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Posts by RonWest  

Joined: 6 Jan 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2011
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 120 / In This Archive: 89
From: USA San Francisco
Speaks Polish?: A little bit
Interests: Food, Travel, Wine, Vodka, Beer, Fishing, Golf, Old Cars

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5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

If you compare the programs and goals of these three parties - You'll see that apart from symbols and slogans - there is no real difference. There is no liberal, centre, or right-wing party in Poland at this moment.

Excellent post! Thanks for clearing it up.
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

A liberal. Good choice,

Well let's just hope it's a better choice than the liberal idiot we put in office here in the U.S. a year and a half ago. Hopefully a Polish liberal has more common sense than an American liberal!
1 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / Better life in USA or Canada? - expats opinions and your comparison [143]

the community organiser is better then what we had the last 8 years, that is for sure.. and he is doing ok

From the day Obama took office last year to the end of this fiscal year (which ends today), according to the Office of Management and Budget, the national debt will grow by $3.3 trillion. In just 20 months, Obama has created as much debt as Bush ran up in his entire eight years. His spending plan that was approved by Congress last February calls for doubling the national debt in five years and almost tripling it in 10.

I guess you do not have any children....???????
30 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / polish people in usa that wanted germany to win [34]

i have noticed alot of polish people in usa and not only poles but alot of people say alot sometimes i wish germany won the war has anyone heard them say that before? lol

Never heard that.......what circle of people do you hang with????
30 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / Better life in USA or Canada? - expats opinions and your comparison [143]

and it gets worse.. the christian right is rather messed up over here.. how do you think bush got "elected" 2 times?

Actually I was disgusted with the poster. I would give anything to have Bush back. Voter remorse is very strong as all you Idealistic bufoons who voted in a "Community Organizer" to the highest office in the land are burying your heads in the sand as the annointed one's approval ratings plummet daily. It's Jimmy Carter on steroids!!!!!!!!!
17 Apr 2010
Food / Bread Baking in Poland [65]

And our Sourdough here in San Francisco is outstanding

You're exagerating, the sourdough is nothing like it used to be. Boudin used to be awesome but after Colombo bought them out along with Parisian and Toscana the breads took on a mass produced commercilaized flair and even ended up being operated by some Kansaa City outfit. If you're aware of a really good sourdough in the bay area that is like the sourdough we used to get 25 years ago, please advise!!!!!!
9 Apr 2010
Love / Hi Guys Iam British And i am went out a polish girl twice [28]

Hi Guys Iam British And i am went out a polish girl twice and i dont know whats the next step with her , i like her a lot but i dont know how to tell her about my feelings
i live her in warsaw and so is she..

Uh, yeah...right.
9 Apr 2010
USA, Canada / Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list......... [144]

Reasons I love America:
Bill O'Reilly
Lou Dobbs
Mark Levin
Sean Hannity
Michael Savage
Michelle Malkin
Charles Krauthammer
Glenn Beck
Dick Morris

Reasons I hate America:
Barack Osama
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reed
Charles Rangle
Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews

And every other seditious left-wing wacko lib who is doing their best to bring this country down.

BTW, My Polish wife agrees 100% and can't believe she ran away from communism only to see it rear it's ugly head over here.
30 Mar 2010
Love / Polish girls attitudes towards sex. [568]

and other men come along who act like they're dying to be with you.

...who really only have one agenda...........duhhhhhh.
16 Mar 2010
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

because we have an idiot culture and are without a doubt the laziest country in the world.

Speak for yourself, sure am glad I do not live in N. Carolina. I quite like the culture and so do all my hard working friends ( where we live, anyway).
14 Mar 2010
News / Did you know that Polish army is the weakest in Central Europe?.. [150]

Our politician-prostitutes put all their faith in NATO, which supposedly is ready to defend us in every critical situation.

Which probably was a good Idea until the sheeple in the US elected the World Saviour, Barry Hussein Obama. Now where does that leave Poland? Sh*t out of luck. I hope not too many of your youth were in the big crowd at the Brandenburg Gate last year bowing down to the great one.

It makes many of us here in the U.S. sick to see how he has turned his back on Poland. I agree however that Poland should build up it's military.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

There is a simple answer to all this. Stop letting the eastern europeans into the UK in such numbers and send home all those who are not contributing anything else to Britain that cannot be contributed by the brits themselves.

What a dork!
25 Feb 2010

I have no reason for doubting you. NBC is a despicable, useless network.
20 Feb 2010
Life / Polish culture do's and dont's? [106]

I have to agree with this one. I was shocked at first in US, when I saw young punks on the subway, sitting and not giving up a seat to a little old lady or a man holding to a rail for their dear life, or a woman looking like she is nine months pregnent...cultural, I guess

Or just products of their upbringing. A shame, indeed.