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Joined: 1 Feb 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Mar 2013
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
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10 Mar 2013
Work / Job Offer in Gliwice at 4000zł – is it enough money? [17]

Alright, nobody asked this poor soul how many guaranteed contract hours he'll have a month. If it's full time, i.e., 24 hours a week, your salary comes to 26zl/hr net. I don't know about Gliwice, but most teachers make 40zl/hr minimum. And like someone mentioned up above, what do they mean by overtime? Like covering a few classes when someone is sick? How often do you think thats going to happen?

Btw, I'm sure you were told about Gliwice's excellent rail and airport infrastructure that can whisk you away to Krakow or Wroclaw in minutes. Think about it, since when does a city advertise itself by telling you how quickly you can get the hell away from it. And don't expect to be doing any weekend hops here and there on that salary.
10 Mar 2013
Travel / Driving in Poland, are there any rules at all? [149]

Not really. It really depends on how Poles want to frame their country. If something's bad and they don't like it and want it to change, everyone starts first by comparing Poland to Western Europe and how backwards and provincial PL is. If it's bad but they all secretly do it and don't want it to change (but want to excuse their bad behavior) then they'll always say that at least Poland is better than Russia or Moldavia. Heard it a million times.
10 Mar 2013
Work / Job Offer in Gliwice at 4000zł – is it enough money? [17]

I've heard that some Polish students can get by with as little as 50 zl per week, but that means no luxury of course.

Nobody can support themselves with 50zl a week, and the word luxury shouldn't even be in the same sentence. Get real.
6 Mar 2013
Polonia / Differences between working culture in Poland and Germany? [5]

Kind of depends on a multitude of factors such as job, position and even location, doesn't it? How could you correlate the work culture of a Polish village mechanic to a German architect working in Munich?

I've worked in both countries and yes, there is a huge difference. In Poland half of your time is spent figuring out what somebody said, where those files are located, who got the email from the client and wondering who is not on vacation or sick leave this week. A lot of procrastination and slacking off (there are a lot of people who feel that working simply involves you physically being there) until the deadline is in two days and then everyone panics and starts.

I've yet to meet a 'manager' in Poland who actually knows how to manage, and many people who are in upper level positions got there only from a) being family/friends with someone even higher up b) whoring themselves out c) blackmail. Cronyism is rife, as is lying and avoiding responsoblity. I've found many professionals in Poland, in comparison to their Western peers, are incredibly provincial and altogether unprofessional and even ignorant of their jobs. I've met many 40 years old with various degrees and work experience who are totally clueless, yet for some reason other people don't see this and they live in some kind of esteemed bubble. Also, many people are paralyzed with fear when considered the aspect that they may be fired or when looking for a job. In the sense they act like children.

In addition, my observations have led me to believe that any kind of business success in Poland requires lying, deceit, theft and of course not paying employees, not paying taxes, and not paying invoices. Unfortunately, this attitude permeates even among low level employees, a de facto rat race. Unfortunately the worst are the nouveau rich businessmen who literally crawled out from some village somewhere, made a ton of money somehow and suddenly think they are walking gods.

On the other hand, Polish workers are more open and friendly with each other, as well as provide a lot of help in times of need and very often meet with each other outside of work. I have to say that is actually a huge huge plus. Germans are very professional and polite but they do put up a wall distancing themselves from you. Rarely I would say do colleagues from work ever turn to friends. The Polish way of doing things means you can either a) work your butt off and make no money or b) make a ton of money doing nothing. In Germany you pretty much have to work very hard no matter what.

So there you go, a few aspects to consider
4 Mar 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying Polish cigarettes in Manchester. [4]

Hi Wayne, welcome to the Internet and the English language.

Please tell me, what are Polish cigarettes? Are they cigarettes produced in Poland? Are they cigarettes bought in Poland? Are they cigarettes that are called "Polish Cigarettes"?

We are all waiting to help you.

The Internet
Member #92883 (Username: pantsless)
4 Feb 2013

No problem, I've got time to waste. Why with you, I dunno, but here ya go:

You got me there. I lie on internet forums to boost my pitiful ego and make up for the fact I have a small penis. I'm in Poland to score with girls that I'd never have a chance with back "home". I make only 2k net and my life consists of bouts of drinking Tesco beer and offering half-assed "conversation lessons".

But your detective skills are impressive - *click* username, *click* Latest Threads. Yes, I have a very old car. In fact, three. I used to teach English in PL. And no baron as of yet, just a house and tentatively planning on buying some farmland.

In conclusion, I don't know what I'm talking about, I make lots of stuff up and I evidently have some inferiority complex that compels me to reply and defend myself to asinine internet forum posts that attack my character.
4 Feb 2013

do it then

You don't me to do your internet foraging.
Now, if that's a car you want to buy, it'll show you're just as big of an idiot as most Poles.

funny, I see Poles dropping hundreds even thousands in one shot.

That's fine, but do clarify, you say that the majority of Poles dropp hundreds and even thousands in one shot while doing clothes shopping in a shopping mall? We are talking about what you see the majority of Poles doing. Ale napewno wchodzisz do galerii i sie gapisz jak stara krowa ;)

oh yes, here we go again...the tanking housing market so expertly described by an English teacher.

I don't teach English, and I do own property in Poland. I am currently in the process of renovating one house and also buying 17 ha of farmland. So what could I know...

Yes, I lie for my benefit, especially when I can be proven wrong. I saw empty stores in Magnolia, Sky Tower, Korona and CH Borek. Galeria Grunwaldska and Dominikańska, no, they are the best located and therefore most profitable.

has it
i dont think so

if it had tanked
i would be buying in cash with pleasure
except it hasnt

Sure it has. Prices have dropped 20% and more and continue to fall. For a seller, you could say the market has tanked. For a buyer, you could say the market hasn't fallen enough. Doesn't matter, the market sucks for everyone, i.e., it has tanked.
1 Feb 2013

And please don't say loans and credit- because that is not accurate either.

Yes, it is.

Law firms, debt collectors and auction houses are raking it in right now, starving graduates are not working as telemarketers anymore, but as debt collectors. Bankruptcies are up by 50% (biznes.onet.pl/kuke-w-2013-r-moze-upasc-ponad-1300-firm,18490, 5410300,1,news-detal). Debt has risen by 11%!! (manager.money.pl/news/artykul/zalegle;dlugi;polakow;na;koniec; 2012;r;ponad;38;mld;zl,206,0,1229006.html)

Who is buying the millions of cars on the roads? There are expensive cars in Poland. These are not all company cars. Who is shopping? Who is buying houses and apartments? Who are taking holidays to the south?

Step outside of your bubble. There is no new car market in Poland. The used car market is at an absolute standstill and truly pathological at the moment. The cars may look expensive, but trust me, they're not. I can find you a 2010 BMW for 50000zl. Guess why. The rest are, in fact, leased. And quite honestly when I go "shopping" I see empty floor space at most malls, a lot of window shopping and teenagers just hanging out. Not much shopping shopping. As for the housing market, well, I don't know why you're asking as everyone knows it's tanked.
11 Jan 2013
Travel / Białka Tatrzanska lodging? [17]

Do you have a link for a story on this matter.

No, I make stuff up all the time. Oh yea, today I'm the Duke of Early, do address me as "your lordship" please you low-classed commoner.


At 7pm I was turning off the A4 to Port Lotniczy Katowice w Pyrzowicach

So was I, A4 up to S1 then to Dabrowa Gornicza.

Me thinks you are taking the ****, if you say there was NO snow.

Where did I say there was "NO snow"? It was snowy as F, and at times quite slippery. Man I really hate this forum sometimes, half the users have their heads so crammed up somewhere that they can't even read correctly, the rest are clueless idiots. You said "nightmare", I said not at all, as I was doing 150kmh the entire time without any problems in a 20 year old car.

Why are you so standoffish? You know you've picked up that Warsaw snobbism, right? I'm not one to stereotype but my god even you live up to the buractwo warszawskie. I hate going to Bialka as it's made up of Russians and Warsawians and you can't really tell the difference who is who...
10 Jan 2013
Travel / Białka Tatrzanska lodging? [17]

Bialka has over 100 snow machines. What is your beef.

Ive got numerous beefs with Bialka, where do you want to start. But in this regard, it's about their illegal appropriation of water to produce artificial snow.

the A4 was a nightmare..

Weird, when I hit the good ol' A4 at 7pm it was a-ok. You might have seen me, I had the oldest car that was going the fastest.
9 Jan 2013
Work / Finding work in Warsaw / Poland as an English private tutor [63]

I will never post my location on this site and neither will I give my real name.

Holy smokes Batman. If you want I'll tell you my real name, location , street address and if I'm circumcised or not. Who the hell cares. At least I feel secure enough where I don't feel threatened by "the internets" or "ex-pats ruining my half-assed game". Peace.
9 Jan 2013
Travel / Białka Tatrzanska lodging? [17]

There will be plenty of snow this year, no need to worry.

Har har har har har har har (look how many times I typed "har"). Sure, the slopes in B.T. had up to 1.5m of snow, but then again their infamous for artifical snowmaking across Poland.

The 1st will not be a nightmare... The 2nd will be a nightmare as Polish kids go back to school on the 3rd.

har har har? the 1st was a nightmare. The 6th was even worse, damn Russians and snow.

it is a nicer setting and you get mountain views.

I can 100% recommend Jurgow.
4 Dec 2012
Law / Clocking cars and importation to Poland [47]

1) How do you prove the car's value? Would a hand written receipt from the seller (if bought privately) at the time of purchase be proof enough?
2) Is the duty (3.8% akczya) on the price I paid or the original " new " price?
3) Where do you get a VAT 25 form from?

1. Yes. You need a bill of sale made out in "contract-form" a not just a piece of a paper saying "car for 4000 pounds" and you signature, even better if the contract was in both English and Polish, you'd save the hassle of getting that guy translated.

2. Well... the price you wrote down in the bill of sale. However, Customs checks Eurotax to see if the price you put in is too low.

3. Urzad Skarbowy where you are zameldowany.

Good luck. You're going to need it. Seriously.

I'm also wondering if your negative experiences in Poland are due to obeying far too many laws that the natives don't obey.

Just the opposite. I "generally" obey the laws most Poles obey, i.e., I certainly don't do 50kmh in a teren zabudowany, but then I don't fly by goiing 120km/h. What gets me is the ones who don't give a rat's ass to any sense of decency or social functioning when driving, as it's a high-risk situation for all. I've started to brake check the ******** who tail me when I'm flying 150km/h on A4. And hard.
21 Nov 2012
News / Qatar Airways opens contact centre in Wroclaw! [27]

by smearing him as much as possible

I don't know why they have to "smear" him or play dirty. All it would take is publishing the budget from last year or tallying up the numbers of how much the stadium actually cost. The opposition is part of the city council. They have access to this info. Why don't they do it? Hmmmm Even Janicki is keeping his mouth shut, and he knows pretty much all there is to know that happened in the past two years. Hmmm I wonder why. Hmmm... hmmm... You don't need to be a rocket scientist here. With Dutkiewicz in town everyone became a winner. These porkers have their fingers so deep in the pie that no one will even dare say a peep.

Wait, do you even know who Janicki is? Do you even know how corrupt the courts are in Wroclaw? Do you even live in Wroclaw?

Edit: You mentioned he's powerful. He's not. But he's got a few heavy backers behind him as long as he toes the line. You can see it by how he laps up everything Solorz did and does.

Great news from today (or actually two days ago), 50% of MPK's buses inspected actually had their registration taken away after a quick check by the ITD. 50%...
21 Nov 2012
News / Qatar Airways opens contact centre in Wroclaw! [27]

And where are those allegations coming from?

Allegations? Facts. What am I, some political lackey? My only interest in getting this guy jailed for what's he's done is because I see how bad the city has become.

A chance perusal of Gazeta Wroclawska ought to provide you with enough details. If you want my list of his gigantic f-ups over the past ahem... 10 years as mayor... just let me know. Here's a short one: the stadium, the NFM, the public transport system, taking credit where it's not due, Urbancard, OpenWroclaw, the roads, misuse of public monies, building up an incredible debt and hiding it under the carpet, cronyism, incompetence, the Dynamicom scandal, absolutely useless investments and public projects (my favorite now is the gondola over the Odra).

No, PO/PiS/PSL/SLD are not afraid of him. In fact I'm flabbergasted that they haven't jumped on every opportunity to nail him for all that's come out in the past month or so. I'd go so far to say that it just shows you how ineffective and pathological local politics really are in Poland. PO actually said they won't even bother running against him in the coming elections.

As for the spending, city mayors have a huge say in what and what doesn't get built and where money is allocated, especially in this case where the reigning party in Wroclaw is named after the mayor...

Oy vey. The problem is that Dutkiewicz was actually competent his first few years as mayor and it's left a positive impression on most individuals who don't really follow what's going on in the city and only look at the few nice shiny flashy things that have popped up here and there. Trust me, underneath that glitter it all stinks to high heavan.
19 Nov 2012
News / Qatar Airways opens contact centre in Wroclaw! [27]

He's doing a great job of it - I always thought that he would make a fantastic President of Poland.

My god. How naive. He basically bankrupted the city of Wroclaw. Cronyism is flourishing. Allegations of corruption are being levelled left and right. Oh yea, "basic infrastructure"? Har har har
17 Nov 2012
Australia / Australian - Polish Passport / Citizenship [10]

Yes, you qualify for citizenship. But instead of asking an internet forum, how about checking the Polish Consulate's website or giving them a call?
13 Nov 2012
Law / How to renounce citizenship of Poland? [7]

Dual citizenship does not disqualify you from getting a security clearance.

And considering the advantages of having Polish/EU citizenship (and the hassle of trying to get it back in a later point in time, if even possible), I feel its silly to give up something as serious as citizenship for a one-time project.