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Posts by hague1cameron  

Joined: 8 Feb 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Feb 2010
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Posts: Total: 85 / In This Archive: 42
From: Australia
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: cricket, rugby, history and politics

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12 Mar 2010
History / The Gustloff - one of the worst maritime disasters that seemed to never have happened [66]

f a thumb was that russian troops got a bullet for raping non-German locals in Poland.

when did you hear that? i doubt it very much.

I read an account by Radek Sikorski about his Grandma (I think) almost being raped together with some other German woman in his book Full Circle, and there wasn’t much they could do about it, besides hiding and being surrounded by a lots of Polish men.
10 Mar 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

Kaczynski does something right

You have got to be Joking, it is Tusk and Rostowski who are in charge of the finances, the stupid bumpkin Kaczynski insisted on getting us into debt during the crisis, and thank goodness that Rostowski ignored him
10 Mar 2010
History / The Gustloff - one of the worst maritime disasters that seemed to never have happened [66]

there was a study about that I remember. Nearly all surviving fetuses were aborted. They interviewed doctors and other witnesses....they used what they had, 24/7.

Fascinating, I assumed that abortion would be an obvious first resort. So I guess if we would conduct a very rough calculation, out of all the women who were raped maybe 10% would have become pregnant? (I am guessing unless a women or somebody who is more knowledgeable about this stuff tells me otherwise) Out of the 10% of these women about say 7%-8% would decide to abort and many of those born would also probably die in infancy, perhaps 10%.
10 Mar 2010
History / The Gustloff - one of the worst maritime disasters that seemed to never have happened [66]

They did the same to Jews, Poles, Hungarian or any other unfortunate Female who happened to cross their way from the steppes to Berlin.
Not to mention that most of the rapists where from the Far East of the Soviet Union, the Wehrmacht never came this far.

Putting this down into figures, how many female victims would there be, both German and Polish and how many of those who were raped would have produced offspring? Any rough ideas, I suppose it is all dependent on a woman's menstruation cycle and how inclined she would feel to abort a child that was the result of rape, any ideas BB or anybody else? This would make for a very interesting study albeit a study that would be close to impossible to conduct.
8 Mar 2010
Life / Mixed race girl in Poland, good idea? [149]


i hope you visit the country and share your observations later on the forum.

Best of luck, i hope you get treated normally and not disrespectfully.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Brits have created more jobs for Poles than the Poles have. Which country's people are more stupid in this instance?

which country Went through a period of soviet imperialism? Does that answer your question?
24 Feb 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

So Poland took advantage of a situation to further their own interest, therefore helping to legitimize the Munich agreement...

well with the French and the Brits and Italians legitimizing the whole thing it was pretty much a done deal. Besides I'am sure that the Czech minority would've preferred the Poles to the Germans given the chance.

And for the record I think that the Brits were great allies who did all they could under the circumstances, the same can't be said about the Americans.
24 Feb 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Poland invaded Czechoslovakia alongside Hitler after the Munich agreement to bite a chunk out of the helpless country, reasoning it with border disputes.
So don't sell me the polish holy innocence act here...Germany was just the much bigger bully to Poland...but this tactic is well known to all bullies.

This is not a fair comparison, The Czechs invaded first when the Poles were fighting the Bolsheviks. They were simply returning the favor.
24 Feb 2010
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

it is sad for such a country that put one steap ahead (by socialism experience though not perfect)

Ignorance is bliss, it's religion that helped with the former and now you want to do away with it.
20 Feb 2010
Life / Polish culture do's and dont's? [106]

how else are you going to make bawarka?

usually only pregnant women drink bawarka in Poland.
19 Feb 2010
News / What the Polish government do to bring back home Polish immigrants? [116]

Well Kris you clearly don't know much about Polish politics, on paper they probably have the most competent government in Europe.

[Maybe if people actually steered for change, rather than voting in the same old typical cronies Poland would have more to offer its people. Namely, quality of life, good economy, and lower rental/accommodation costs.]

claptrap, if you really haven't got a clue what you are talking about it's best to keep quiet.

[2. That candidate countries have a working market economy, capable of competing effectively on EU markets.]
Under that criteria they are way ahead of Ireland, they have a more stable economy which isn't going through a crisis right now and currently has the highest growth rate in Europe. I think it should be Ireland that you should be worried about so that it doesn't get kicked out of the Euro Zone.
18 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

religious wackos went to America, criminals were shipped off to Australia..

No, you don't know your history criminals were also shipped to America, it only ended after they gained their independence.
18 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

i don't care what you all were talking about earlier, looks like a lot of whining and pointless banter, but quoting IQ statistics and thinking they prove anything whatsoever is foolish.

I'am just responding to a previous American who did just that posted IQ results, seeing how contradictory they were to common assumption i countered them with other results.

at least our ancestors didnt drop us off on a island because we were misfits of

Once again the razor sharp American wit. Actually if you could've been bothered to learn something about your country's history you would realize that America preceded Australia in accommodating what you call 'misfits of society'
18 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

well OK how about that

highest average IQ at 107, compared with 100 across Britain. The UK is also beaten by Poland (106), Sweden (104), Italy (102), Austria (101) and Switzerland (101).
But Britons are brighter than people in Belgium (99), Spain (98), Hungary (98), Russia (96), Greece (95), France (94), Romania (94), Turkey (90) and Serbia, which finishes bottom with 89.

it's 98 for the US by the way.

So not really, i think knowledge is still quite a good indicator.
18 Feb 2010
Work / Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals? [171]

The Polish Nation is very nationalistic and will only employ similar people. Mind you, there are a lot of nasty Poles in England now. You only have to watch programmes like Crimes Watch U.K. to see the number of murderers and child abusers who are being caught by their D.N.A. and are being brought back to England and given life sentences.

Actually stats show that they three times less likely to commit crimes than the locals.
17 Feb 2010
Language / What are the Polish words of Mongol origin? [14]

papagarth ( this is , shall we say, a curriocity : I've learned that the Mongols left er, DNA samples in poland, but are there words other than a variant of 'horde' borrowed from Mongolian to Polish ?)

There is a Tatar minority of about 10 000 strong or less on Poland's eastern borders. In Poland they are Referred to as Tatars, and are of the Muslim faith. They have a long history of fighting as mercenaries for various Polish armies. Their original incursion into southern Poland took place in the 12 hundreds, when they practiced their horde activities.
16 Feb 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Quick story: once my mother-in-law (who speaks no English, but certainly understands some from her years of exposure to us!) was trying to find some socks for my kids. She was using the English word "socks". I, of course, assumed she was saying "sok" and immediately went to the fridge to get some juice. :-D

I know a Polish lady here in Australia who was explaining a story at a gathering, involving a hairdresser, and she did not know the word for hair dryer or hair drying. So instead she said that he gave her a blow job:) I almost choked to death on orange juice because of my outburst of laughter
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

extermination of Cambodias muslims for instance

From my understanding the people that were targeted were a social class like those who were non-workers. And the whole thing was a genocide.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]


By that you mean a national group, which seems distinct from an ethnic group and is classified as genocide if targeted for extermination. like the Cambodian case for instance, were a whole group was targeted, and to my knowledge is classified as genocide.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

If the Soviets killed all Poles, it would be genocide.

sorry but this argument still does not make sense to me. According to you there is no way of distinguishing a pole living in Russia from a Russian, if he happens not to have a Polish nationality. And gain this isn't exactly about numbers it is about intent.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

Ethnic groups would mean Soviets kill all Slavs

Religious groups would mean Soviets kill all Roman Catholics

The Soviets didn't do any of those.[/quote]

I'am still not sure if that is right. according to this how would you describe somebody of Polish ethnicity living in Russia, if you include Russians and Poles in the same ethnic group. Since you don't have to be a Polish national necessarily.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

Bosnian is not an ethnic group. Bosnia has multiple ethnic groups, multiple religious groups, and different races.

indeed it is not, but surely ethnicity includes everyone regardless of nationality. So why bother including national groups, unless they mean something different.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

No, you can have a country...say....Bosnia, with different ethnic groups

I get you, but that is already covered by ethnicity, so why bother repeating it.
16 Feb 2010
History / WAS KATYŃ GENOCIDE? Polish officers were killed [237]

ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

But surely if they include ethnic before national than why bother with national. after all isn't nationality indicative of ethnicity, or does nationality include groups within a nation like different classes.