they most often chose to live in close-knit communities, as any other minority with no burning desire to assimilate. Some of those Jewish quarters did obtain similar royal privileges of not accepting Christians. And this, Harry, similarly doesn't mean that Christians were locked in ghettos.

Now what term would describe your mental qualities, as indicated by your kind of logic? You know I'm not a native speaker, please help me out.

lying about Polish history is in no way 'pro-Polish'.

My my, Harry happened to say something actually very true. A flu, or something?
17 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Can't come any more??

How can I know? Maybe a couple more. It's not about numbers only, nobody knows them.

So the solution would be to create some filter anyway. And capping just in case.

There are some Asians here. It'd be good to have more in class.

Erm, you suggesting they would raise the level? Nasty one..
17 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Ukrainians can't come any more. Others don't actually seem to storm the borders...

Would be nice to see some colour here and there as well. With reservations, as above.

I mean, assimilation doesn't mean to me that they should get baptised in the Holy Catholic Faith and drink themselves stupid after Poland wins a friendly with Cameroon, but, you know, behave yourself. Affiliate. If this is the word. You're a guest so know your place, until you are at home, but this means something.
17 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

True. Many Poles would do better to resolve their own differences first.

Geez, Seanus. We are human beings just like you. We can live with our differences. I'd risk stating we love them. Nothing like bashing them twats from behind the meadow, come Saturday evening.
9 Apr 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Ok, maybe I have to come back here and rearange my topic then.

I might rephrase my answer then:
Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate")[1] is a term that has various meanings.

The article is coupla scores screens long. What do you mean by culture?
2 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Poland would have slid further into dictatorship - probably with the cult of Pilsudski used to put a stop to any dissent.

I don't think so. There was a significant opposition, and even common folk was getting more and more fed up with sanacja. Poles are an unruly nation.
2 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Pilsudski's dictatorship was rather well liked.

He was a person, not an institution. Exactly contrary to 'whoever the authority is.'

And Poles do not need Americans to hate Russians, delph. It's a national sport. Traditional. One of top ten standard features.
2 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Poles are not true patriots then, sorted. Authority cult is rather underdeveloped in Poland, traditionally, and famously. Possibly your self-deprecating friends do not represent the nation, supposition is.
1 Apr 2011
Life / "Whiskification" of Poland? [32]

Aye, bi ye cannae beet a bo'le ae MD 20/20 tae tap the nicht aff wae :)

Gee, I almost understand more than half of it. Just like Wee Free Men... Just like I were i lil' tiny bit drunk, and I knew that were I sober it would be as clear as a clear sky on Sunday afternoon...
1 Apr 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Polish culture is like Russian with more vodka.

Russian culture is like vodka and a pinch of Polish.

Polish culture is just like British,

The question is rather vague, come to think of it. Polish 'arts and sciences' culture'? Culture of everyday life, means level of civility? Unique way of doing things, like not crouching on the toilet seat? Mentality, attitude to life, people and everything?
1 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

I think the fact that Kwasniewski was elected twice in a democratic vote for President by the Polish people is enough for me.

First time he got elected due to twisting the rules on the go, second time because there was no real opponent.

We've had plenty of elections since 1945. That taught us to how to tell patriots from renegades..
1 Apr 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Why is this question so offensive?

Because we are still unable to come to terms with the simple fact that foreigners are so ignorant about Poland. It just sounds like a provocation. 'Is it safe for me to come to Poland and walk the streets? I am a black gay.'

There is 'something' like Polish culture, although I would not aspire to give a comprehensive definition. Centuries ago it was easier. I mean, it is easier to give now a definition of the past Polish culture. As for national identity, the answer is simple: yes. In this aspect we are just like any other nation, we do have a national identity.
1 Apr 2011
History / Kingdom of Poland Map [14]

Poland owned Russia between 1610-12 with future Władysław IV as elected (but not crowned) Czar by the Seven Boyars?

This is the only explanation I can imagine for somebody drawing a map like that, Polish presence in Moscow for a year or two. Only it's a huge little bit of a stretch to say that these lands were Polish.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

na stronie BBC

No proszę, BBC też czasem coś mądrego zapoda. Tak to właśnie odebrałem, to panowanie. Może za długo jestem w UK.

Może Torq i ENori też nie chcą być kolegami...

A kto ich zmusza. Ale porozmawiać by mogli, ku oświeceniu umysłow.

Uuuch, naszych. Naszych umysłów. No offence meant.

Geez, mojego.

Ach, no tak, kto ja jestem...
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

My po prostu prowadzimy spór ;)

Poje**** cię? Spór to jest jak się obrzucacie krwami wplecionymi w konkretną argumentację. Jak sie zaczyna 'Pan pozwoli, że uprzejmnie zapytam o przyczyny Pańskich irracjonalnych uprzedzeń' to to jest chamska inteligencka pyskówa!


Torq, z mojego punktu widzenia ENori ma sporo racji, to już się zdążyłeś zorientować. Znaczy, jeśli chodzi o mój punkt widzenia. Rozumiem, jakoś, twoje stanowisko. Te oskarżenia o polską tendencyjność nie są całkowicie pozbawione podstaw, choć wyolbrzymione, moim subiektywnym zdaniem. I uważam, że stanowisko ENori jest wystarczająco wyważone, żeby można było z nim dyskutować również z twojego punktu widzenia. Może zróbcie sobie przerwę, tak do jutra, i dajcie mi przyjemność śledzenia interesującej dyskusji. W miarę ochoty, oczywiście.

Fkn hell, must've got some bug or what. Nott negotiator.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

Panowie pozwolą: Torq - ENori. ENori - Torq. Przejdźcie na ty i przestańcie się kurwa kłocić. Temat jest ciekawy, a przez te wasze polskie honory zdechnie w kolebce. Natan z Saszą chwilami sensowniej rozmiawiają.
31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

why there is such an outrage of Mr Kobylanski announcement that the 1/3rd of Polish government's members are ethnic Jews?

Because, allegedly, he said it with an Anti-Semitic Intent. 2/3rds, actually, if we are to interpret 'non-genuine Poles' as Jews.

Thing is, this very utterance classifies Mr Kobylanski in a rather moronic class. 20 thousand Jews can not elect 2/3rds of Sejm. Means Poles voted for their Sejm, etc. But this sentence invokes holy outrage instead of justly deserved ridicule. Says something about the general atmosphere.