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Joined: 7 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jul 2017
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From: Krakow

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1 Dec 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]

I'm more interested in where the british "know it all" disappeared to...

Dominic B is usually on spot in his hilarious "savings in absolute dollars" rantings. But there's more to life than that, and far more variables than wages+living expenses.

But when brits are going at it... sorry I just loose my ****... :)
28 Nov 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]


I have a mask with filters during the winter. They help. More and more people are using them, specifically those who bike or walk.

Similar to below (just took the first of the internet).


And if you really want there are air purifiers to buy for your home (quite expensive).

Summer is no big problem.
27 Nov 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]


So you would do fine.

My beef was with the person not living here claiming 1kg of potatoes doesn't cost 5 pln and minced meat doesn't cost 5pln.

It's just that I've seen a clear pattern regarding British people in Poland on this forum, that none of them seems to know how to cook so they are forced to live on restaurants which clouds their judgement on cost of living.

Who the hell lives on restaurant food?

I can tell you right now that going out to restaurants several times per week in Stockholm you'd better be a millionaire. Nobody does that, except if you're a brit on polishforums...
27 Nov 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]

Net? Absolutely, you could have a decent life. If you are young and have lower expectations. Biggest expense will be your accomodation, and that is true for all european countries.

A good flat to call your own will go for about 2k. And if you know how to cook (which as I pointed out you should) then life can be good.

2k net with housing taken care of is easy to live on in Krakow, but you won't be able to save.
27 Nov 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]


Well, seeing my answer... What do you think? I'm not someone to spew out bullshit...

I'm a Swedish man, trust me I'm well aware of grocery prices and how to put on a washing machine...
27 Nov 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]

Lol, the brit is going to tell stuff. And like I will put my address on internet, Srodmiescie is close enough.


Go to any shop, I dare you...
27 Nov 2017
Life / Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net. [48]


I live in a fairly newly built 45m high end apartment in central Krakow and pay 1.9k in rent + 100pln for electricity + czynsz (on average ~300pln).

I pay about 140pln monthly for TV package and internet (200 mbit/s fiberoptics).
Phone with unlimited internet about 40pln.
Monthly fee for unlimited public transport covering all city 89pln.

500g minced meat is about 5pln (10pln for highest quality).
1kg of potatoes about the same.
1kg chicken filet is under 20pln.
Other types of meats like kotlets and what have you avarage between 10-25pln per kg depending on what type and quality.
Standard lunch is about 15pln for any normal places for office workers.

Electronics like computers, TV's and phones have about the same price as any european country making it more expensive for someone with a polish salary.

Other than that prices are not outrageous. Sure, your money will get spent quickly if you are going out to restaurants, but that's reality in any country. Besides, the best food you cook yourself. You know what you put in and you know how it's been handled. Anyone thinking a "luxury" restaurant is a guarantee against low quality products and health violating handling is out to lunch and doesn't know much about the restaurant scene.

Restaurants you go to for an experience, not to get the best quality food product.

Private doctors and dentists? All international employers in Poland offer a package with either Luxmed or Medicover for a very low monthly cost for the employee.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

You're right, Sweden isn't in Europe, it is in Africa or in Middle East.

There's a distinction, our problems are because of neo-liberalism, globalism and general lunacy but not radical left wing. Sweden stopped being radical left towards end of 80's beginning of 90's. That's when a true non-governmental TV-channel was allowed and the last push of socialism going on communism was the so called "löntagarfonder" (a scheme where the company would pay in of it's profit to give shares to workers where eventually the workers would be the owners) was abandoned after massive protests.

We are generally Socialdemocratic (not to be confused with hardcore socialism) and totally bonkers. But not radical left in it's true sense.

But it's really semantics I guess.
10 Feb 2017
News / Frau Merkel today in Poland [70]

She needs to go. Her migrant policy needs to be reversed.

Well it looks like that might be in the making. From what I've read the EU is in discussion about an Austrian suggestion to start up refugee camps in MENA, and close the door an asylum seeking within the EU (you wouldn't be able to seek asylum on place). So anyone landing on European shores would be sent back.

This would obviously be the first step in restoring order, second step would be repatriation on bigger scale.

Let's hope the EU will take the right decision, and that would in the same time restore a lot of trust and confidence from the people living within the EU. Free movement within the EU was just meant for that, within the EU. Not that the whole world would be able to come.
17 Oct 2016
Real Estate / Question about Czynsz (Building maintenance fees/utilies) in Poland [129]

It doesn't make sense.

I pay 470 pln a month in czynsz and "utility bills" (water, central heating, garbage, general admin) is included in that. During summer I go below it (in winter above it) and would get money back from my landlord. Do you live in luxury apartment with reception and doormen and perhaps a bellhop? :)

If you have that plus a personal ass-wiper on a daily basis it sounds reasonable, but other than that no.
3 Sep 2016
Work / Possible lifestyle in Poland? Job offer - 12K to 13K PLN. [40]

Closest for you would be around the Zablocie area, it's a short walk. All along the Wisla in Podgorze is being built.

You can look around on this map and see for yourself.

28 Jul 2016
Life / Price/wage ratio in Poland - shocked! [16]

Monthly payments and living on water and pierogi.

But thats not true for all of them, there sure are a lot of Porsches driving around. Been wondering about that myself and have no clue where people get their money from. However, the old truth is the same in Poland as anywhere else: Nobody ever got rich by working.
26 Jul 2016
Life / Working life in Poland [18]

Overtime is hard to say, it really varies on company and role (obviously the more senior role the more overtime can be expected just like anywhere else). Overtime though is paid out or taken out in lieu, so you won't be doing overtime for free for most roles (again, managers and such usually have no paid overtime like anywhere else). For the most part, it's more 9-5 and go home.

Permanent contract does not offer the same protection like Germany (wouldn't know from personal experience) or Sweden. It can be terminated and you have 1 month notice period (if working for a company less than 3 years) and 3 months notice period if working for more than 3 years. However the real job security is that there are an abundant of jobs if you have the right profile, and perhaps you will feel that 1 month notice period is way too long for you... So far I haven't seen or heard of any "illegitimate" terminations, i.e you won't get fired unless you are a total screw up.

You will have either 20 or 26 vacation days a year (and you are required to have 1 two consecutive weeks holiday per year) depending on your "experience".

10 years "experience" grants you 26 days and less than that grants you 20 days. A university degree counts as 8 years, so you need two years work experience after you've graduated (counted from the day of your graduation).
20 Jul 2016
Work / Krakow - living and working [18]

I made a check on Numbeo for Krakow and it's fairly accurate. In general you wouldn't get any wiser getting answers from the forum, only for special types of items and such. For rents, foods and transportation it's close enough.

There are lot of big corporations out in KBP, none of it's employees live in Zabierzow. You'll be fine, probably even meet some people every morning on the commuter train to talk to.
22 Mar 2016
Real Estate / What are possible price ranges (rent) for studio and 1 bedroom apartments in Krakow? [20]

Gumtree works but perhaps domgratka is a bit better since you can search via map and see available apartments in your area of interest. Minus is that it's mostly or only advertised by agents who will take commission (usually a month worth of rent) if you decide to rent.

The business park lies in a suburb /village outside the city. It has it's own train station so easiest is to take the train from central main station or bus if you live in like Bronowice.

So if you choose to live central or south, you need to get yourself to central station and take train from there. It's quite full of SSC's out there so you'll join a lot of commuters.

They are building a massive amount of apartment complexes all over the city so it's easy to find a newly built apartment to rent if that's what you are interested in.

Personally I prefer the south side of the city over the north but both have nice areas. The south would give you longer commute (likely tram or bus to city centre and then train to kbp).
24 Jan 2016
Work / Salary of a customer service representative in Krakow [28]

You will definitely not live like rat or have trouble making ends meet with that salary. You say you don't shop a lot of clothes, don't go clubbing, don't smoke... I'll even say that you will have to work very hard spending the rest of your net salary by just living. I'll go as far and say it's impossible.

However you will of course have extraordinary expenses from time to time. New phone, computer, cooker, micro (?) and that can set you back some. Electronics have the same price in Poland as in Sweden basically.

Some examples:
Public transport - 89 pln/month
Phone - 40-50 pln/month
Internet+TV (250 mbit/s and ~100 channels) - 140 pln/month
Car insurance - 200 pln/month
Typical main course at a restaurant (nice one) - 60-80 pln
Lunch - 15 pln
Beer at the pub - 10 pln
Beer at home - 5 pln
Vodka at home - 30 pln
Decent pair of shoes - 150-300 pln
Quality shirt - 100 pln
Jeans - 200-300 pln

You can surf in on Tesco website since you can order food online from there. It will give you a good overview of costs of groceries and what you normally buy. Chicken and pork is very cheap down here.

I spend half my net salary on rent, and barring any unexpected expense I never spend all my money during a month. And I'm a smoker and enjoy my occassional nights out, and also needs to pay CSN on quarterly basis.

You won't have a flashy life, you can't buy a house or a shiny new car. But it will be calm and good, but don't expect to save up a lot of money. Have an exit strategy to go back to UK/Sweden. But with that salary you can comfortably come down and feel for yourself if you can live on that money or not, or if you like Poland or not (you will). But you won't starve and you'll have your own apartment.

Worst case you'll have a blast and go home an experience richer.
17 Oct 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Nevertheless racist Poles don't mind Western Europe's salaries and conditions.

I'm Swedish, would you like me to confirm most of the fears "racist poles" on here have?
16 Jun 2015
Work / Salary Expectation for HCL Senior JAVA Developer with 4 years experience in Poland [66]

From what I know about working conditions in India I would say working in Poland for that kind of salary is kind of a no brainer. And since unless you have a relocation offer directly from a company moving to Sweden or Norway is a no go (that door's closed shut right of the bat) I fail to see the issue...?

Yes, you earn more if you land a job elsewhere. If. And the average Joe in the US doesn't really seem to have a field day right now either, and neither does a big chunk of the population in Europe.

Valid points in that Poland does have low wages and lower "quality of life" than many other European countries. But comparing with Sweden and Norway is not valid, since you will never get a job there.

Scandinavia - Not unless you are given a relocation offer directly. Probably the hardest region in Europe/World for a foreigner to get a qualified job

Germany - Sceptical, unless you speak German I doubt it would be easy landing a job there
France - Speak French, maybe. If not, no go. And if any country in Europe would have strong labor laws about hiring a non-EU national before a national citizen, my bet would be on France

Spain - No jobs
Italy - See above
Portugal - See above

I guess your best bet is US/UK. Regarding availability to get a job in those countries I have no idea. Maybe Netherlands would work, don't know much about situation there either.

My two cents.
1 Nov 2014
Life / The cheapest phone operators in Poland - Play is not worth it [7]

Answering in English is sufficient enough to make them never call you again.

Besides, I've never heard anyone being happy about their phone provider, not in Sweden or here. Same ****, different name.

Two people I know want to switch from T-Mobile to Play, so I guess they are no worse than anyone else.
1 Nov 2014
Life / The cheapest phone operators in Poland - Play is not worth it [7]

I can vouch for 2 & 3 (although I never have calls dropout, I either have connection or not) and also add that they "sell" your number to telemarketers, so don't be surprised over the number of times you will have salesmen calling your mobile phone.

But all in all I'm not really complaining, strange enough.
6 Apr 2014
News / Is this the first clear and open signal that Poland makes preparations for war with Russia? [163]

Isn't this threat over Russian invasions a bit exaggerated? Sure, there have been lots of reasons thrown around for the occupation of Crimea. But isn't the simplest one that Russia couldn't afford the risk of losing their Naval Base there? We all know they give f*** all about "ethnic russians in Crimea".

They have their base now, its over.
20 Mar 2014
Work / Is salary of 3000 Euros gross enough to live decently in Lodz, Poland? [53]

One should also remember that when it comes to wages, "average" is not a very good measure (Median is better). Because the 1%ers always skew the statistics.

So the national average wage might be 3800 PLN, but your average Pole makes less than that.

I might add that the average monthly salary in Sweden is around 3400 Euros. That's in the country who have among the highest taxes in the world and also one of the most expensive countries to live in.
2 Mar 2014
News / Poland free market ( EU ) [11]

There's no such thing as Free Market stated within the EU. Linking to Wikipedia about "Free Market" gives you nothing when talking about EU-law.

Give me an example of a country in EU where anyone can start a bank without the appropriate government body controls it? I highly doubt you can start a real estate agency in any EU-country without proper certification. I know of none.

EU has market economy, not Free Market economy.
2 Mar 2014
News / Poland free market ( EU ) [11]

Don't really get your point, there's no such things as unrestricted and totally free markets in any EU-country. Who told you that?

You have to specify more deeply with examples.
16 Feb 2014
Travel / Places of interest on route from Katowice - Lodz - Gdansk [7]

Don't know actually, but my guess is no. For sure there are still old abandoned buildings worth watching, but I don't think it's appreciated to be around the factories in use (nothing to see also I guess). I've been meaning to go there this year since I live reasonably close.
8 Jan 2014
Work / Moving to Poland, will I be able to find work with a masters in Economics and an MBA? [19]

Lots of people with no knowledge writing in the thread. The real answer is yes, the job market is very good at the moment for European people with business degrees. With your qualifications you will find work pretty easy, but know that it is your language that is your biggest asset and that perhaps the jobs aren't on the highest level. But European people are getting hired left and right. Polish not needed since English is the office lingo in the thousands of international offices around Poland.

I found work two months after arriving and didn't even try that hard. Within Finance/Accounting.

To get you started:
