UK, Ireland /
The number of Anti-English Poles... [228]
this reminds me nazi germany policies towards jews
How dare you say this? Do you remember us wan*er English that came to your country's aid, that took hundreds and thousands of orphaned children into our arms and showed them years of love and care. We are a humanitarian country, every single issue that is nothing to do with us, we give aid, we give shelter, we gave love to the children that witnessed their parents brutally murdered by those nazi bast*rds.
I strongly suggest you educate yourself before flying disgusting comments about like that.
I have looked through this post and you are moaning constantly about benefits, a council flat and conpensation that comes from us wan*ers. I have never come across a rude polish person in my life, I have a fantastic relationship with all my staff and many best friends that are polish that I could not live without and I disagreed with the title of this post until I came across your horrible comments. You have a chip on your shoulder, the world doesn't owe you mate. Theres children in Africa being raped every 2 seconds, grow up and thank your self lucky. If you hate us english so much how about you move? Surely you hate england this much you'd be better getting a job in your own country or would the Polish government not give you a free house either or weekly wage for sitting on your ar*se or compensation for whatever next you want to claim for?
I'll let you into a secret, the loss of papers and catalogue of errors you experienced from Job centre has nothing to do with your nationality, every person I have ever known that has claimed Job Seekers has had problems due to errors because they are inundated with claims. Our Country cannot deal with this amount benefits, we are in a recession, in massive debt and have more people claiming now than we have ever done, even through the Thatcher years, we are on our knees with resources so don't think this is because you are Polish. As for attitude from people, from the comments you have made I can only assume you have provoked every attitude you have got.
Think before you type silly boy, your parents and grandparents would be absolutely disgusted with this comment. You would possibly not be alive today if us stupid English didn't step in and fight for your human rights!